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Univ. Massachusetts Boston

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1 Univ. Massachusetts Boston
How can we help each other to make knowledge and social change within "unruly" (heterogeneous, distributed) ecological complexities? Peter Taylor Univ. Massachusetts Boston Critical & Creative Thinking Science, Technology & Values Education for Sustainability

2 Intersecting Processes
cut across scales involve heterogeneous components develop over time



5 causality & agency: distributed, not localized multiple points of engagement to modify the course of development joint & partial responsibility



8 interpreter specificity
-> reflexivity


10 vibrating agency open questions

11 Opening Up/Out => C3. challenge of contributing to a culture of participatory restructuring of the distributed conditions of knowledge-making and social change


13 "flexible engagement" challenge for researchers
in any knowledge-making situation = connect quickly with others who are almost ready to foster participatory processes & through the experience such processes provide their participants enhance the capacity of others to do likewise

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