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Contribution Margin CyberLogitec Co., Ltd.

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Presentation on theme: "Contribution Margin CyberLogitec Co., Ltd."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contribution Margin CyberLogitec Co., Ltd.
Nuritkum Square R&D Tower, 16th Fl.1605 Sangam-Dong, Mapo-Ku,Seoul , Korea Tel Fax

2 Contribution Margin 요건 정의
Revision History Version Description Author Date 1.0 First Draft MK KIM 02/13/2015 1.1 2nd Draft JW Yoo 02/24/2015

3 Contribution Margin A. Sales Office Entry
Set the contribution percentage of office per customers. (*You can duplicate the customer to show the changes of contribution margin per period. But you cannot duplicate the period(from/to). ex) For the case CHI Office do the operation for the LA office’s customer, input LA Office’s contribution percentage on below screen. (Do not enter the percentage of CHI office.) When B/L Entry’s Customer and Sales Person is changed, the data will bring the use and contribution percentage of the customer. Sales Office / Contribution % Entry Screen Per Customer Customer Retrieve Add Save Customer * Sales Office Sales Person Use % Contribution *From *To * Code Name T0019 GKN DRIVELINE NEWTON, LLC ATL Person A 20.00 CHI Person B T0020 NESTLE PROFESSIONAL BEVERAGES Person C 30.00 T0030 LABEL & PACKAGING MATERIALS NA CLA Person D 15.00 T0038 TATE & LYLE INGREDIENTS AMERICAS LLC Person E V V V * From Date, To Date will be the B/L Post Date on B/L Entry when you bring the contribution margin. * When you check Use %, it will become a contribution %. If not, the contribution % will become the contribution amount.

4 Contribution Margin B. Contribution Margin on B/L Entry
CyberLogitec Corp. CLA OFFICE Contribution’s From and To Date Skip the information. When Customer is changed, the contribution will be brought up. When Sales Person is changed, the contribution will be brought up. Added section Sales Dept. Ocean Import Use % V 30.00 Sales Dept.: you can choose from Ocean Export, Ocean Import, Air Export, Air Import, Other and Warehouse. When you create new B/L, its department will be set up as Sales Dept. and you can change it later on. As default, Sales Office Entry’s percentage will be brought up and you can change it per B/L. If User % is unchecked, the column means the contribution amount. On BL, Other, Warehouse, you can set each contribution margin.

5 Contribution Margin C. How to Check Contribution Margin
Per the contribution of Sales Office, Volume & Profit Report of each offices can show the below information. (Must select the office) 1. Selected office’s own performance 2. Performance for selected office when is has other office’s contribution 3. Performance for other offices which has the contribution of selected office 1 Select the Period, Department Type and Report Type’s “Contribution”. CyberLogitec Corp. CLA OFFICE Must select the office CLA Added option WMS 1 Contribution

6 Contribution Margin C-1. How to Check the Contribution Margin without the performance of Warehouse. Ocean, Air and Other Department Type’s Report Result of Distribution. (Following the contribution of Sale office per customer, each offices Volume & Profit Report can show below information.) 1 Own Performance (100%) Sales Office is different 2 3 Selected office is other offices’ Sales Office CLA Ex) CLA office is selected. Department No Opr. Office Customer Sales Office Profit Contribution Margine Total Profit A/R A/P D/C AVG.Profit(Per CNTR) % Amount Ocean Import 1 CLA Samsung 2,856.00 1,560.00 0.00 1,296.00 45.95 2 GKN DRIVELINE NEWTON ATL 1,850.00 1,550.00 300.00 30.00 20 -60.00 240.00 Ocean Export 3 NESTLE PROFESSIONAL BEVERAGES CHI 3,297.00 100.00 150.00 3,347.00 4 LAX LABEL & PACKAGING MATERIALS NA 2,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 5 TATE & LYLE INGREDIENTS AMERICAS LLC 120.00 24.00 TOTAL 3,647.00 3,377.00 3,041.60 S K I P 1 2 3 * Total Profit will show the sum of CLA which is selected office.

7 Contribution Margin 요건 정의
C-2. How to Check the Contribution Margin with the performance of Warehouse. WMS Department Type’s Report Result of Distribution (Following the contribution of Sale office per customer, each offices Volume & Profit Report can show below information.) 1 Own Performance (100%) 2 Sales Office is different 3 Selected office is other offices’ Sales Office CLA Ex) CLA office is selected. Department No Opr. Office Customer Sales Office Profit Contribution Margine Total Profit A/R A/P D/C AVG.Profit(Per CNTR) % Amount Warehouse 1 CLA Samsung 2,856.00 1,560.00 0.00 1,296.00 45.95 2 GKN DRIVELINE NEWTON ATL 1,850.00 1,550.00 300.00 30.00 20 -60.00 240.00 3 NESTLE PROFESSIONAL BEVERAGES CHI 3,297.00 100.00 150.00 3,347.00 Ocean Import 4 LAX LABEL & PACKAGING MATERIALS NA 2,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 5 TATE & LYLE INGREDIENTS AMERICAS LLC 120.00 24.00 TOTAL 3,647.00 3,377.00 3,041.60 중간 정보 생략 1 2 3 Total Profit will show the sum of CLA which is selected office. *We also include the result of when other department do the sales for Warehouse.

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