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Datums and Coordinate Systems

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1 Datums and Coordinate Systems
Lecture 3 cont’d Datums and Coordinate Systems

2 Reference Datum Is a known and constant surface which can be used to describe the location of unknown points (in x, y and z)

3 Reference Datums 2 components: Horizontal datum:
origin (X,Y) and orientation of a datum defined by the size and shape of an ellipsoid Vertical datum: the reference surface for height E.g. Global Positioning system is based on the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS-84)

4 Example: NORTH AMERICAN DATUM OF 1927 based on Clarke 1980 Ellipsoid
World Geodetic System (WGS84) based on GRS 1980 Ellipsoid

5 Datum shifts

6 Coordinate Systems provide a spatial referencing system to locate points on the earth surface spherical coordinate system coordinates that describe locations on a sphere planar coordinate system coordinates that describe locations within a two dimensional Cartesian space

7 Planar Coordinate Systems
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) units in meters transverse cylindrical projection 60 vertical zones cover globe northing in meters from equator easting in meters from false origin 500,000 meters west of zone central meridian


9 Planar Coordinate Systems
United States State Plane Coordinate System units in feet projection in Transverse Mercator or Lambert’s conformal conic tied to U.S. datum one or more zones for each state with a false origin southwest of the zone

10 Planar Coordinate Systems
United States State Plane Coordinate System

11 Spherical Coordinate Systems
latitude and longitude parallel: lines parallel to equator meridian: lines going from pole to pole

12 Planar Coordinate Systems
Prime Meridian 1 ● (x,y) Equator - 1 +

13 Planar Coordinate Systems
rectangular grid with X and Y axes X: easting Y: northing point is defined by X,Y coordinate

14 W E N S

15 How does this look in ArcGIS?
You have the option of choosing either a pre-defined Datum or an Ellipsoid as your reference surface Recommendation: use a DATUM Example: how to project a coverage in ArcToolbox

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