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Answering a Romeo exam question Date: Objectives

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1 Answering a Romeo exam question Date: Objectives
Take notes on the male protagonist of the play. Come to a better understanding of Romeo. Warm-up – take down all the key words that describe Romeo. Pick one and explain it then. Emotional, romantic, idealistic, impulsive, hasty, honourable, loving, sincere, virtuous, well-mannered, naive, passionate, unfortunate.

2 Areas to consider when structuring your answer
Introduction Challenges Crisis Resolution Final impression

3 Romeo: Bio - Introduction
Romeo is the son and heir of the Montague family. He is about sixteen years old. He lives during a violent feud in Verona, Italy, between his family and the Capulets, but is not interested in violence. His only interest is love. ‘A madness most discreet, A choking gall and a perserving sweet” (Act 1, scene 1) (Romeo believes people in love see the world differently to people who are not? Write a paragraph about how someone’s perspective can change based on their mood)

4 First Impression Moody Shallow Selfish

5 Romeo: from adolescence to adulthood (1)
At the start of the play, Romeo is moody, withdrawn and inclined to exaggerate his feelings. The shallowness of his love for Rosaline is shown in the speed with which he forgets her as soon as he sees Juliet. As Friar Laurence says; “Is Rosaline, that thou didst love so dear So soon forsaken? Young Men’s love then lies Not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes. (Act 2, scene 3) (How will ‘living in the moment’ and ‘acting on impulse’ get him into trouble? Write a short paragraph response if you are finished the notes)

6 Impulsive Romeo falls deeply in love with Juliet the moment he meets her. He cannot leave the Capulets’ house, saying, ‘Can I go forward when my heart is here?’ He doesn’t care if he is found in the orchard; he is willing to risk anything to be with Juliet.

7 Romeo: from adolescence to adulthood (2)
His big weakness is his frequent loss of self-control. When things go against him, he displays a childish rage and grief. The Nurse has to restrain him from killing himself upon news of his banishment. As Friar Laurence describes; “Thy wild acts denote The unreasonable fury of a beast Unseemingly woman in a seeming man!” (Act 3, scene 3) (Romeo makes two major decisions in the play, concerning his marriage and death. Write a paragraph about the level of thought and consideration you believe went into these decisions.)

8 Heartbroken but brave and determined
When Romeo hears of Juliet’s death, he is so distraught that he immediately wants to die too: ‘Well, Juliet, I will lie with thee to-night’. Earlier in the play, he surely would have reacted with an hysterical outburst but now he responds in calm simplicity; ‘Is it e’en so? Then I defy you stars!” He shows dignity and decency in his dealings with Paris, begging him not to fight and placing him in the tomb with Juliet when he has killed him.

9 Final Impression Romeo is a young man who has to cope with great joy and great heartbreak within a very short space of time. He moves from being a rather self- centred and childish boy to a young husband whose wife is the centre of his world. Tragic death of a character who was not perfect but was likeable, loving and true to the end.

10 Romeo’s key scenes: Prologue – introduced as a ‘star-cross’d lover. Act 1: Benvolio and Romeo discuss why Romeo is so miserable and moody. Audience learn about Rosaline. Benvolio and Romeo decide to attend the Capulet party to find other girls. Romeo isn’t in the mood for the Capulet party – still miserable over Rosaline. Been having bad dreams. Romeo meets Juliet at the party. Love at first sight. Realise from ‘enemy’ family.

11 Romeo’s key scenes: Act 2: Romeo breaks into the Capulet orchard to see Juliet again. Romeo listens to Juliet’s soliloquy about him and then they admit they love each other. Romeo goes to see Friar Lawrence about his wedding to Juliet. FL agrees to wed them. Romeo is jovial and happy. Nurse passes a message from R to Juliet to turn up for the wedding that afternoon. Romeo and Juliet get married.

12 Romeo’s key scenes: Act 3: Fight scene. Tybalt kills Mercutio. Romeo kills Tybalt. The Prince banished Romeo from Verona. F.Lawrence tells Romeo that he’s been banished. Romeo says he’d rather kill himself. F.L calms him down. Romeo has spent the first and last night with Juliet. The last time the pair see each other alive.

13 Romeo’s key scenes: Act 5: Romeo’s in Mantua. Finds out Juliet is dead. Buys deadly poison to kill himself with. Paris tries to stop Romeo from opening the tomb. Romeo kills Paris. Romeo kills himself next to Juliet.

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