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Stored Value Card (Eagle Cash)

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1 Stored Value Card (Eagle Cash)
Perform EagleCash Card (ECC) Operations Stored Value Card (Eagle Cash) Show Slide #1: Perform EagleCash Card (ECC) Operations Title: Prepare a Stored Value Card References: FM 1-06, Financial Management Operations, 04/15/2014 DODFMR R, VOL 5, Chapter 10, Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation, Volume 5, Disbursing Policy and Procedures, 02/01/2014 DD FORM 1081, Statement of Agent Officers Account, 05/01/1975 DD FORM 2664, Currency Exchange Record, 02/01/2002 DD FORM 2665, Daily Agent Accountability Summary, 08/01/1993 DD FORM 2887, Application for Department of Defense (DOD) Stored Value Card (SVC) Programs, 02/01/2009 Scope The Pay Support - Commercial Vendor Services module is a critical component of the Fiscal Triad, FM provides both funding for validated requirements and makes payment for contracted goods and services. Once the goods or services have been received and accepted by the requested unit, the documents are forwarded to the CVS section. CVS then ensures that all required documents are available and accurate prior to submitting for payment to the disbursing section. The certifying officer prepares and certifies the payment voucher and then advises the disbursing office that the requisite conditions for payment have been met. The Department of Defense (DoD) Stored Value Card (SVC) Eagle Cash Card (ECC) is just one of three lesson under this module that we will cover relating the importance to payment (typically an invoice and receiving report), amount of the payment and identity of the payee are correct, and payment is legal under the appropriation or fund involved (typically the correct fiscal year and appropriation). Section I. Administrative Data Academic Hours/Methods 00 hrs. / 10 mins. ELM – Concrete Experience 05 hrs. / 10 mins. Discussion (Small or Large Group) 04 hrs. / 00 mins. Practical Exercise (Hands-On/Written) 02 hrs. / 00 mins. Test 01 hrs. / 00 mins. Test Review 12 hrs. / 20 mins. Total Hours Task Taught: 805A-36B-1005 (*) Prepare a Stored Value Card Reinforced Tasks: None Resident Learning Domain - Level: Cognitive / Applying Section II. Introduction: Method of Instruction: DSL - Discussion (small or large group) Method of Instruction: CE- ELM Concrete Experience Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 00 hrs. / 10 mins. Media: PowerPoint Presentation, Handout Instructor Material: Each primary instructor should possess a lesson plan, slide deck, course handouts, and noted references. Students Material: Students should possess all required printed reference material, course handouts, noted references and standard classroom supplies. Note: All required printed reference material and technical manuals will be provided by the Schoolhouse. Instructor's Note: The Motivator/Concrete Experience serves as a trigger of past experience, knowledge, and it is also a focusing mechanism for the lesson that follows to support the teaching of new content. The collective intent is to force the student to connect to the lesson and is the precursor to intuitive thinking of experiential learning model. Motivator/Concrete Experience: Have you even stood in a long line waiting to cash a check or get money out of your account from a teller? That can get frustrating especially if you are in a rush. The Department of Defense (DoD) Stored Value Card (SVC) Eagle Cash Card (ECC) is a small pocket sized card, similar to a credit/debit card, which allows you to put money directly from your account onto your card using a Kiosk. Using this Stored Value Card eliminates the long waits to see a cashier for a casual pay.

