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Presentation on theme: "THE COMMON DENOMINATOR AND OVERALL AIM OF THE IJS PROGRAM"— Presentation transcript:

The Integrated Justice System’s overall aim, based on the common denominator between the Departments, is to manage the Person (the offender, victim and witnesses), the associated Case (crime) and the exhibits more effectively and efficiently through the justice process to ensure Justice with EASE (Effective, Accessible, Swift and Efficient).

In November 1997, with facilitation of BAC, the Mulweli Consortium, consisting of inter alia global companies (IBM & TRW), eight South African Companies and the Australian based Victoria Police was awarded a tender to design the IJS Program. They involved 1200 governmental officials working in the four Justice Cluster Departments in 130 work sessions studying the interfaces between the different departments according to the process flow above. The approach was to : 3.1 Analyse the current situation. 3.2 Identify Issues and blockages that hampered the functioning of the CJS. 3.3 Apply international best practices to be used as basis for transformation. 3.4 Identify solutions to all issues and blockages 3.5 Incorporate recommendations in the “to be” Criminal Justice System 3.6 Classification and prioritising the solutions. 3.7 Costing the proposed projects

3 Integrated Justice System Steering Mechanism Technology Infrastructure
Victim Management Other Departments Integrated Justice System Steering Mechanism Crime Reporting / Investigation System Arrest Processing Prosecution Management Adjudication Incarceration Community Supervision Services provided for the Justice Enterprise DEPARTMENTS AND CORE PROCESSES They identified 6 core business processes that is common to all Criminal Justice Systems in the world. The processes impact on all the roleplayers and stretch over the total process of dealing with criminals in the CJS. These core processes are: Crime reporting Arrest and keep secure for adjudication Prosecution Adjudication Incarceration Reintegration. 2. They identified 146 Issues and blockages in the “As Is” situation and developed 128 solutions to those blockages by creating an “Justice Enterprise Architecture”. 3. That architecture would be built through 6 cross cuting “Enterprise level projects. Five of the Enterprise Level projects dealt with the business processes within the Criminal Justice cluster whilst the sixth one comprised of a Technology Infrastructure to support the business processes. Identification Services Criminal history information Docket Management Event Notification Management Information Technology Infrastructure

4 SOLUTION MATRIX A workplan was developed to build towards the enterprise “To Be” situation. The workplan provided for quick wins as “Quick Fix” projects(3 to 6 months), “Fast Track” projects (6 to 18 months) and the “Enterprise” projects that could be achieved in 5 years.

MEASUREMENT Effective Justice Conviction Rate Accessible Justice Stakeholder Perception Swift Justice Cycle Time Efficient Justice Cost Input/Output Ratio JUSTICE WITH EASE Headline Targets were identified to measure and monitor progress towards the ideal “To Be” situation. It is called Justice with EASE as illustrated in the slide above and consists of: EFECTIVE JUSTICE measured by conviction rate ACCESSIBLE JUSTICE measured by stakeholder perception SWIFT JUSTICE measured by cycle time Efficient Justice measured by Input/Output Ratios

6 Integrated Court Management
Growing from a Awaiting Trial Prisoner Project to the Integrated Court Management System (ICMS) *Automated Integrated Case Flow Management System Court Process System ICMS Version 0 Integrated Court Management Model *Redefinition of Roles IJS Court Centres Reduce case cycle time AWAITING TRIAL PRISONER PROJECT (ATP) One of the projects wherein the Department of Correctional Services played a pivotal role was the Awaiting Trial Prisoner Project. The main objective of this project was to reduce the numbers of awaiting trial prisoners detained in prisons by expediting the casses of those awaiing trial and revisiting the conditions of bail for those petty offenders that cannot aford to pay their bail. Success was achieved through enhancing the interdepartmental teamwork and cooperation at local court level. The aim was not to do explore new avenues but rather to promote the utilisation of existing processes by bringing all the role-players together and thrash out issues and blockages. The project was piloted at a few sites impacting on more than 70% of those cases that were reviewed. Due to the fact that ATPs formed approximately 10% of the court roll, it was decided to widen the scope of the project to cover all cases on the court roll. These projects provide excellent results and paves the way for automation to follow. Known as The Integrated Justice Court Centres (IJCC), it has thus far been implemented at 33 district courts and is being roled out in all provinces. The focus of the IJCC is to enhance court roll management and thereby accelerate court processes to obtain Justice with EASE. ATPs and children are priority streams that receive special attention and DCS members in the IJCC ensure that focus and attention. A further spin-off of the ATP project was the institution of the Integrated Court Management Model. This model separated the function of the Judiciary and the day tot day management of courts. It loosened the hands of the judiciary and prosecuting authorities to focus their attention on their professional function whilst leaving the day to day management of courts to other departmental officials. This development is a quantum leap forward towards an improved team effort with Service Level Agreements between stakeholders to ensure court performance. That in itself demands extreme empowerment and goodwill from all sectors within the department of Justice and the other departments in the JCPS cluster. To enable this quantum leap to be assimilated and maintained at a high level, the Criminal Justice Strengthening Programme (CJSP) funded by USAID and managed by BAC was launched and this project has been named Re aga boswa as the leading project in rebuilding the way that our courts function. The “RE AGA BOSWA” (we rebuild) was formally launched in Durban on the 31st of January It integrates changed work processes and procedures, Court Service Delivery Improvement projects (e.g. the IJCC, Court MIS, a DOJ Operations Centre and local improvement projects) and the lessons being learned from the Court Process Pilot project in Durban into an integrated Court Management framework and Model that will be rolled out nationally. Awaiting Trial Prisoner Project Reduce average detention cycle time of ATP’S

