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Fast Nearest Neighbor Search on Road Networks

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Presentation on theme: "Fast Nearest Neighbor Search on Road Networks"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fast Nearest Neighbor Search on Road Networks
Haibo Hu, Dik Lun Lee, and Jianliang Xu Hong Kong Univ. of Science & Technology Hong Kong Baptist University

2 About Myself Sagar Uplanchiwar MS Computer Science Graduating Dec 2008

3 Presentation Outline Problem Existing Solutions
Motivation for new work Network Reduction, SPH, SPIE nd (nearest descendants) Index Updates Cost Models Performance Conclusions

4 Problem Road Networks

5 Problem Road Networks – Nearest Neighbor Search

6 Existing Solutions Voronoi Dijkstra’s

7 Motivation Dijkstra’s Voronoi
Unwieldy for denser/vast data Dijkstra’s Too many node visits on large/sparser data

8 Network Reduction Objectives
Reduce the number of edges while preserving network distances Replace complex graph topology with simpler structures (trees).

9 Network Reduction The Elements of reduction
Shortest Path Trees (SPT) Distance between root and other nodes is minimized

10 Network Reduction The Elements of reduction
Are Shortest Path Tree (SPT) networks inefficient for road networks? Degree of vertices in a road network are typically >= 3. The length of the shortest circuits are still usually long These reasons justify the reduction of road networks to SPT pieces

11 SPH SPH means Shortest Path Trees with Horizontal Edges Specified to reduce number of connected trees Like SPT but with another condition Allow sibling-sibling connections (horizontal edges) within trees

12 SPH Algorithm

13 NN search on a tree

14 SPIE An SPIE is an SPH with another condition SPIE
SPH with ‘Triangular Inequality’ Edges Shortest Path between two nodes in a tree is guaranteed to contain exactly one horizontal edge between ancestors of the two nodes

15 NN search on SPIE

16 nd Index – nearest descendant
Very simple operation For every node in the tree, extract the nearest descendant data node (point of interest) down the tree representation of the road.

17 SPIE Algorithms

18 Updates Node Insertion Node Deletion
Insert into SPIE containing adjacent node Node Deletion Rebuild local SPIE Edge Insertion/Deletion non-trivial depending on specifics of the edge, but is still relatively inexpensive Edge re-weighting is like above Data Point Insertion/Deletion only requires change of nd Index of local SPIE tree

19 Cost Models I will just provide an overview of insights
Even in a 2D uniform grid (city blocks) there is still a 25% benefit by the reduction model Nearest Neighbor search by traditional means is exponential while SPIE NN search is linear to the average distance from a node to a NN Number of node accesses in nd index is much less than in the traditional approach

20 Performance Experimented with the algorithms on two sets of data
Artificial network with ~180K nodes, exponential distribution of node degrees, edge weights random 1 through 10 Digital Chart of the World (DCW) containing ~600K railroads and roads in the Americas. ~400K nodes Test system: C++ on Win32 platform, 2.4 Ghz P4, 512 MB RAM, 4Kb page size

21 Performance Network Reduction
With ~430K nodes, only 1571 SPIEs made

22 Performance nd Index Construction
p represents density of random datasets Ignores one-time construction of SPIE graph ~8 MB, created in ~300 seconds Almost constant construction time of nd Index

23 Performance NN Search Result
From average of 2000 trials

24 Performance KNN Search Result
For p=0.01 dataset on real road network

25 Performance Summary Network Reduction and nd Indexing
Simplify network topology in a decent one-time cost Create light-weight (CPU and mem) nd Index Perform well on (k)NN queries of varying data Perform well on kNN for various k values

26 Conclusions Overview New network kNN search technique created
Reduction of network to a set of interconnected tree structures (SPIE) nd index created per SPIE to make kNN search on SPIE follow predetermined path, and faster Cost Models and Experimental Results both show improvement upon network-expansion (Dijkstra’s) and solution-based (Voronoi) system for most network topologies and distributions Future plans are to redesign structure in place of SPIE trees

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