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Business Concepts and Entrepreneurial Discovery Part V

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1 Business Concepts and Entrepreneurial Discovery Part V
BCS-BE-7: The student utilizes technology in a variety of ways while solving business problems.

2 The Role of Information Technology
Computers are an important part of ______________(IT). information technology (IT) technology that uses computing, electronics, and _________ to process and distribute information in digital and other forms

3 Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs)
Graphic Organizer Information Technology (IT) Fax Machines ________ MP3 Players Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) Telephones ______(WiFi)

4 The Role of Information Technology
People depend on ________ for getting information quickly and easily. telecommunications the __________ of information over communication lines

5 How Technology Has Changed the Workplace
In the past, computers were too big and heavy to take from the _______. Today, ________ computers are light enough to take anywhere.

6 Graphic Organizer Technology On the Go Wearable Computers _________
Specialized Software Broadband Access ________

7 Telecommuting Telecommuting requires that employees have their own __________ and other equipment to do their work. telecommuting an __________ that allows employees to work at home while communicating with the workplace by phone, fax, or modem

8 Advantages of Telecommuting
Graphic Organizer Advantages of Telecommuting Decreased ________ ________work hours Improved _______ of work Fewer ________ days

9 Disadvantages of Telecommuting
Graphic Organizer Disadvantages of Telecommuting Less _________ with other workers _________ of home Supervisors find it more ________to supervise workers __________ expenses

10 Computer Users by Age Group
Figure 18.1 Computer Users by Age Group

11 Wearable Computers A ________player that can also record speech is an example of a wearable computer. wearable computer a small portable computer designed to be used while it is worn on the ______

12 Technology in Manufacturing
By using ________ (CAD) and computer- aided manufacturing (CAM) programs, companies can custom design and make products. computer-aided design (CAD) software for designing ______ with a computer

13 Technology in Manufacturing
In __________ plants, robots and computer- controlled machines do much of the work. Workers direct the __________ and machine tools instead of doing hard or monotonous jobs.

14 Electronic Information Transfer
Using an ____________(ATM) to transfer funds from one bank account to another is an example of an electronic funds transfer.

15 Electronic Information Transfer
Many companies ___________ transfer paychecks to employees’ bank accounts.

16 Virtual Training __________allows people to simulate a real situation using a computer. Computer-run flight __________ programs allow pilots to learn how to fly aircraft.

17 __________is used in training.
Virtual Training __________is used in training. virtual reality an artificial, three-________ world created by a computer In a virtual world, the computer ________places and actions that seem real.

18 Virtual Training Special __________ and data gloves give users the illusion of real object or places. In medical training, computers allow surgeons to practice _________ without real patients.

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