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Improving Estimates of Tsunami Propagation Speed

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Estimates of Tsunami Propagation Speed"— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Estimates of Tsunami Propagation Speed
Victor C. Tsai Seismological Laboratory Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences California Institute of Technology Institute for Earth Science, Academia Sinica March 19th, 2014

2 March 11, 2011; Tohoku, Japan

3 Modeled Tsunami Amplitude
Courtesy of NOAA

4 Understanding Tsunami Propagation
Tsunami speed given by Numerical models based on this assumption work reasonably well

5 Taking a Step Back How fast do tsunamis travel? Simple to understand?
Improving the model? Philosophy: The simpler it is to understand the derivation, the easier it is to make improvements to the model

6 How fast does a tsunami travel?
Simple theory to understand this Analogy to mass on spring , frequency: speed: M K

7 How fast does a tsunami travel?
Simple theory to understand this Analogy to mass on spring , frequency: speed: M K

8 Waveform Comparison Observed (black) Synthetic (red) based on
~17 hrs After 17 hrs, synthetics are early by ~15 mins! Lay et al., 2011

9 Tsunami Speed Discrepancy (in percent)
Timing discrepancy is wavelength dependent WHY is there a discrepancy??? Watada et al., 2011

10 Why?

11 Why? Ocean currents? Ocean bottom friction? Incorrect bathymetry?
Coriolis effects? Local g variability? Solid Earth deformation? Density differences?

12 The Two Biggest Differences
Solid Earth deformation under the ocean is important Density differences within the ocean are important

13 The Two Biggest Differences
Solid Earth deformation under the ocean is important Why? Total Earth elastic displacement is significant Density differences within the ocean are important Why? Compressibility is significant

14 A More Detailed Calculation
Solid Earth deformation under the ocean is important Energy calculation: ,

15 A More Detailed Calculation
Density differences within the ocean are important Similar type of energy calculation … ,

16 Tsunami Speed Discrepancy (in percent)
Timing discrepancy is wavelength dependent WHY is there a discrepancy??? Including solid Earth deformation + density also Accounts for ~60-90% of discrepancy Tsai, Ampuero, Kanamori, & Stevenson, GRL 2013

17 Conclusions Questions? Tsunami propagation is easily understood
Errors from other effects easily estimated New model including solid Earth deformation and ocean density differences explains anomalies Simple models and estimates are useful Questions?

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