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ECE544: Communication Networks-II, Spring 2016
D. Raychaudhuri Lecture 4 Includes teaching materials from L. Peterson
Today’s Lecture IP basics Routing principles
Service model, packet syntax IP address structure ARP, DHCP IP packet forwarding Routing principles Bellman-Ford algorithm & distance vector (RIP) Dijkstra algorithm and link state (OSPF)
IP Basics Best Effort Service Model Global Addressing Scheme
ARP & DHCP IP Packet forwarding
IP Internet Concatenation of Networks Protocol Stack R1 ETH FDDI IP
Network 2 (Ethernet) Network 1 (Ethernet) H6 Network 3 (FDDI) Network 4 (point-to-point) H7 R3 H8 R1 ETH FDDI IP TCP R2 PPP R3 H1 H8
Service Model Connectionless (datagram-based)
Best-effort delivery (unreliable service) packets are lost packets are delivered out of order duplicate copies of a packet are delivered packets can be delayed for a long time Datagram format V ersion HLen TOS Length Ident Flags Offset TTL Protocol Checksum SourceAddr DestinationAddr Options (variable) Pad (variable) 4 8 16 19 31 Data
Fragmentation and Reassembly
Each network has some MTU Strategy fragment when necessary (MTU < Datagram) try to avoid fragmentation at source host re-fragmentation is possible fragments are self-contained datagrams use CS-PDU (not cells) for ATM delay reassembly until destination host do not recover from lost fragments
Example Ident = x Offset = 0 Start of header Rest of header
Rest of header 1400 data bytes Ident = x Offset = 0 Start of header 1 Rest of header 512 data bytes = 512 = 1024 376 data bytes
Global Addresses Properties Dot Notation globally unique
hierarchical: network + host Dot Notation Network Host 7 24 A: 14 16 1 B: 21 8 C:
Datagram Forwarding Strategy Example (R2) Network Number Next Hop
every datagram contains destination’s address if directly connected to destination network, then forward to host if not directly connected to destination network, then forward to some router forwarding table maps network number into next hop each host has a default router each router maintains a forwarding table Example (R2) Network Number Next Hop 1 R3 2 R1 3 interface 1 4 interface 0
Address Translation Map IP addresses into physical addresses
destination host next hop router Techniques encode physical address in host part of IP address table-based ARP table of IP to physical address bindings broadcast request if IP address not in table target machine responds with its physical address table entries are discarded if not refreshed
ARP Details Request Format Notes
HardwareType: type of physical network (e.g., Ethernet) ProtocolType: type of higher layer protocol (e.g., IP) HLEN & PLEN: length of physical and protocol addresses Operation: request or response Source/Target-Physical/Protocol addresses Notes table entries timeout in about 10 minutes update table with source when you are the target update table if already have an entry do not refresh table entries upon reference
ARP Packet Format T argetHardwareAddr (bytes 2 – 5)
argetProtocolAddr (bytes 0 3) SourceProtocolAddr (bytes 2 Hardware type = 1 ProtocolT ype = 0x0800 SourceHardwareAddr (bytes 4 argetHardwareAddr (bytes 0 1) SourceProtocolAddr (bytes 0 HLen = 48 PLen = 32 Operation SourceHardwareAddr (bytes 0 8 16 31
ATM ARP ATM ARP for mapping IP<->ATM addr
medium is not a broadcast type unlike Ethernet requires servers which maintain ARP tables concept of multiple “logical IP subnets” (LIS)
Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP)
DHCP server per network for IP address assignment Static list of IP<->physical addr or dynamic binding from common pool Host boot-up via well-known address DHCP “relay agent” can be used to avoid one server per network
Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP)
DHCP packet format (runs over UDP) Operation HType HLen Hops Xid Secs Flag ciaddr yiaddr siaddr giaddr chaddr (16B) ....
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
Echo (ping) Redirect (from router to source host) Destination unreachable (protocol, port, or host) TTL exceeded (so datagrams don’t cycle forever) Checksum failed Reassembly failed Cannot fragment
Routing Basics
Routing Problem Network as a Graph
Problem: Find lowest cost path between two nodes Factors static: topology dynamic: load
Two main approaches DV: Distance-vector protocols
LS: Link state protocols Variations of above methods applied to: Intra-domain routing (small/med networks) RIP, OSPF Inter-domain routing (large/global networks) BGP-4
Distance Vector Protocols
Employed in the early Arpanet Distributed next hop computation adaptive Unit of information exchange vector of distances to destinations Distributed Bellman-Ford Algorithm
Distance Vector Each node maintains a set of triples
(Destination, Cost, NextHop) Exchange updates directly connected neighbors periodically (on the order of several seconds) whenever table changes (called triggered update) Each update is a list of pairs: (Destination, Cost) Update local table if receive a “better” route smaller cost came from next-hop Refresh existing routes; delete if they time out
Distributed Bellman-Ford
Start Conditions: Each router starts with a vector of (zero) distances to all directly attached networks Send step: Each router advertises its current vector to all neighboring routers. Receive step: Upon receiving vectors from each of its neighbors, router computes its own distance to each neighbor. Then, for every network X, router finds that neighbor who is closer to X than to any other neighbor. Router updates its cost to X. After doing this for all X, router goes to send step.
