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Curtis Huttenhower Galeb Abu-Ali Eric Franzosa

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1 Curtis Huttenhower Galeb Abu-Ali Eric Franzosa 08-11-16
Using the bioBakery Curtis Huttenhower Galeb Abu-Ali Eric Franzosa Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Department of Biostatistics


3 The bioBakery: a next-generation environment for microbiome analyses
Environment for meta’ome analysis Shotgun metagenomes/transcriptomes Taxonomic and functional profiling Experimental design, statistical analysis Pre-built one-click environments to run: On your laptop graphically On a server remotely On the cloud (Amazon / Google)

4 Launching the bioBakery on Google Cloud
Lauren McIver Workshop Usage Web Browser

5 Launching the bioBakery on Google Cloud
Lauren McIver In the instance list, find your name. Connect to your instance. Make sure you can launch a terminal and run a command. (I recommend echo hello world) Make sure you can upload and download a file. student biobakery


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