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Data sharing and visualisation

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1 Data sharing and visualisation
Guy Griffiths, Maik Riechert, Jon Blower University of Reading

2 ncWMS Provides data visualisation over the web
Uses WMS standard to expose data directly from NetCDF (+ other data formats) Useful for quick and simple visualisation Based on open standards Modular, so libraries can be used for other data manipulation + visualisation applications

3 ncWMS2

4 Godiva3 ncWMS enhances the WMS standard with data-specific operations
Godiva3 is a web client which uses these ncWMS extensions to provide access to: Colour scale range selection (scale limits, palette, linear/logarithmic, out-of-range values) Non-geographic plots (time series, vertical profile, along-path, vertical section) Animation Export to PNG / Google Earth / CSV

5 ncWMS

6 Demo / Workshop Wednesday - Demonstration of ncWMS from a user perspective Thursday – Workshop on installing ncWMS on a server and administering it to serve your own data.

7 CovJSON – Why and what Formats and tools for scientific data are not always easily usable in web browsers NetCDF, HDF, GRIB, GeoTIFF, ... Complex, binary, monolithic, desktop-oriented We often resort to images when building apps CovJSON brings scientific data within the reach of more Web and app developers Lightweight and efficient Easy to produce and consume TODO: use material from abstract – limitations of curent ways of building web apps, need for data format that is rich enough to support EO data in various kinds, and easy enough to use in web applications and mobile apps. Use power of browser – reduce need to deploy algorithms server-side, which adds complexity

8 CovJSON – Features Spatial, temporal, other dimensions
Gridded and non-gridded data n-Dimensional data Continuous and categorical data Scalable through tiling Internationalisation Partial conversion to RDF is possible Data, not images! Enough information to enable rich web applicaitons and analytics

9 Technology Demonstrator Portal
Load, display, modify, compare datasets CovJSON, GeoJSON, JSON-LD, WMS, ... CKAN integration via GeoDCAT-AP feeds Data, not images! Enough information to enable rich web applicaitons and analytics

10 CovJSON Demo (Wednesday) Hands-on session (Thursday)
Dynamic visualisation of diverse datasets Land cover reclassification, statistics & subsetting On-the-fly CRS reprojection Hands-on session (Thursday) Explore the format in the playground Write your own CovJSON documents Serve CovJSON from a web server Visualise CovJSON in web browsers in 5min Data, not images! Enough information to enable rich web applicaitons and analytics

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