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NW National Marine Renewable Energy Center University of Washington Georgia Basin Puget Sound Ecosystem Conference.

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1 NW National Marine Renewable Energy Center University of Washington Georgia Basin Puget Sound Ecosystem Conference Tidal Energy Session February 9, 2009

2 A partnership of OSU and UW to support wave and tidal energy development
Oregon State University: Headquarters and Director (Bob Paasch) Focus on Wave Energy College of Engineering, Oceanography, Hatfield Marine Sciences Center University of Washington: Co-Director (Phil Malte) Focus on Tidal Energy Mechanical Engineering, Oceanography, Applied Physics Laboratory Industry Partners: Snohomish PUD, BioSonics, PNWER, Verdant Power, EPRI, Sound & Sea Tech.

3 M2 amplitude change (cm)
Area 1: Impact Modeling M. Kawase (UW-SO), B. Polagye (UW-ME), K. Thyng (UW-ME) 1D Channel Model R/V Jack Robertson M2 amplitude change (cm)

4 J. Thomson (UW-APL), B. Polagye (UW-ME)
Area 2: Mobile Testing J. Thomson (UW-APL), B. Polagye (UW-ME) R/V Jack Robertson Field measurements (surveys + stationary) to inform: Site developers – resource and site characteristics Device developers – device performance Regulators – near-field effects

5 Area 3: Array Optimization
A. Aliseda (UW-ME), J. Riley (UW-ME) Wave-Current Flume: Experimental studies of device wakes. R/V Jack Robertson Computer Cluster: Parallel simulations of array performance.

6 Area 4: Reliability/Survivability
M. Tuttle (UW-ME) Composite materials for use in tidal energy systems: Identification of composite materials that minimize bio-fouling and corrosion Estimation of long-term durability of composites in salt water Studies of composite structural design options Fabrication and testing of prototype composite structures

7 (Area 5): Information Clearinghouse
There is limited information in the public domain: Repetition of effort between projects Repetition of mistakes by different developers Both Centers have been asked to develop intellectual property (IP) management plans: Share testing data in a way that does not compromise industrial partners Avoid repetition of effort Keep everyone better informed

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