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Computer Electronic device Accepts data - input

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Electronic device Accepts data - input"— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Electronic device Accepts data - input
Processes it according to a given set of instructions Produces results - output input output Computer

2 Input, Output, Computer Program
Input – unprocessed data manipulated by the computer Output – processed information or results produced by the computer The set of instructions that the computer follows is called a computer program

3 Computer System hardware the physical equipment used to process a data
software computer programs

4 Hardware CPU 010 111 ..... Main Memory Secondary I/O Devices

5 Hardware Main Memory Input Devices Output Devices CPU

6 Input/Output Devices Input devices keyboard, mouse
enter data and programs into the computer Output devices printer, monitor display the results processed by the computer

7 Memory Bit - Binary Digit Byte = 8 bits
Main Memory Nonpermanent Rapid Access Low Capacity Secondary Storage Permanent Non Rapid High Capacity Bit - Binary Digit Byte = 8 bits KB = KiloBytes = 1024 bytes =210 MB = MegaBytes = 1,048,576 bytes = 220 GB = GigaBytes = 230 bytes

8 CPU – Central Processing Unit
Control Unit Directs the processing operations Coordinates the flow of data to Main Memory and ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) performs Arithmetic operations Logic operations

9 Software Operating Systems Application Software DOS UNIX Windows Word
Power Point Emacs

10 The First Program /*Author: Yana Date: 10/09/2004
Prints the text ‘Hello World!’ */ #include <stdio.h> int main(){ printf( “Hello World!\n” ); return 0; }

11 Compilation Process High Level Language Compiler Machine Language

12 Compilation Process Executable File 010111001011101110….. Source File
Compiler int main(){ printf(….); } Object File Object File/Library …. 010100…. Linker Executable File …..

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