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Places for People Strategy A3 Workshop

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Presentation on theme: "Places for People Strategy A3 Workshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 Places for People Strategy A3 Workshop
Tuesday August 2, 2016 Agenda: 8:00 – Introductions and Overview 8:30 – Review PfP Level 1 A3 9:00 – Breakout work on PfP Level 2 A3 10:30 – Report out and wrap up 11:00 - End

2 Basic Instructions This template makes updating the A3 easy
Make all edits in the individual box 1 through 9 slides On the A3, slide 11, right click on any one of the 9 boxes and click “Update Link” Each box will reflect the latest changes to the individual slides without cutting and pasting When the file is opened after being saved, it will prompt one to update the links. It is not necessary to do so unless you have made edits prior to closing and did not update the individual boxes as noted above. If you do update at this time, it will take longer to open the file Additional information can be entered on slide 11(the A3) such as; A3 title, team members, leader, sensei, dates, etc. Box status (Red-Green) is also editable on slide 11 (The A3)

3 Development/Marketing
Box 1: Reason for the Change We have just revisited our 3 year strategic plan and will need to address several areas for improvement and alignment: Clinical processes Business processes Data and metrics Culture – staff well-being education and retention Rebrand Places for People so that our external stakeholders understand and appreciate our strengths and unique value proposition. In scope: Human resources Development/Marketing Clinical processes Business processes Out of scope: 3 year strategy

4 Our team members are dedicated and committed to our clients and PfP.
Box 2: Initial/Current State Our team members are dedicated and committed to our clients and PfP. NOTE: include survey results here Do we have a common vision of what “good” looks like? We could improve our communication both internally and externally. We have made great strides in coordinating our efforts to provide a holistic service to our clients, but there is still room to improve. We have various forms of data and quality measures. We could do more to address “siloed thinking” between departments/functions. NOTE: What metrics do we currently have/use? Include them here? What do we consider important today? How does that relate to our Target state strategic vision?

5 Vision Summary Core Competencies What key metrics will we include?
Box 3: Target/Future State Vision Summary What key metrics will we include? Core Competencies Proactive, community-based behavioral health services (We don’t wait for client to come to us. We go out to them.) Our commitment to anchoring our services in behavioral science and evidence-based practices (We were an early adopter.) Serving those with the greatest behavioral health needs (with behavioral health, medical health, finding housing, finding employment) We are integrators. Our uncommonly deep commitment to our clients’ well-being and sense of accountability to them, which enables us to more consistently earn their trust Developing/testing new treatment/service protocols Our agility, which makes us a sought-after partner because of our ability to move quickly (Our agility stems from our significant staff expertise and experience with change.)

6 Implement Strategic Plan
Box 4: Gap Analysis Purpose People Facilities Need to improve communication Lack a facilities plan to support the strategy Strategy needs to be communicated and understood Lack adequate space for team members to support clients Lack a cohesive career pathing model Current facilities need updating Strengthen the common vision and rallying point Continue to strengthen succession planning model Lack of synchronicity Implement Strategic Plan Varied processes that could link together better Don’t know what good looks like What does our technology road map look like? Do we adequately support our mobile staff? What should we measure and whyhow? How can we use technology to help us provide better care? Process Technology

7 In our Target Market Box 5: Solution Approach
Those with multi-diagnoses and mental health disorders “Non-responders” (Individuals who have not positively responded to prior treatment People thrown out of other providers (perhaps aggressive, reclusive,...) Within STL City and County (Service Area) Those from lower socio-economic backgrounds who lack access to other resources (Over 95% served live below federal poverty level Medicaid-eligible Mostly 18+ (currently developing capacity to provide services across the lifespan) Those least likely to voluntarily present or demand the services we provide Wave 1 Retool our systems, structure and culture to fully realize our vision of being a specialized Health Care Organization providing integrated and individualized care management to our clients. Implement the necessary technology, training and workflow to enable us to clearly define and consistently measure quality (or “outcomes”) in all our program areas. Support the staff by further investing in an outstanding work environment and improving agency communications. Wave 2 Update our program portfolio (consistent with our program review) refocusing resources on those programs most consist with our mission, core competencies, and financial sustainability. Aligned with the priority above, rebrand PfP so that our external stakeholders understand and appreciate our strengths and unique value proposition. Develop and execute our plan for growing our earned revenue and serving more clients. Develop a functional facility plan conducive to continued growth, and test PfP’s readiness for a capital campaign.

8 Box 6: Rapid Experiment Experiment Anticipated Effect Actual Effect
Follow up Action Retool our systems, structure and culture to fully realize our vision of being a specialized Health Care Organization providing integrated and individualized care management to our clients. Implement the necessary technology, training and workflow to enable us to clearly define and consistently measure quality (or “outcomes” in all our program offerings. Consistent process maps aligned to the strategy in all areas of the agency. Consistent measures of success. Data model that reflects the desired quality and outcome measures Support staff by further investing in an outstanding work environment and improving agency communications. Understanding of top issues of concern and/or opportunity with staff Gain understanding of best practices Clearly defined communication/education plan

9 Box 7: Completion Plan Event Project JDI Stop it issue who
Due date or Launch Date Status

10 Weeks & 30-60-90 day - Improvement cycle following RIE
Box 8: Confirmed State Client-Related Client ‘graduations’ and/or progress towards greater independence/potential/ functioning Time between acute illness Ratings on 9 physical health and 12 mental health indicators [growth in number of clients served] Internal Staff retention Staff health Staff participation in professional development Increased clients/practitioner (efficiency) Revenue cycle management Reserves External # of requests from providers/partners for training or consultation The table below just needs to highlight if the measure in box 8 is red or green Goals/KPIs (to be quantified) Weeks & day - Improvement cycle following RIE Metric +1 +2 +3 30 day +5 +6 +7 60 day +8 +9 +10 90 day A B C D Comments

11 Actions: Therefore We Should? Enter
Box 9 Insights What went well? Enter What did not go well? Enter Actions: Therefore We Should? Enter What Helped? Enter What Hindered? Enter

12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Event Date: 7-31-2016 Revision: 1
Title: Places for People year strategy A3 Team Members: Zawier, McCallister, Greenfield Facilitator: Sked Sponsor: Yancey Team Leader: Sensei: Rhoads Event Date: Revision: 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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