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Analysis of demographical and economical statistical data on the basis of a trans-national hierarchical grid Igor Kuzma Statistical Office of the Republic.

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Presentation on theme: "Analysis of demographical and economical statistical data on the basis of a trans-national hierarchical grid Igor Kuzma Statistical Office of the Republic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analysis of demographical and economical statistical data on the basis of a trans-national hierarchical grid Igor Kuzma Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Ingrid Kaminger STATISTIK AUSTRIA

2 Hierarchical grid at STATISTIK AUSTRIA
Main Projection system for statistical data on a hierarchical grid : Lambert Conformal Conic Seven different levels of grid cells – 10km, 5km, 2.5km, 1km, 500m, 250m, 125m Available data: Census 2001 (population, buildings, dwellings, employment Data protection threshold: All grids: absolute numbers are shown without restraint Grids 250m to 10km: more detailed data only if population > 30 houses, dwellings >3

3 Hierarchical grid at the Statistical Office of
the Republic of Slovenia Tendency to analyze and present statistical data on a hierarchical grid Six different size levels of grid cells – 10km, 5km, 1km, 500m, 250m, 100m Available population and economical statistical data The data protection threshold for presenting data on any level of a grid is 51 (committee for data protection)

4 Cooperation with Statistik Austria
Spatial statistical data from the Census 2001 (Population, Buildings, Dwellings, Employment) are already available to their customers on different levels of a grid Similar general attitude towards the data protection The Slovene initiative for the project: Exchange of the data in the Region (Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Italy, Slovenia) Trans-boundary data analysis: Creation of a hierarchical grid (UTM projection, Zone 33, fixed point: 15°E, 5100km north of Equator) Harmonization of statistical data



7 Territorial Divisions
Administrative Units unequal shapes unequal sizes Misinterpretation of data Grids regularly divisible equal size adaptable to the scale of the map "neutral" territorial division EUROSTAT DEFINITION: Densely populated area: contiguous set of local areas, each of which has a density >500 I/km² and where the total population for the set is at least inhabitants. Intermediate area: contiguous set of local areas, not belonging to the densely populated area, each of which has a density >100 I/km², and either with a total population for the set of at least inhabitants or adjacent to a densely populated area. Thinly populated area: contiguous set of local areas, neither belonging to a densely populated area nor to an intermediate area. --> Suggestion for the definition of densely populated areas on the basis of grids

8 Definition of densely populated areas based on LAU2 Units

9 Definition of densely populated areas based on 2.5km Grids

10 5% > young 5-10% mature 10-20% old 20% < very old
Austria, Slovenia – Proportion of population above 65 (%), 2001, 2002 5% > young 5-10% mature 10-20% old 20% < very old

11 Austria, Slovenia – Total age dependency ratio (%), 2001, 2002

12 Austria, Slovenia – Sectoral employment, 2001

13 SLOVENIA: data protection
Table1: % of suppressed data considering the data protection threshold 3 and 51

14 SLOVENIA: data protection
6,935 km2

15 SLOVENIA: data protection

16 SLOVENIA: data protection

17 SLOVENIA: data protection

18 Conclusions An example for other similar projects among MS
A good starting point for the “Exchange of the data in the Region” project Groundwork for future cooperation: Education Nationality Higher accuracy (smaller grid, lower data protection threshold) Employees (sex) Education (sex) 500 m grid for border regions

19 Thank you for your attention!

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