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Panel: Innovative industry responses to financial hardship

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Presentation on theme: "Panel: Innovative industry responses to financial hardship"— Presentation transcript:

1 Panel: Innovative industry responses to financial hardship
Cost of Living Masterclass QCOSS Conference Brisbane 8 September 2016 Adam Mooney Chief Executive Officer

2 The importance of hope Anna’s story
Rural Indian Women, West Bengal, India Andreas, microentreprenuer, Lima, Peru Anna’s story

3 Community-led

4 650 locations and 257 local community providers.

5 Impact Economic mobility Economic mobility

6 Economic case for financial resilience (Australia)

7 From inclusion to resilience

8 FIAP Community of Practice:

9 Economic resilience – financial inclusion Global

10 Economic resilience – financial inclusion East Asia and Pacific
Please insert screenshot of (1) ‘key indicators’, (2) map, (3) Adults with an account at a formal financial institution : by gender (% age 15+) and (4) Adults who borrowed from a formal financial institution : in the past 12 months (% age 15+) from this website:

11 Good Money Good Money Salisbury Microfinance in Australia
Barbara, 40 years old, self-employed, mum of three

12 Final thoughts: Importance of hope
Marisol’s story

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