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Nazi Propaganda VS Memes

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Presentation on theme: "Nazi Propaganda VS Memes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nazi Propaganda VS Memes
Group members: Target Group: black people 

2 Requirements Each person in the group must complete the following:
1 "Meme VS Propaganda Comparison Slides" (individually) 1 "Research" slide (in pairs) As a group you must: Work together to edit the grammar of all your slides Complete 1 "Group Reflection Slide" To receive a full grade do the following: Write in complete sentences filling in the answer spaces completely (no quick and lazy answers!) Make sure your answers reflect careful and profound analysis in the Meme VS Propaganda Comparison Slides. Make sure you use reliable sources and commit NO PLAGIARISM in the Research Slides (no copy paste) Correct grammar errors in all slides. 

3 Meme VS Propaganda Comparison Slides

4 Meme VS Propaganda Comparison Slide
Name: How is the message on the two images similar? What propaganda technique/s does the Nazi propaganda use? Why? In what ways could the meme lead people towards discrimination and/or violence towards the target group? Caption of Nazi Propaganda: "Rotten" Caption of Meme: "Black Lives Matter."

5 Meme VS Propaganda Comparison Slide
Name: How is the message on the two images similar? What propaganda technique/s does the Nazi propaganda use? Why? In what ways could the meme lead people towards discrimination and/or violence towards the target group? Caption of Nazi Propaganda: "Jews are lice; They cause typhus."  Caption of Meme: "What is up with black people? They're not black or people." 

6 Meme VS Propaganda Comparison Slide
Name: Caption of Nazi Propaganda: This poster shows the hand of the "Ministry of Education" pulling a Jewish teacher from his classroom.  Caption of Meme: "When I walk into a school full of black people, "There seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere."  How is the message on the two images similar? What propaganda technique/s does the Nazi propaganda use? Why? In what ways could the meme lead people towards discrimination and/or violence towards the target group?

7 Meme VS Propaganda Comparison Slide
Name: Caption of Nazi Propaganda: "Predatory animals with elongated snouts that stink.   Germany's most dangerous predator."  Caption of Meme: "Black people are the best in basketball, because they can steal, shoot, and run." How is the message on the two images similar? What propaganda technique/s does the Nazi propaganda use? Why? In what ways could the meme lead people towards discrimination and/or violence towards the target group?

8 Meme VS Propaganda Comparison Slide
Name: How is the message on the two images similar? What propaganda technique/s does the Nazi propaganda use? Why? In what ways could the meme lead people towards discrimination and/or violence towards the target group? Caption of Nazi Propaganda: "The spider" Caption of Meme: "What if we really did evolve from monkeys... and black people are just the ones that didn't finish?"

9 Meme VS Propaganda Comparison Slide
Name: How is the message on the two images similar? What propaganda technique/s does the Nazi propaganda use? Why? In what ways could the meme lead people towards discrimination and/or violence towards the target group? Caption of Nazi Propaganda: An evil Jewish man turning people into money.  Caption of Meme: "I'm not racist. Racism is a crime, and crime is only for blacks." 

10 Meme VS Propaganda Comparison Slide
Name: How is the message on the two images similar? What propaganda technique/s does the Nazi propaganda use? Why? In what ways could the meme lead people towards discrimination and/or violence towards the target group? Caption of Nazi Propaganda: This poster suggests a Jew would do anything for money.  Caption of Meme: "Open your hand Tyrone, I know you stole it."

11 Meme VS Propaganda Comparison Slide
Name: How is the message on the two images similar? What propaganda technique/s does the Nazi propaganda use? Why? In what ways could the meme lead people towards discrimination and/or violence towards the target group? Caption of Nazi Propaganda:This cartoon symbolizes Jewish people as an evil snake. Caption of Meme: "Is this 911?I see black people."

12 Meme VS Propaganda Comparison Slide
Name: How is the message on the two images similar? What propaganda technique/s does the Nazi propaganda use? Why? In what ways could the meme lead people towards discrimination and/or violence towards the target group? Caption of Nazi Propaganda: "We Franks do not like Jews! Therefore, you're welcome to stay far away from us!"  Caption of Meme: "Black people are like snow, as long as it stays off my driveway and away from my car I don't mind it." 

13 Meme VS Propaganda Comparison Slide
Name: How is the message on the two images similar? What propaganda technique/s does the Nazi propaganda use? Why? In what ways could the meme lead people towards discrimination and/or violence towards the target group? Caption of Nazi Propaganda:  Another representation of Jews as spiders Caption of Meme: "How black men see themselves vs how normal men see them."

14 Research Slides

15 Complete the following table doing online research.
Research Slide Complete the following table doing online research. Names: Real life consequence of hate towards my target group:   Reliable Source(copy-paste the link where you found your information):  1.  2.  3. 

16 Complete the following table doing online research.
Research Slide Complete the following table doing online research. Names: Real life consequence of hate towards my target group:   Reliable Source(copy-paste the link where you found your information):  1.  2.  3. 

17 Complete the following table doing online research.
Research Slide Complete the following table doing online research. Names: Real life consequence of hate towards my target group:   Reliable Source(copy-paste the link where you found your information):  1.  2.  3. 

18 Complete the following table doing online research.
Research Slide Complete the following table doing online research. Names: Real life consequence of hate towards my target group:   Reliable Source(copy-paste the link where you found your information):  1.  2.  3. 

19 Complete the following table doing online research.
Research Slide Complete the following table doing online research. Names: Real life consequence of hate towards my target group:   Reliable Source(copy-paste the link where you found your information):  1.  2.  3. 

20 Group Reflection Slide

21 Group Reflection Slide
As a group, compare and contrast how you felt about discriminatory memes before you began this project and how you feel now:  Before  After

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