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Using the BWI Website A tutorial on how to create lists and add books to them for possible purchase.

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Presentation on theme: "Using the BWI Website A tutorial on how to create lists and add books to them for possible purchase."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using the BWI Website A tutorial on how to create lists and add books to them for possible purchase

2 Introduction BWI is one website where the Reinberger Children’s Library Center orders materials. You may be given the task to create a purchase list using BWI. Michelle Baldini, Dr. Harper, and Dr. Brodie will make the final purchase decision, but your job will be to create lists and add materials that can be possibly purchased. This tutorial will show you the basics beginning with how to log into the site and ending with adding books to lists you create.

3 Logging into BWI Go to Then, enter the username and password specific to the member requesting the item. Items for Dr. Harper should have the username mharper, password reinberger. Items for Dr. Brodie or Mrs. Baldini should have the username mbaldini, password ilile.

4 Creating a List Now you will need to create a list to add the new materials to it. Click on the “Lists” tab.

5 Creating a List You will then click on the bottom, center tab “Create Empty List”

6 Creating a List You will now enter the name for your list. Make sure you also enter a short description, such as reference books for Dr. Harper. When finished, click on the “Create New List” tab. Please Note: Keep the list private, unless told otherwise.

7 Add Books to the List You will then be taken to the page with all the lists. Double click on your newly-created list.

8 Adding Books to the List
Now, click on the tab in the upper-left hand corner that says “Add by searching Simple”

9 Adding Books to the List
You can now search for materials through this screen. Type in the title, subject, or author in the keyword search. Then, click the “Search.”

10 Adding Books to the List
You can either search again if you cannot find the material you are looking for, or if you do find what you are looking for, you can check the “want” column, followed by entering the quantity you want. Then select the “ return to editing” tab.

11 Adding Books to the List
You will then see that it has been added to your list. Confirm to make sure it has been added before you continue searching.

12 Continuing to Add Books to the List
To continue, repeat the steps in slides 8-11. When you are finished, make sure you log out of the account.

13 This PowerPoint has been created by Angela Wojtecki and Trent Roberts, Reinberger Graduate Assistants, This PowerPoint was created on August 11 and modified on September 22, 2009.

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