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Intro to Cells & Prokaryotic cells

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1 Intro to Cells & Prokaryotic cells
Unit 3 – The Cell

2 Review What is a cell? A cell is the smallest unit that is capable of performing life functions. One of the characteristics of life is being made up of units called cells. Organisms may be: Unicellular: made of 1 cell Multicellular: made of many specialized cells

3 Who saw them first? Robert Hooke in 1665, was the first person to use the word "cell" to identify microscopic structures when he was describing cork.

4 Background Anton Van Leeuwenhoek :
Father of Microbiology, created the first microscope. Matthias Schleiden ( 1830’s) All plants are composed of cells. Theodor Schwann (1831) All animals are made of cells. Rudolf Virchow (1858) Found that every cell comes from a pre-existing cell.

5 Cell Theory 1. All organism are made up of cells 2. A cell is the structural and functional unit of organs and ultimately, organisms. 3. Cells are capable of self – reproduction and cells come only from pre-existing cells

6 Cell Types Prokaryotic Eukaryotic No Nucleus Nucleus

7 Eukaryotic vs. Prokaryotic similarities
Vesicles DNA present Ribosomes Vacuole Cell wall Cytoplasm Plasma membrane Vesicles DNA present Ribosomes Vacuole Cell wall (some) Cytoplasm Plasma membrane

8 Eukaryotic vs. Prokaryotic differences
NO nucleus No membrane bound organelles (mitochondria, lysosomes, ER, gogi body etc.) No chromosomes (plasmids) No chloroplast (chlorophyll scattered in cell) Unicellular ~1-10 um Nucleus Membrane bound organelles (mitochondria, lysosomes, ER, gogi body etc.) Chromosomes Chloroplast (some) Mostly multicellular ~ um

9 Prokaryotic Cell Parts
Flagellum – move the bacterium in a fluid medium Cytoplasm – a semifluid medium that make up the majority of the cell Ribosomes – responsible for making proteins Nucleiod – where the DNA is located Capsule – gelationous sheath called a slime layer that surrounds the cell wall Cell Well – gives the cell its shape Plasma Membrane – regulates the movement of molecules into and out of the cytoplasm. Plasmid – external single DNA molecule Pili – hairlike structure used in bacterial conjugation (sharing of genetic material.

10 Prokaryotic Cell Parts

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