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ENG 233 American Literature

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2 ENG 233 American Literature
Poetry Basics ENG 233 American Literature

3 Prose vs. Poetry Prose Poetry
Has specific structure: complete sentences, paragraphs Examples: Novels, Short Stories, Academic Papers, anything that is not poetry Poetry Verse Does not have strict structure Composed of stanzas and lines

4 Two People we Talked about this week
Emily Dickinson And Walt Whitman

5 Creating a sweet melody
Literary Devices Rhyme Two words that have similar sounds Usually found at the end of the line The yellow birds sang In a sweet twang Creating a sweet melody Up inside the tree

6 Metaphor Literary Devices My love is a rose
Comparison between two things My love is a rose

7 Simile Literary Devices My love is like a rose
Comparison using like or as My love is like a rose

8 Personification Literary Devices The trees danced
Giving unhuman things human characteristics The trees danced

9 Alliteration Literary Devices Repetition of the same letter or sounds
usually two of the words right beside each other Mighty Matt Meanders


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