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Chapter 7: Protective Sports Equipment

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1 Chapter 7: Protective Sports Equipment

2 Selection, fitting and maintenance of protective equipment are critical in injury prevention
Athletic trainers must have knowledge of protective equipment available for different sports and proper fitting procedures Protection is critical in contact and collision sports

3 Safety Standards for Equipment and Facilities
Concerns relative to materials, durability, establishment of standards, manufacturing, testing methods, and requirements for use Must be in place relative to maintenance Concern should be protective ability not appearance of equipment A number of groups and agencies are involved in standardizing sports equipment and facilities

4 Legal Concerns Increasing amount of litigation regarding equipment
Must foresee all uses and misuses and warn user against potential risks inherent in equipment misuse If equipment results in injury due to defect or inadequacy for intended use manufacturer is liable If equipment is modified --modifier becomes liable

5 To avoid litigation, athletic trainer should follow specific use instructions of equipment exactly
If the athletic trainer’s modification results in injury the ATC and the institution are subject to a suit (tort)

6 Equipment Reconditioning and Recertification
National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment established voluntary testing standards in an effort to reduce head injuries Established for football helmets, baseball/softball helmets, lacrosse helmets/facemasks Takes into consideration type of helmet and amount of and intensity of usage

7 NOCSAE helmet standard
Not a warranty Indicates that helmet met requirements of performance tests when manufactured/re-conditioned Helmets should undergo regular recertification and reconditioning Will allow equipment to meet necessary standards for multiple seasons

8 Off the Shelf vs. Custom Protective Equipment
Off the shelf equipment Pre-made and packaged Can be used immediately Neoprene sleeves, inserts, ankle braces May pose problem relative to sizing Customized equipment Constructed according to the individual Specifically sized and designed for protective and supportive needs

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