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By 5th Grade Fort Riley Elementary

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1 By 5th Grade Fort Riley Elementary

2 Where Cougars are Found
They are found in British Columbia and Southern Canada.They are also located in New England, Appalachian Mountains, California, Florida and New Mexico.

3 Colors Cougars can be gray or tawny. They use their colors for camouflage.

4 What and When Cougars Hunt
The cougar hunt at night. They hunt deer, sheep, antelope, rodents, rabbits and hares.

5 AKA… The cougar is also known as mountain lion, puma, catamount and panther.

6 Who Hates Them??? Ranchers think cougars as pests because they eat the cows and animals.

7 Their Unlikely To… Cougars are unlikely to eat or attack people.

8 Poachers!!! Poachers hunt and kill animals illegally. These are poachers. They poach them for their skins. I think people should stop poaching.

9 Population The agreed population is 30,000 in the wild, in the United States.

10 Cougar Cubs They put their young in a rock shelter. The mother feeds them milk. They will not leave the cubs alone.

11 COMMUNICATING They communicate by using a series of tongue flicks against the rough of their mouth.

12 Bibliography Amazing Animals of the World . volume 7., Copyright 2008 Scholastic inc. World Book Encyclopedia.Volum13.,copyright World Book inc. page 898

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