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Risky Behaviors and Media Influence

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Presentation on theme: "Risky Behaviors and Media Influence"— Presentation transcript:

1 Risky Behaviors and Media Influence
Alcohol Risky Behaviors and Media Influence Virginia Standards of Learning: 7.1i- the link between the addiction to alcohol and engaging in risky behaviors 7.2k-advertising techniques used in a variety of media that effects your choice to use alcohol 7.2l- ID consequences of engaging in risky behavior related to alcohol 8.2i explain why most teenagers do not use alcohol

2 What is a risky behavior?
Risky behaviors are those that potentially expose people to harm, or significant risk of harm which will prevent them from reaching their potential. Some risky behavior is normal and part of growing up. Start this after you have completed the bellringer activity for students to identify on their own what constitutes a risky behavior. Click on the words risky behavior to view short video.

3 Addiction Addiction is a compulsive problem with alcohol or other drugs. When a person is addicted to alcohol it can change how a person behaves (risky behavior) and thinks. For example, a person not under the influence of alcohol would not likely participate in an activity that they know could potentially cause them or others extreme harm. A person who is addicted to alcohol will most likely be under the influence the majority of their day thus increasing a person’s risk of engage in a risky behavior. Conversations may arise surrounding other types of addiction, food, internet, facebook, etc. Keep the lesson focus specific to alcohol.

4 Risky Behavior Activity
Complete the risky behavior worksheet specific to drinking alcohol. Be prepared to discuss. Students will have time to complete their own sheet, discuss in a small group, and finally teacher will share a “realistic version” see notes on lesson plan.

5 What can you remember? How many alcohol related commercials can you name? (jot them down on a piece of paper) This is not something for students to turn in-just a brainstorming activity. Can be done on the back of the risky behavior sheet if there is room.

6 Media Influence on teens
Clicking on image should start the video. If not the link is in the lesson plan.

7 Other Influences? What are some other sources that might influence a young person to drink or not drink? Complete the mind map and be ready to discuss as a class. Students complete the mind map and share through class discussion. Teacher will give any additional information not given through student responses.

8 Conclusion? Students should read each of the three quotes and turn to a neighbor to discuss how they might interpret each as it relates to making the choice to remain alcohol free.

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