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The relevance of “new metrics” (measurement tools and indicators) for the evaluation of SDGs with a focus on “leaving no one behind” Thank organisers –

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Presentation on theme: "The relevance of “new metrics” (measurement tools and indicators) for the evaluation of SDGs with a focus on “leaving no one behind” Thank organisers –"— Presentation transcript:

1 The relevance of “new metrics” (measurement tools and indicators) for the evaluation of SDGs with a focus on “leaving no one behind” Thank organisers – many familiar partners and friends. Light power point – oxymoron Only one NOT running for president…… 25 years of happy life without evaluators – now MDG, 3rd speaking engagement (UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA), World Bank, system-wide. Stefan Schweinfest Director, UN Statistics Division/DESA Technical Seminar: “Evaluating the SDGs…” New York, 16 March 2016

2 5 points Evaluators and Statisticians Reflection on metrics/indicators
The Inter-Agency and Expert Group on SDG indicators (IAEG-SDG) A word on ‘disaggregation’ UN Statistics Division’s programme on gender statistics (an appetizer) Can’t talk to us these days if you don’t’ use IAEG-SDG at least 3 times per sentence Disaggregation = ‘statistical language’ for leaving no one behind As a captive audience – have to endure our institutional advertisement

3 Evaluators and Statisticians
Not afraid of numbers Believe in evidence Aware of the limits of quantitative information Don’t like to be ‘police’ – forward looking Long term perspective Common objective: build national capacity! Not running away at a dinner party when I say ‘statistician’ – running social experiment “information manager”. NOTE – Director of Statistics saying this. Evaluation is not only rear view mirror – but future oriented. Anecdote: our division’s objective!! USE of information There is live after 2030…… dangerous to say in UN. Making a movie – not snapshots.

4 Reflection on metrics/indicators
Poor indicators can’t do it all alone… Need for national information systems (indicators, statistics, qualitative info, big data, geospatial data…) What is a good indicator? Relevance, solidity, over-time/across space comparability, credibility System – implies ‘integration’ – spirit of the Sustainable Development. Institutional implications. National Data Councils… Statistical community working on this – partnerships. It’s not ‘big data’ versus ‘official data’.. Various quality dimensions: Relevance – number of police Essence of the Statistical Commission – norm/standard setting, enables comparison and aggregation – not straight jacket but common language – enables capacity building! Communication – good indicator = used indicator; indicator that changes behaviour/decisions.

5 Work of the IAEG-SDG Subsidiary body to Statistical Commission (created 2015; 28 Senior Statisticians; regional balance) Predecessor: IAEG-MDG Long-term mandate 2015/2016: open consultative process to develop global indicators (proposed 230); Agreed by Statistical Commission (47th session) Now before ECOSOC and GA (June 2016) IAEG-SDG (Statistical Commission) expect new mandate to work on ‘refinement’ (GA to decide ‘who’ and ‘when’?) Predecessor more ad-hoc – regional balance is big difference; also balance between countries/agencies. Long term mandate by Stat.Com: Not only indicator development: methods, data traffic, identify data gaps (hand over to High Level Group); annual report. Forget green/grey – now Tier 1-3.

6 IAEG- SDG (2): Implementation of Global SDG indicator framework
The first important step will be the assessment of the status of the indicators proposed. The indicators will be classified into three tiers: Tier I: an established methodology exists and data are already widely available; Tier II: a methodology has been established but for which data are not easily available; and Tier III: an internationally agreed methodology has not yet been developed.

7 IAEG (3): A “framework” of indicators?
Global indicators Include: Key indicators (limited in number) Elements of disaggregation Different population groups Inequality issues Thematic/sectorial indicators Include: Additional indicators on each of the elements covered by the global indicators Indicators that are only relevant at the national level Elements of disaggregation Sub-national indicators Include: Some of the global indicators Some of the national indicators Different population groups Additional data sources (most innovative, more opportunities?) National indicators Include: Some of the thematic indicators? Some (all?) of the global indicators Different population groups

8 A word on data ‘disaggregation’
Leave no one behind [political concept] = coverage/disaggregation [statistical concepts] IAEG-SDGs included an overarching principle of data disaggregation Cost of disaggregation [eg. Sampling size] Privacy/confidentiality concerns Various dimensions of disaggregations – population groups specified in the overall agenda – target specific disaggregations (e.g. country groups) Cost – not only surveys – also census + administrative records. Big data can help Fundamental bargain between respondent and statistician. BEWARE of the power of geospatial information.

9 UN Statistics Division’s programme on gender statistics
Started in early 80s Organised 5 Global Fora on Gender Statistics Data publications: World’s Women 2015 Methodological work: Handbook on statistics on violence against women; EDGE project Normative work: Statistical Commission endorses in 2013 Minimum Set of 52 indicators Programme strength: “double” integration


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