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Needle Cathodes for RF Guns

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Presentation on theme: "Needle Cathodes for RF Guns"— Presentation transcript:

1 Needle Cathodes for RF Guns
John Lewellen Argonne National Laboratory Charles Brau Vanderbilt University

2 Applications of Interest
SASE-FEL devices and variants thereof various beam energies various operating wavelengths Energy Recovery Linacs Linear Colliders …and so forth…

3 Beam Properties Bunch Charge Peak Current Bunch Length Longitudinal
Emittance Beam Brightness Energy Spread Spot Size Transverse Emittance Spot Divergence

4 Measures of Brightness
* Normalized Brightness: Pierce parameter: SASE-FEL gain is proportional to r * Martin Reiser, Theory and Design of Charged Particle Beams

5 To Increase Brightness…
Increase the Bunch Charge Decrease the Bunch Length Decrease the Emittance

6 Other Considerations Beam Average Power Beam Halo Power
Aperture Clearance Ratio Longitudinal Wakes Transverse Wakes CSR “Wakes”

7 Thus… Decreasing the emittance is the preferred route
Increasing the charge increases many deleterious effects Decreasing the emittance reduces many deleterious effects Decreasing the emittance is the preferred route So long as emittance goes down faster than charge, you win Even if emittance and charge go down together, you may still win

8 Why a Needle Cathode? Gradient Enhancement Lower Emittance

9 Gradient Enhancement Eo a b

10 p-Mode Gun Design

11 Design Details Recessed needle holder Bulk cavity differences
reduced rf fields around the base needle tip even with normal backplane Bulk cavity differences outer cell radii changed to maintain field balance, frequency slightly reduced shunt impedance

12 Simulation Details Rapid changes in length scales
Model gun using three separate “cells” Verify field continuity Consider particle “size” (for GPT 3-d space-charge) Use as many auto-scaling features as the sim. code permits

13 On-Axis Field Comparison
200mm flat top radius, 300mm needle radius “Effective” needle height is ~ 1.3mm

14 How Good Must It Get? “Conventional” Gun “1st-cut” Needle Gun Q ~ 1 nC
tb ~ 10 ps en ~ 1 mm Q ~ 20 pC tb ~ 2.8 ps en ~ 0.14 mm

15 What Next? Try alternate gun geometries (e.g. higher-order-mode)
Radius the cathode for higher field Check results with other simulation codes (e.g. GPT) Improved optimization routines Optimization including field maps

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