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Presentation on theme: "SUPPORT SERVICES SECTION"— Presentation transcript:

The Support Services Section have been developed by the Division of Developmental Disabilities in partnership with the Conflict Free Case Management subcommittee of the Financial Workgroup and Therap Services. November 2017

2 Click on the “Add Services Support” link in Blue:

3 For CHOICES Waiver Supports, they should be entered in one at a time
For CHOICES Waiver Supports, they should be entered in one at a time. In the text box next to “Typical Daily Schedule” write down the weekly schedule for each service. Include alone time for residential services, hours of support, etc.: Other examples of typically weekly schedule : Day Habilitation: 15 paid hours: Monday-Friday 10am-1pm 5 non-paid hours: Monday-Friday 4pm-5pm Medical equipment and drugs: Vitamins per doctor prescription: monthly as needed

4 Click on “Add Service Provider”:

5 Click on the grey “Search” Button:

6 Click the blue “Add” link next to the CSP who provides this service to this individual:

7 Find the appropriate service from the list provided and put a check in the empty box next to it and press the “Done” button.

8 Repeat this for each and every Waiver Service, including Case Management (Case Management doesn’t require a schedule):

9 For Non-Waiver Service, no schedule is required either
For Non-Waiver Service, no schedule is required either. Add the “Non-Waiver” Account from the provider list:

10 Add all the Non-Waiver Services that the person receives and press “Done”:

11 Click “Done” again:

12 Once you have completed adding all the Waiver Services including Case Management and all Non-Waiver Services, the ISP should look like this:

13 ? ? ? Questions: Noemi Borcea :


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