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General Topic Suggestions

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1 General Topic Suggestions
Industrial Automation Manufacturing Health Care Service Industry Transportation Implications Employment Personal choices

2 General Topic Suggestions
You could also look at a phenomenon, like the permanent loss of control of peoples’ privacy with new Web 2.0 applications For example, a group presented ‘freeconomics’ and discussed the notion of ‘free’ things on the web, and what the costs are, and what the business models are. Google doesn’t sell much to its end users, but they could buy General Motors if they felt like it.

3 General Topic Suggestions
Explore a general Web 2.0 / New Media technology in an overview format what is it where did it come from how old is it who is using it what are they gaining from it

4 General Topic Suggestions
The ‘Dark Web’ and how it is closing in on mainstream business applications as a catalyst Or an easy kit to create a ransomware attack…

5 General Topic Suggestions
Uberification The ‘sharing economy’ Uber Airbnb Urbansitter Couchsurfing Implications Economic Social Technological Environmental

6 General Topic Suggestions
The Internet of Things Everything interconnected Homes Business Health eCommerce Implications Privacy Security

7 My Three ‘Smart’ Human Augmentation Web Homes Cars Assistants
Cities (1984?) Human Augmentation enhancement prosthetics DNA (CRISPR)

8 My Three Process Automation (bonus) Autonomous Vehicles
Industrial redefinition Structural unemployment The changing nature of jobs Entry level, including business? (bonus) Autonomous Vehicles The reality Effects Employment Industries Community and lifestyle

9 Web 2.0 Revolutionized the process of buying, selling and exchanging products and services Introduced a host of business models and technological innovations Business Centered  User Centered

10 Web 2.0 Pre Web 2.0 Web 2.0 Read only websites
Proprietary web applications Web 2.0 User Generated Improved collaborative advertising (Ad-sense) Better leverage of data (Omniture) P2P File sharing ( BitTorrent) User Generated communities (Wikis) So on….

11 Web 3.0 The so-called ‘Symantec web’ Knows your Threats? Preferences
Habits Schedule Commitments Threats? Privacy Freedom Spontaneity

12 Why is User Generated Content so Important?
Helps understand customers “wisdom of crowds’ is yet another business area which utilizes the aggregation of information in groups”

13 Why Adopt? Establish networks with business partners, consumers and employees Solicit innovative ideas and suggestions To promote long-term relationships with consumers Anything else?

14 Web 2.0 Social Networking Information Sharing Collaboration
Enable the users (businesses and consumers) to form and maintain connection with each other Information Sharing Creating, storing, refining and sharing information between users (internal and external) Collaboration Supports and enhances the collaborative works on the internet

15 A Caveat Are we more informed? Are we well rounded?

16 For Discussion Next Week
Where do you personally think we are on a life cycle with respect to the evolution of the ‘digital networked world?’ (i.e. infancy, early rapid stages of growth, slowing growth, maturity, slow decline, rapid decline) Do you see the future as one of further retrenchment, stagnation, or growth? Predictions are that the next decade will bring less personal freedom due to government and business surveillance, and much larger social networks. We are also at risk of increased structural unemployment in many sectors as ‘industrial automation’ advances. What do you think will be a significant development related to doing business in the world wide web in the next decade? What, then, do you think is the ‘next big thing’? I will argue that we are experiencing change at an ever-increasing pace. Things that used to take years or months are now happening in months or weeks. Self-driving cars, for example, we considered an innovation within 10 to 15 years about 3 years ago, and now they are here. Do you agree with this observation?

17 BUS466 Drew Parker
WMC 3327 (turn right at the General Office, second left, last office on right before the chicane). (usually s me a voice message)

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