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Bits and Atoms Beliefs Digital Logic was a bad idea

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Presentation on theme: "Bits and Atoms Beliefs Digital Logic was a bad idea"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bits and Atoms Beliefs Digital Logic was a bad idea
Bugs will have programs Engineers will not design complex systems The future of personal computation is personal fabrication The most advanced technologies are needed in the least-developed places

2 The Center for Bits and Atoms
content  representation nm  km NSF: infrastructure, students, outreach ($13.75M) Sponsors: joint research, tech transfer, IP Building: Fumihiko Maki artists macrofab kids nanofab biofab

3 Shrinking the Internet
(Raffi Krikorian, Matt Hancher, H. Shrikumar, Pehr Anderson) physical plant

4 The Home of the Future

5 (Matt Hancher, Raffi Krikorian)
Implementation (Matt Hancher, Raffi Krikorian)

6 (Vicente Guallart, Metapolis)
Architecture (Vicente Guallart, Metapolis)

7 Embedded IP Beliefs IP to leaf nodes Slower can be better
No server dependence Architecture is architecture X10, Lonworks, CAN bus, emWare, BACnet, … open, interoperable, scalable, … IP/UDP/TCP/HTTP $, pins, power, … Internet 0 standards, testbeds, …

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