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Year 3 Residential Trip Thursday 27th June – Friday 28th June.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 3 Residential Trip Thursday 27th June – Friday 28th June."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 3 Residential Trip Thursday 27th June – Friday 28th June.

2 What is Caldecotte? Caldecotte is a local outdoor activity centre
It’s owned by Action4Youth giving children the chance to take part in activities which they wouldn’t usually do The Caldecotte Xperience offers a variety of exciting adventurous activities and learning experiences for young people and adults, from 8 to 80

3 Where? Activities will take place within Caldecotte Park, Milton Keynes on the lake and in Caldecotte Xperience grounds Caldecotte Xperience based in Simpson, Milton Keynes About 15 minutes drive away from school. The lake is a 5 minute walk from the centre.

4 What’s the plan? Children will be travelling by coach on Thursday, arriving at Caldecotte by 10.00am to sort their tents and get ready for the first of the 3 activities of the day On Friday, the children will complete a further 3 activities. The last one will finish at 2.45pm Ideally we would like the children to be picked up by an adult directly from Caldecotte – please let us know if this is not possible

5 What activities are there?
Sailing, Canoeing & Kayaking Archery Abseiling, Climbing and High Ropes Paddle Boarding Bush Craft

6 What are the costs? £95 6 x activities evening meal breakfast lunch
overnight stay coach

7 Sleeping – tents (approximately 6 children per tent)

8 What food? All children will need to have their own packed lunch for Thursday Dinner will be a BBQ which caters for vegetarians and non vegetarians with ice cream for desert Hot chocolate and biscuits for evening snack Breakfast is a selection of cereals, toast, yoghurts and fruit Lunch on Friday is a choice of roll with a bag of crisps, a piece of fruit and a chocolate bar Allergies can be catered for

9 What now? Please sign the register to express your interest in your child participating in the Caldecotte trip In the unlikely event that more than 80 children want to stay, names will be drawn from a hat and the remaining children will be placed on a reserve list You will be asked to pay a non-refundable deposit of £30 by 12th October to secure your child’s place The balance needs to be paid by 01/04/19 at the latest. You have the option to pay in instalments between now and then if you prefer

10 Any questions?

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