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Lesson 3- Weathering Processes

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1 Lesson 3- Weathering Processes
Lesson Objective: To understand the physical processes which act on coastal geology to create distinctive coastal landforms

2 Starter- name that feature!









11 Features caused by deposition and transportation
Reminder- what is the process of Longshore Drift? Now we know how LSD works- we can learn about what it creates spits, beaches and bars. Definition alert!! Deposition occurs in sheltered areas where the build-up of sand and shingle is greater than its removal. The most common coastal depositional feature is the beach Transportation where material is picked up and transported from one place to another. Usually with the flow of water.

12 How are spits and bars formed?
Task: Draw and label a spit. Use page 74 of the text book to explain how a spit can develop into a bar. Spits are sand or pebble beaches joined to the land at one end. They are features of coastal deposition and tend to be formed by longshore drift. Most extend at a gentle angle out to sea or grow across a river mouth. Many spits have a hooked or curved end. The shallow sheltered area behind the spit fills with mud. This is called a salt marsh. Spits develop in places where: Longshore drift moves large amounts if material along the beach. There is a sudden change of direction of the coastline. The sea is shallow, sheltered and calm.

13 Weathering Use page 74 of your text book to find out what these types of weathering are: Mechanical Weathering Chemical Weathering Biological Weathering Sub-aerial processes

14 Mass Movement The coast can also change shape by processes of mass movement; this includes: Rock falls Slumping of cliffs

15 Which other factors affect coastlines?
You have seen all the physical ways in which coasts are affected. How else could the coast be affected? Discuss with your partner and then share ideas with the class. Changing sea levels and storm activity Storms at sea Climate change flood risk Read page 75 and under the 3 headings above add at least 5 bullet points to explain how they can also affect the coastline

16 Plenary RAG your understanding of the unit so far.
In your book RAG your understanding and ability to answer the following questions: Would you be able to explain a process of transportation? Would you be able to explain the role of erosion in changing coastal landscapes? Would you be able to describe different types of waves and how they are formed? Would you be able to link the impacts of climate change?

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