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The Revolution will not be televised!

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1 The Revolution will not be televised!
Chapter 8

2 GW gets a job 1775 Second Continental Congress meets 13 colonies
Still not sure about independence Elect GW head of army Had good leadership qualities and people followed him Moral force Served without pay He was a political choice to get S on board

3 Bunker Hill/Hessians War April 1775-July 1776
Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold have early victories at Ticonderoga and Crown Point Got us gunpowder we needed to attack Boston Bunker Hill, Brits take us head on, mowed down by sharpshooters US runs out of bullets

4 Olive Branch 1775 following Bunker: Olive Branch Petition
US loyal, just want a few things George III slammed door Said colonies officially in rebellion Anyone in Rebellion can be hanged Hired Hessians (some stayed in US!)

5 Fighting in Canada Oct. 1775 British burned Falmouth(Portland) Maine
Rebels two pronged invasion of Canada Rebels thought French Canadians would join them…Oops Rebels under Montgomery and Arnold made it to Quebec but were defeated, no French help British took Norfolk, Boston (Evacuation Day) Colonists successful in South Still not sure if they wanted Independence! Fighting in Canada

6 Thomas Paine Strong loyalty, hard to break Not a lot of unity
Fear of punishment British acts of war turned people Hessian hiring 1776 Common Sense Published Why should a smaller body rule a larger one?

7 Paine and Republicanism
Not just for independence but creation of a new society: Republic Power from people Made sense to many in England too Colonies already practicing shared powers Not sure how: would anyone be allowed to rule? Aristocracy only? Paine and Republicanism

8 Independence June 7 1776 Lee put idea of Ind. Forward Adopted July 2
TJ writes a draft Quoted thinkers of the enlightenment: Locke, Montesquieu, Intro, grievances After we were indp. We could get foreign help Independence

9 Patriots and Loyalists
Loyalists (Tories) vs. Rebels (Patriots/Whigs) Revolution minority movement Had to fight a war for the hearts and minds and on the field US army spread political message as well as bullets Families divided Upper class and older tended to remain loyal Those who benefitted from crown Anglican Pennsylvania, NY, Charleston Young more militant More prominent in NE Presbyterian and Congregationalist

10 After declaration persecution of loyalists more rampant
Beaten, harassed No wholesale reign of terror 80,000 fled Several hundred allowed to stay Estates confiscated Confiscation 50k served in Brit army Spies Inciting Natives Loyalist Exodus

11 GW stuck NY became target after Boston GW only have 18,000
Lost at Long Island GW escaped to Jersey Howe did not chase GW crossed to Trenton and captured Hessians Dec 1776 Then won at Princeton GW stuck

12 Burgoyne 1777 Brits try to cut off NE
Burgoyne from N, and Howe up from NY, then Leger from W Arnold saves the day by using up British time Burgoyne had to wait, and when he did come had too much baggage Howe did not follow plan and went after Philly GW was defeated, but Howe decided to party in Philly Burgoyne harassed by Arnold all the way Burgoyne had to surrender at Saratoga Allows for French Burgoyne

13 Revolution in Diplomacy?
France ready to give Brits a hard time US wanted help, but also wanted an end to colonialism/merc Only wanted to get involved for Commercial reasons Would not get wrapped up in the pomp and circumstance Franklin got treaty of alliance when Brit offered US home rule Revolution in Diplomacy?

14 Now a World War 1778 England and France at war now
Spain and Holland 1779 1780 League of Armed Neutrality: Catherine the Great No trading with Brit England can’t give full focus to Rev. due to probs in Europe Now a World War

15 Blow and Counterblow 1780 American morale better with French
Then news of Arnold, was going to sell out West Point Britain then focused on South Georgia and then up to SC, Charleston fell Fighting Quaker: Greene held off in Carolina Blow and Counterblow

16 Frontier Natives attacking on frontier 1777 Bloody year on frontier
Most of Iroquois with Brits Chief Joseph Brant Penn/NY was frontier Fort Stanwix: Treaty with Brit Iroquois, gave up their land In Illinois, Colonies attack Brit outposts under Clark Frontier

17 Navy Navy laying foundation John Paul Jones Not a big dent, but helped
Privateers Attacked and got goods Navy

18 Yorktown 1780-1 Tough times Running out of money
Then Cornwallis gets trapped in Chesapeake De Grasse in water, GW coming down and met Rochambeau Surrender at Yorktown Oct Some fighting continues as treaty hammered out Yorktown

19 Franklin, J Adams, and Jay in Paris ready to make treaty.
Sup to check with French Wanted to be free from everyone, so we made treaty Paris 1783 Land was handed over, and Colonists promised to leave Loyalists alone We said we would pay debts and visa versa Peace at Paris

20 New Nation Brit generous to keep US away from France
America gained the most from the treaty, now what would happen?

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