Example - initial distances
1 Distance to node B C Info at node A B C D E 7 A 7 ~ ~ 1 A 8 2 B 7 1 ~ 8 C ~ 1 2 ~ 1 2 D ~ ~ 2 2 D E E 1 8 ~ 2
E receives D’s routes 1 Distance to node B C Info at node A B C D E 7
7 ~ ~ 1 A 8 2 B 7 1 ~ 8 C ~ 1 2 ~ 1 2 D ~ ~ 2 2 D E E 1 8 ~ 2
E updates cost to C 1 Distance to node B C Info at node A B C D E 7 A
7 ~ ~ 1 A 8 2 B 7 1 ~ 8 C ~ 1 2 ~ 1 2 D ~ ~ 2 2 D E E 1 8 4 2
A receives B’s routes 1 Distance to node B C Info at node A B C D E 7
7 ~ ~ 1 A 8 2 B 7 1 ~ 8 C ~ 1 2 ~ 1 2 D ~ ~ 2 2 D E E 1 8 4 2
A updates cost to C 1 Distance to node B C Info at node A B C D E 7 A
7 8 ~ 1 A 8 2 B 7 1 ~ 8 C ~ 1 2 ~ 1 2 D ~ ~ 2 2 D E E 1 8 4 2
A receives E’s routes 1 Distance to node B C Info at node A B C D E 7
7 8 ~ 1 A 8 2 B 7 1 ~ 8 C ~ 1 2 ~ 1 2 D ~ ~ 2 2 D E E 1 8 4 2
A updates cost to C and D 1 Distance to node B C Info at node A B C D
7 A 7 5 3 1 A 8 2 B 7 1 ~ 8 C ~ 1 2 ~ 1 2 D ~ ~ 2 2 D E E 1 8 4 2
Final distances 1 Distance to node B C Info at node A B C D E 7 A 6 5
6 5 3 1 A 8 2 B 6 1 3 5 C 5 1 2 4 1 2 D 3 3 2 2 D E E 1 5 4 2
Final distances after link failure
1 Distance to node B C Info at node A B C D E 7 A 7 8 10 1 A 8 2 B 7 1 3 8 C 8 1 2 9 1 2 D 10 3 2 11 D E E 1 8 9 11
View from a node E’s routing table 1 Next hop B C dest A B D 7 A 1 14
5 B A 8 2 7 8 5 C 6 9 4 D 4 11 2 1 2 D E
Distance Vector Example
2 R3 9 R5 R1 4 R2 1 4 R4 Info at Node R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 4 - 2 1 9
DV Example (cont.) Info at Node R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 4 6 8 - 2 3 11 1 9 10
4 6 8 - 2 3 11 1 9 10
DV Example (cont.) Info at Node R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 4 6 7 15 2 3 11 1 9 10
4 6 7 15 2 3 11 1 9 10
DV Example – after link R2-R3 breaks
9 R5 R1 4 R2 1 4 R4 Info at Node R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 4 6 7 15 - 3 11 1 9 10
DV Example – after link R2-R3 breaks
9 R5 R1 4 R2 1 4 R4 Info at Node R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 4 - 5 14 1 9 10
DV Example – after link R2-R3 breaks
9 R5 R1 4 R2 1 4 R4 Info at Node R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 4 9 8 18 5 14 1 10
The bouncing effect dest cost dest cost 1 A 1 B A B 1 C 1 C 2 25 1 C
C sends routes to B dest cost dest cost A ~ B A B 1 C 1 C 2 25 1 C
B updates distance to A dest cost dest cost A 3 B A B 1 C 1 C 2 25 1 C
B sends routes to C dest cost dest cost A 3 B A B 1 C 1 C 2 25 1 C
4 B 1
C sends routes to B dest cost dest cost A 5 B A B 1 C 1 C 2 25 1 C
4 B 1
How are these loops caused?
Observation 1: B’s metric increases Observation 2: C picks B as next hop to A But, the implicit path from C to A includes itself!
Avoiding the Bouncing Effect
Select loop-free paths One way of doing this: each route advertisement carries entire path if a router sees itself in path, it rejects the route BGP does it this way Space proportional to diameter Cheng, Riley et al
Computing Implicit Paths
To reduce the space requirements propagate for each destination not only the cost but also its predecessor can recursively compute the path space requirements independent of diameter v x z y w u
Distance Vector in Practice
RIP and RIP2 uses split-horizon/poison reverse BGP/IDRP propagates entire path path also used for effecting policies
RIP Packet Format Command, Ver Zeros Net 1 Family Net 1 Addr
Net 1 Addr (cont.) (net addr, distance pairs) Distance to Net 1 Net 2 Family Net 2 Addr Updates sent ~30 sec Distance to Net 2 ……
Link State Routing Each node assumed to know state of links to its neighbors Step 1: Each node broadcasts its state to all other nodes Step 2: Each node locally computes shortest paths to all other nodes from global state
Link State Routing: Building blocks
Reliable broadcast mechanism flooding sequence number issues Shortest path tree (SPT) algorithm Dijkstra’s SPT algorithm
Link state packets (LSPs)
Periodically, each node creates a Link state packet containing: Node ID List of neighbors and link cost Sequence number Time to live (TTL) Node outputs LSP on all its links
Reliable flooding When node i receives LSP from node j:
If LSP is the most recent LSP from j that i has seen so far, i saves it in database and forwards a copy on all links except link LSP was received on. Otherwise, discard LSP.
