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Kingdom Monera Bacteria.

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Presentation on theme: "Kingdom Monera Bacteria."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kingdom Monera Bacteria

2 Bacteria Prokaryotic, single celled micro-organisms Rod shaped
Cell wall Most are heterotrophic Heterotrophic bacteria or decomposers Break down dead organic matter into smaller molecules

3 Ocean bottom. That’s where there food collects eventually.
Recyclers of the earth Found everywhere On surfaces In the water column Bottom sediment Where do you think you would find the most bacteria and why? Ocean bottom. That’s where there food collects eventually.

4 What would happen if there were no decomposers?

5 Autotrophic Bacteria 2 groups Photosynthetic Chemosynthetic
Chemosynthesis- the making of organic material from inorganic substances using chemical energy.

6 The chemicals in hydrothermal vent fluid would be toxic to most forms of life familiar to us.
These organisms depend on chemosynthesis, a process in which certain microbes use chemicals in the vent water to produce energy. They in turn form the base for an entire food chain of animals. Chemosynthetic microbes grow on and below the seafloor and even within other animals at the vents.

7 Do chemosynthetic bacteria contain chlorophyll? Why/why not?
Chlorophyll is the pigment used by green plants to capture the energy of sunlight. Chemosynthetic bacteria use the energy stored in chemicals like hydrogen sulfide and ammonia.

8 Cyanobacteria-blue green algae
3rd group of bacteria Plant-like group of photosynthetic bacteria Not true algae b/c they are prokaryotes Have green chlorophyll and bluish and red pigments No chloroplasts! Microscopic as individuals Can form strands or mats

9 Found just about everywhere regardless of temperature and salinity!

10 Red Tide There can be tens of thousands of cyanobacteria in a single drop of water!

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