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Poetry by Heart Poetry performance.

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1 Poetry by Heart Poetry performance

2 Do Now: look up vocabulary
Manifestation Foster Earnest Resonant Ruminating

3 What part of speech is _______? What is the definition of _______?
Vocab Activity: On poster board… colorfully and legibly answer the following questions regarding your vocab word. What part of speech is _______? What is the definition of _______? Give all the forms of _______. Use _______ in a sentence. Find two synonyms. Fin two antonyms. An image that represents the word.

4 Poetry by Heart Close Reading: Vocabulary
Manifestation: the action of showing an abstract idea Foster: promote the development Earnest: showing sincere conviction Resonant: deep, clear understanding Ruminating: to think deeply *Read the entire article and annotate for homework*

5 2nd Read: Section 1: What do you think is meant by, “Not in an arm- waving, props-supported thespian extravaganza, but as the outward and audible manifestation of an inwardly-understood and enjoyed poem.”? What might be the personal and social benefits of Poetry by Heart?

6 2nd Read: Section 2: What do you suppose Andrew Motion means by “emotional noise”? Based on your experience with poetry thus far, how is poetry first “received” “in our hearts, as well as in our heads.”? In setting up Poetry by Heart, what did Motion hope to achieve?

7 2nd Read: Section 3: What is the distinction between learning something by “rote” and learning it by heart, as expressed by Motion? What does it tell us when we remember bits of things we were made to memorize as a child?

8 2nd Read: Section 4: What does it mean that an appreciation for literature can help one to “enjoy and endure” life? How is enduring and enjoyment offered through Poetry by Heart?

9 3rd read: Section 1: What do you think is the significance of having the pupils recite a poem before 1914, as well as a poem post-1914? Section 2: What benefits does Motion believe Poetry by Heart will give the young people who participate? Section 3: What is meant by “benevolent revolution” when describing the original intent of the Poetry Archive? Section 4: What about the Poetry by Heart competition is both exciting and daring?

10 Performance Task: You are a slam poet competing at a local poetry slam. The competition asks that you have a performance of a poem from a reputable poet. Choose your poems for their personal and emotional connection to yourself. Memorize and rehearse your poems and compete for the title of Best Slam Poet.

11 Close Reading of selected poem due 11/23 *QUIZ GRADE* 50 points!!
Poetry by Heart Poem Requirements: Performance 1:30-5 minutes in length Button Poetry Poem Selection title and print out due 11/21 (first come/first serve) We will use a google doc to keep track of poems that are chosen Close Reading of selected poem due 11/23 *QUIZ GRADE* 50 points!!

12 Poetry by Heart Poetic Analysis due 11/25 (rough draft)
Peer Marks due by 12/02 Final draft due by midnight 12/04 Practices: Every other Friday with classwork check points for memorization and performance elements Final performances: end of February, early March Best in class period…then best in entire 2016 class.

13 Poetry by Heart Close Reading: Vocabulary
Manifestation: the action of showing an abstract idea Centenary: the 100th anniversary of significant event Foster: promote the development Earnest: showing sincere conviction Resonant: deep, clear understanding Ruminating: to think deeply

14 Scavenger Hunt Part II and Antonyms
Step 1: Scavenger Hunt on the internet for the words marked by your initials (1 sentence ONLY for each word). Make sure you say where you got it. Step 2: Look up the antonyms for ALL 6 words and write them down on your vocab activities paper

15 manifestation foster resonant centenary earnest ruminating

16 Hot Seat Rules: Teams of 4 or 5
You can only give the clue that listed on your card You may use your activity sheet The Hot Seat player can request clues But cannot take up their vocab work Penalties: Shout of words – disqualified Wrong guess +05 seconds Sneak peak- +10 seconds

17 Hot Seat or Guess That Word
Definition Synonym Antonym Sentence Hot Seat *


19 foster


21 resonant


23 earnest


25 ruminating


27 manifestation


29 centenary

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