ITEM ACHIEVEMENTS Decentralisation of CRIM to 69 of the selected 70 LCRC’s for obtaining previous records completed. Waiting period reduced with 62 days (97-35) AFIS identification time of fingerprints. Being reduced from 97 days to less than 48 hours. Other major achivements of the IJS especially through the sub programme Identicfication Services ar portrayed above.

8 IJS 2000 PLUS VISION Architecture Information Technology
Infrastructure Virtual Private Network Identification Services IJS 2000 PLUS VISION All the events served to conceptualise IJS 2000 plus vision that migrated from the original 128 projects identified by the Mulweli consortiun to the six sub programmes in the slide above. The Deparment of Correctional Services together with its other IJS partners in the IJS Board effectuated this migration from a conceptual framework to implemention. ARCHITECTURE This project is to provide the justice cluster with a single and common architecture for the development of the integrated justice system. Existing systems are taken into account. This project is a crucial requirement for the successful realization of the IJS vision. Parallel to this, departmental architectures are being aligned to ensure transverse interoperability. 2. IT INFRASTRUCTURE This project will allow users access to electronic infrastructure. This project was allocated to all departments who caters for its own technological needs within its invformation technology plan. 3. A VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORK (VPN) for the four departments This is to provide a secure and stable network. 4. IDENTIFICATION SERVICES This system will provide a common method of identifying and storing information relating to offenders, exhibits and other key business requirements. 5. INTEGRATED CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM This system extends the Court Process Pilot Project and deals with the management of cases through the system. This system consists of the essential functionalities required within the IJS and is referred to as the “Mini IJS”. Key functionalities include the management of the case docket, workflow management, resource scheduling, event notification and essential business Intelligence. The Inmate Tracking Project falls within the ambit of this sub programme. 6. BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE The scope of this project includes the establishment of an automated system to provide critical information to measure and manage the IJS. Integrated Case Management System Business Intelligence

9 BAC Support Strategy Performance Time Focus Sustain Performance
Improvement Lift Performance Create capacity Transfer skills Target Higher 2 x Thrusts Earlier Withdraw Performance The BAC Suport Strategy is llustrated in the graph above. The main focus of the BAC Strategty is to provide capacity to government without taking ownership of governments responsibility but rather to enable government to assimilate the skills provided and drive the project to it’s cionclusion. When this point has been reached by means of skills and support transfer and sustainability has been ensured, BAC withdraws. This point with regards to the six IJS sub programmes has been reached and BAC is in withdrawal process. The IJS programme has been institutionalised in the form of a governmental IJS Programme Director and support office. Sustainability has been ensured by leaving behind certain specialised human resources as was requested by the IJS Board and individual IJS Departments. Initial Time

10 Court Service Delivery Improvement Program (in IJS Value Chain)
Court SDIP Court Service Delivery Improvement Program (in IJS Value Chain) DSD SAPS DoJ DCS Crime Report Arrest Prose- cution Adjudi- cation Incarce- ration Re-inte- gration RE AGA BOSWA Integrated Case Flow Management Decentralised Court Support Services Organisation & People Development IJS Business Intelligence IJS Business Intelligence Court SDIP Ops Centre Management Through Information Integrated Operational Management IJS Court Centres Court MIS Other Local Im- provement Projects Support and Analysis Framework Business and NGO’s

11 Integration Challenge

12 IJS Value Chain

13 Re Aga Boswa

14 Role clarification Provincial & Area Management structures and accountability established Court Management Judiciary Prosecutorial Community

15 Governance

16 Court SDIP

17 Court MIS implemented Court Performance Measures integrated
Court MIS integrated into IJS BI


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