2 Terminal Learning Objective
Action: Prepare a Stored Value Card Conditions: As a new FM Soldier in a classroom environment, with access to a computer/laptop with the EagleCash program loaded, blank EagleCash Card (ECC), DD Form 2887 (Application for the DoD Stored Value Card (SVC) Programs), Point of Sale (POS) Terminal, all applicable regulations, policies, forms, systems, and standard office supplies. Standard: Process a completed DD Form 2887, issue and add funds to an ECC, perform currency exchange transactions, and prepare end-of-day reports. With at least 75% accuracy, Students must demonstrate proficiency during the following learning activities: Process DD Form 2887 Perform card issuance procedures (ECAS Card) Performed currency exchange transactions Prepared end of day reports Show Slide #2: Terminal Learning Objective Instructor’s Note: Inform the students of the following learning objective requirements. At the completion of this lesson, you (the student) will: Action: Prepare a Stored Value Card Conditions: As a new FM Soldier in a classroom environment, with access to a computer/laptop with the EagleCash program loaded, blank EagleCash Card (ECC), DD Form 2887 (Application for the DoD Stored Value Card (SVC) Programs), Point of Sale (POS) Terminal, all applicable regulations, policies, forms, systems, and standard office supplies. Standard: Process a completed DD Form 2887, issue and add funds to an ECC, perform currency exchange transactions, and prepare end-of-day reports. With at least 75% accuracy, Students must demonstrate proficiency during the following learning activities: Process DD Form 2887 Perform card issuance procedures (ECAS Card) Performed currency exchange transactions Prepared end of day reports Instructional Guidance: Throughout this lesson, solicit from students the challenges they experienced in the current operational environment (OE) and what they did to resolve them. Encourage students to apply at least 1 of the 8 critical variables: physical environment, political stability of the state, sociological demographics, infrastructure, military capabilities, information, time, and economics. Safety Requirements: Risk Management (RM) is the Army’s primary decision making process for identifying and controlling hazards across all missions, functions, operations and activities. Leaders must excel at evaluating operational and tactical hazards through the synchronizing of risk management with the planning, prioritizing and analyzing phase of METT-TC (mission, enemy, and terrain, troops available, time and civilian consideration) and will complete a DD Form 2977, Risk Assessment Worksheet during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task. Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of icreased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW TRADOC Regulation No food or drink is allowed near or around electrical equipment (CPU, file servers, printers, projectors, etc.) due to potential electrical shock or property damage. Exercise care in personnel movement in and through such areas. Avoid all electrical cords and associated wiring. In the event of electrical storm, you will be instructed to power down equipment. Commanders will embed risk management into all mission orders and order briefings for review by the senior leader to ensure proper controls are in place. Hazard Identification: Electrical shock, Fire, Slippery Floors, Physical Injury/Strain, and Tripping, Tight Spaces in classroom and Influenza. Risk Assessment Level: Low. Hazard Controls: Primary Instructor (PI) will ensure: All electrical cords are properly stored under desks, liquid containers have lids on them and all spills are immediately cleaned and allowed to completely dry before allowing students/personnel to walk on them. All chairs are ergonomically designed, adjusted to individual preference and that all students are awake and paying attention in class. All cables/cords are properly plugged in, sheathed, and secured along tables, walls, and ceilings. No damaged or frayed cords/cables will be used. PI will brief proper hand washing techniques, the use of hand sanitizer, evacuation procedures. All trash will be removed daily. Leader Actions: Detailed in brief covering all aspects of safety to include daily classroom inspections, spills cleaned immediately, emergency exit plans, leader checks, hygiene procedures, and weekly safety briefings Probability of Occurrence: Unlikely Severity Potential of Injury: Marginal Environmental Considerations: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to ATP Environmental Considerations and GTA ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT. Evaluations: Students will take FM 11 AA Pay Support - Commercial Vendor Service Test during the Pay Support – Commercial Vendor Services module. Students must score 75% or higher to obtain a passing score. Instructional Lead-in. (Publish and Process): The Department of Defense (DoD) Stored Value Card (SVC) Eagle Cash Card operation is an important part of disbursing office duties. As a cashier, you will experience various transactions that pertain with the Eagle Cash Card. Having a conceptual understanding of Eagle Cash Card transactions and their effects on your accountability will help you throughout all the disbursing related tasks. The Eagle Cash Card builds upon the concepts we have discussed in previous Disbursing lessons. 2. Training Aids This lesson is taught in a large group classroom setting with personal computer systems, projection televisions, Mr. Podium MP42 Lectern, indoor speakers, touch panel projector, internet access, and dry erase/white board. 3. Conduct of Lesson Lesson Timeline: 00 hours 10 minutes Introduction, Learning Objective, Administrative Data and Concrete Experience 04 hours 30 minutes Publish and Process /Generalize New Information 04 hours 00 minutes Practical Exercise (Apply) 02 hours 00 minutes Assessment 01 hours 00 minutes Assessment Review Total Hours: 11 hrs 40 mins (11.8 hrs)

3 EagleCash Card Cash management tool
It is a re-loadable plastic credit card Has been in existence since 1999 Show Slide #3: EagleCash Card Learning Step Activity #1. Process DD Form 2887 Method of Instruction: DSL – Discussion (small or large group) Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 00 hrs. / 40 mins. Media: PowerPoint Presentation, Printed Reference Material, Handout Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide covering the EagleCash Card. The EagleCash Card is: Cash management tool designed to support US military personnel deployed in combat zones and on peace-keeping missions. Eliminates the use of coins, currency, checks, money orders and government vouchers. Reduces paper and cash handling. Automates payments, accounting and settlement. Streamlines “business handling” money issues. Reduces the amount of U.S. currency shipped into overseas Army military installations. It is a re-loadable plastic credit card. Load funds up to $ per day. Unload funds up to the full amount on the card, at a ECC Kiosk or with a cashier. Card to Card transfer up to the full amount of funds to another ECC user via an ECC kiosk. ECC has a maximum holding limit of $9,999.99 Has been in existence since 1999 and can be found on approximately 50 US Military installations and ten countries around the world.

4 Inventory Control Card Issuance Storage Inventory
Show Slide #4: Inventory Control Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide covering the cards inventory and controls. Process DD Form 2887 Card Issuance: Disbursing Agent is responsible for the issuance of the EagleCash Card to the Cashier or the Customer Service Representative. While they have no monetary value, they should be treated as blank check stock. Storage: Un-issued ECCs should be secure and maintained in the FO safe. Inventory: Conducted initially and monthly. Once completed an is sent to the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (FRBB): The cashier should return unissued ECC and the Issuance Report to the Disbursing Agent.

