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3/16/17 Terms to know from the study guide questions:

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1 3/16/17 Terms to know from the study guide questions: Suitors: group of men who want to marry Penelope (Odysseus' wife) Become King of Ithaca (power) Get money Accuse: blame something on someone Predict: to state something about the future

2 Suitor - pursues a person with goal to be married
Suitor - pursues a person with goal to be married Odysseus Brave King Mastermind of war Castaway The Wanderer very smart respectful of gods King, Helen's husband, very rich, wandered sea for 7 years after the Trojan War Menelaus The red-haired King

3 3/10/17 Pro Pro Muse - Page 1 god of sea raging, cold
goddess of art and music daughter of Zeus Pro god of sea raging, cold Father of Kyklopes Poseidon - Page 2 Con god of gods father of men decides people's fate summoner of clouds Zeus - page 2 Pro gray-eyed goddess goddess of war and wisdom Athena - page 3 Pro sea nymph father - Atlas Holds Odysseus captive in her cave Pro Kalypso - page 1, 3 Titan Atlas sun god Pro Helios Odysseus crew ate cows messenger god Wayfinder Hermes Pro

4 Odysseus' son Telemakos Prince of Ithaka Pro Odysseus' wife
Queen of Ithaka Pro Penelope Antinoos Suitor Con Lord Halitherses old, foreshadows what's to come, "bloody doom for suitors" Pro

5 Book II “A Hero’s Son Awakens” Pages 20-25, line 234
How does Telémakhos feel about the suitors? What words does he use to support his opinion? How does Antínoös react to Telémakhos? What does he accuse Penelope of doing for almost four years? What does Lord Haithersês predict? What relationship do men like Antínoös and Eurýmakhos believe they have with the Greek gods? Does Telémakhos agree? **Period 1 only is responsible for this: Book III “The Lord of the Western Night Approaches” Pages (lines ) What question does Telémakhos ask Nestor? What can Nestor’s story tell the reader about the Greeks’ concept of revenge and deceit? Please use the supplemental reading “House of Atreus” to help you comprehend Nestor’s stories about Meneláos and Agamémnon?

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