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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

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1 St Joseph's Catholic Primary School
Nursery Newsletter Spring Term 5 February 2018 Learning in Nursery Reading Our topic for Spring 2 is Traditional Stories. This week our story is The Three Little Pigs. Please read the story to the children and talk about the events in the story. Literacy We are currently learning how to copy our names. Please encourage the children to write their names independently. Phonics We are learning initial sounds in phonics. Please help the children as they try to write the sounds we have learnt in school. Maths We are learning how to write numbers in Nursery. We need to know how to represent our numbers. Please encourage the children to write numbers 1 to 3. Religious Education We are learning about Good Friends in RE. Please talk to the children about helping their friends. Ask them to talk about how they play with their friends in school. Story of the week Mother's Day Celebration On Friday 9th March our Nursery Mothers, Grandmothers and Female Role Models are invited to join us for a very special Mothers Day Celebration Concert. Please join us in the Pope Francis Hall at 2:00pm, and for refreshments afterwards in the James Vincent Hall(Catherine Kasper building). You are invited even if your child is not in Nursery on Friday 9th March 2018.

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