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Care of Patient with Psychiatric Disorder

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Presentation on theme: "Care of Patient with Psychiatric Disorder"— Presentation transcript:

1 Care of Patient with Psychiatric Disorder
Mental Health Care of Patient with Psychiatric Disorder

2 Therapeutic communication
Is learned A helping, trusting relationship Verbal and non-verbal

3 Therapeutic Communication Techniques
Review Table 3-3 pg. 43 Group work & Role Play

4 Intercultural Differences
Communication style What are some examples of cultural differences?

5 Communication with Mentally Troubled Clients
Difficulty with trust Loneliness Therapeutic process Climate of trust Need routine

6 Communication with Mentally Troubled con’t
Introduce self Introduce neutral subject Wait for client to respond: assess nonverbal

7 Communication with Mentally Troubled con’t
Therapeutic listening

8 Communication Assessment
Hear and speak Note content, quality, and pace Physical speech problems Can client read and write? Assess culture communication

9 Speech patterns of Mentally Ill
Blocking Echolalia Flight of ideas Mutism Neologism

10 Special H.C.W. Qualities needed to establish relationship
Unconditional positive regard Empathetic Authenticity Explanations Allow to express feelings

11 Cont’d Mutual trust Self-understanding Consistency Setting limits Reality

12 Admission to Inpatient Facility
Voluntary Involuntary Criteria Baker Act Marchman Act

13 Crisis Stabilization Counseling Medications
Stress management techniques Cognitive, relaxation and behavioral therapies

14 Therapeutic Environment
Milieu Goal Principles of treatment Physical surroundings Structured activities JCAHO

15 Types of mental health care treatment

16 Community Mental Health Centers
CMHC Community Mental Health Act Delivery modalities

17 Home care Least disruptive Natural environment Immediate family support

18 Residential programs 2 types: Crisis stabilization Community residential care

19 Inpatient psychiatry unit
Acute care Types of admission: Voluntary Emergency hold Transportation hold

20 Direct court hold Assessment hold Court commitment Mentally ill / chemically dependant Mentally ill & dangerous

21 Methods of psychiatric therapy

22 1. Psychotherapy Individual psychotherapy Group psychotherapy Psychoanalysis

23 2. Therapeutic Milieu: Focus: importance of physical surroundings Mental health team

24 3. Treatment Model Clients set up their own council Set up their own rule/regulations

25 4. Behavior Modification
Focus: what client does Specific mental disorders

26 5. Operant Conditioning Positive reinforcement Negative reinforcement

27 6. Group therapy Definition: individuals function in groups based on skills learned in their family

28 Codependency Traits Strong urge to solve other’s problems Feeling the feelings Taking responsibility

29 Needing to deny own feelings, needing to please other, overcommitting time/energy, low self worth, worry frequently

30 Drug classifications Antipsychotics Antidepressants Antianxiety agents Sedatives

31 Electroconvulsive Therapy
Read section in text Summarize for class


33 Psychopharmacology Antidepressants Antipsychotics Antianxiety Agents Sedatives

34 Tardive Dyskinesia is a s/e of antipsychotic
Ataxia Antiparkinsonian agents Antimanic Drugs

35 Insulin Shock Therapy Google this topic and research it Be prepared to summarize for class


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