SPT algorithm (Dijkstra)
for all nodes v if v adjacent to a then D(v) = cost (a, v) else D(v) = infinity Loop find w not in SPT, where D(w) is min add w in SPT for all v adjacent to w and not in SPT D(v) = min (D(v), D(w) + C(w, v)) until all nodes are in SPT
Link State Algorithm Flooding: 1) Periodically distribute link-state
advertisement (LSA) to neighbors - LSA contains delays to each neighbor 2) Install received LSA in LS database 3) Re-distribute LSA to all neighbors Path Computation 1) Use Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm to compute distances to all destinations 2) Install <destination, nexthop> pair in forwarding table
Forward Search Algorithm (Dijkstra)
Initialize Confirmed list with self entry 0 For node just added to confirmed list, call it “next” and select is LSP Calculate distance to each neighbor of next If neighbor is not on either confirmed or tentative list, add (neighbor, cost, nexthop) to tentative list If neighbor is current on tentative list and cost is less than currently cost, then replace current entry with (neighbor, cost, nexthop) If tentative list is empty stop, otherwise pick entry from tentative list with lowest cost and move to confirmed list. Return to step 2
Dijkstra/OSPF Method 1 Step # Confirmed Tentative 1 (R1,0,-) - 2
9 R5 R1 4 R2 1 4 R4 Step # Confirmed (R#, cost, next hop) Tentative 1 (R1,0,-) - 2 (R2,4,R2) 3 (R3,6,R2) (R4,8,R2)
Dijkstra/OSPF Method 1 Step # Confirmed Tentative R3 R5 R1 R2 R4
9 R5 R1 4 R2 1 4 R4 Step # Confirmed (R#, cost, next hop) Tentative 4 (R1,0,-) (R2,4,R2) (R3,6,R2) (R4,8,R2) (R4,7,R3) 5 (R5,15,R3)
Dijkstra/OSPF Method 1 Step # Confirmed Tentative R3 R5 R1 R2 R4
9 R5 R1 4 R2 1 4 R4 Step # Confirmed (R#, cost, next hop) Tentative 6 (R1,0,-) (R2,4,R2) (R3,6,R2) (R4,7,R3) (R5,15,R3)
Dijkstra SPT Method 2 5 3 B C 2 5 1 A 2 F 3 1 2 D E 1 B C D E F
Dijkstra SPT Method 2 5 3 B C 2 5 1 A 2 F 3 1 2 D E 1 B C D E F
Dijkstra SPT Method 2 5 3 B C 2 5 1 A 2 F 3 1 2 D E 1 B C D E F
Dijkstra SPT Method 2 5 3 B C 2 5 1 A 2 F 3 1 2 D E 1 B C D E F
Dijkstra SPT Method 2 5 3 B C 2 5 1 A 2 F 3 1 2 D E 1 B C D E F
Dijkstra SPT Method 2 5 3 B C 2 5 1 A 2 F 3 1 2 D E 1 B C D E F
Link State in Practice OSPF (Open Shortest Path First Protocol)
most commonly used routing protocol in the Internet support for authentication, addl hierarchy, load balancing
OSPF Packets LS Age Options T ype=1 Link state ID Advertising router
LS sequence number LS checksum Length Flags Number of links Link ID Link data Link type Num_TOS Metric Optional TOS information More links
Link State Characteristics
With consistent LSDBs, all nodes compute consistent loop-free paths Limited by Dijkstra computation overhead, space requirements Can still have transient loops B 1 1 3 A C Packet from C->A may loop around BDC 5 2 D
OSPF Sequencing and Aging
32-bit sequence number field, does not wrap LSP’s compared on basis of sequence number LSP’s purged after about an hour Synchronized expiration of LSPs expired LSP reflooded with age zero On startup, router need not wait can start with lowest sequence number will be informed if its own LSP is in network
Problem: Router Failure
A failed router and comes up but does not remember the last sequence number it used before it crashed New LSPs may be ignored if they have lower sequence number
One solution: LSP Aging
Nodes periodically decrement age (TTL) of stored LSPs LSPs expire when TTL reaches 0 LSP is re-flooded once TTL = 0 Rebooted router waits until all LSPs have expired Trade-off between frequency of LSPs and router wait after reboot
Today’s Homework Peterson & Davie - 4.13,14,16,17,21 (4th ed)
Download and browse RIP and OSPF RFC’s Due on Fri (2/19)
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