5 Need Access to Your Funds?
OR 1 minute at a kiosk? 45 minute wait in line? Show Slide #5: Need Access to Your Funds? Instructor's Note: Transition into LSA #1 lesson and explain to the students about the process of the DD 2887 verifying the financial institution data and its administration data from DJMS. Process DD Form 2887  When an EagleCash card is issued, it may be loaded with funds drawn either by personal check, cash or partial pay. Additionally, a self-service card-processing device called the EagleCash Kiosk may be deployed in the field for the purpose of loading funds to the EagleCash card. Administrative data on the DD 2887 needs to be complete with signature before activation. Before a cardholder uses a kiosk, he or she is required to complete the DD Form 2887 (Application for Department of Defense (DoD) Stored Value Card (SVC) Programs). Completion of the DD Form 2887 gives the Department of the Treasury’s fiscal agent access to move money from the cardholder’s financial institution to the EagleCash card. Bank information (bank routing number, account number and type of account) is captured electronically or manually and embedded in the computer chip and a PIN is assigned at the chip level for use with the kiosk. The completed and signed DD Form 2887 shall be forwarded to the Department of the Treasury’s designated fiscal agent who is authorized to initiate debit and credit entries to the individual’s financial institution. The DD Form 2887 will allow the cardholder to transfer funds between his or her financial institution and the EagleCash account. The DO shall retain a copy of all enrollment forms completed.

6 LSA #1 Check on Learning True / False: Q1. The EagleCash Card is a cash management tool designed to support personnel deployed in combat zones only. A1. False (cash management tool designed to support US military personnel deployed in combat zones and on peace-keeping missions). Q2. The EagleCash Card eliminates the use of coins, currency, checks, money orders and government vouchers. A2. True Q3. When an EagleCash card is issued, it may be loaded with funds drawn either by personal check, cash or partial pay. A3. True Show Slide #6: LSA #1 Check on Learning Instructor's Note: Ask the following question and facilitate discussion on answer given. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal answers. True/False: Q1. The EagleCash Card is a cash management tool designed to support personnel deployed in combat zones only. A1. False (cash management tool designed to support US military personnel deployed in combat zones and on peace-keeping missions). Q2. The EagleCash Card eliminates the use of coins, currency, checks, money orders and government vouchers. A2. True Q3. When an EagleCash card is issued, it may be loaded with funds drawn either by personal check, cash or partial pay. A3. True

7 LSA #1 Summary Show Slide #7: LSA #1 Summary
Instructor's Note: During the first part of this lesson, we learned to process the DD Form 2887 and verify financial institution data from the Defense Joint Military Pay System (DJMS) and ensure administrative data is complete with signature on the form.

8 Card Processing Station – (1 of 3)
2 All programs start from the EC folder. Double-click on the “Card Processing Station” icon from the EC Screen. 3 Show Slide #8: Card Processing Station – (1 of 3) Learning Step Activity #2. Perform card issuance procedures (ECAS Card) Method of Instruction: DSL – Discussion (small or large group) Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 01 hrs. / 40 mins. Media: PowerPoint Presentation, Printed Reference Material, Handout Instructor's Note: Transition into LSA #2 lesson on performing card issuance procedures. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal steps/answers. Issue Card with Zero Value Loaded Opening Card Processing Station (CPS): All programs start from the EC folder. Double click on the EC folder Double-click on the “Card Processing Station” icon from the EC Screen. Login screen appears. Choose Username/Password or CAC sign in. Users must be created by the admin in the SVC Admin Tool prior to attempting to log into Card Processing Station. Login screen appears

9 Card Processing Station – (2 of 3)
4 Show Slide #9: Card Processing Station – (2 of 3) Instructor’s Note: Instructor continue to read and instructs using the slide for card issuance procedures. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal steps/answers. Issue Card with Zero Value Loaded Opening Card Processing Station (CPS): If Username/Password used, another screen will come up to register the cashier CAC. Note: For training purposes select NO. However, you would normally select YES. Card Processing Station Rules of Behavior: The first time a new user logs in (cashier); they must read and agree to the Rules of Behavior to proceed. Application Rules: Let us go more into details pertaining to what these rules signifies. User must ensure that the FMS Information Technology resources with which he/she has been entrusted are used properly; as directed by FMS policies and standards, taking care that the laws, regulations, and policies governing the use of such resources are followed and that the value of all information assets is preserved. Users must follow approved FMS procedures to request or to revoke access to the FMS reporting applications of GOALS II. User must complete and submit the appropriate access management forms: the ESAAS and a signed copy of the Rules of Behavior. User is responsible for all actions that are taken under his/her Logon ID and password. User will access GOALS II in a responsible way and only to accomplish legitimate business. User must not read, alter, insert, copy, or delete any FMS data except in accordance with assigned job responsibilities. Ability to access data does not equate to authority to manipulate data. In particular, user must not browse or search FMS data except in the performance of authorized duties. User will not disclose his/her password to other people or knowingly or carelessly make it possible for other people to access GOALS II using his/her Logon ID and Password. User will not write password down. User will change password every 45 days or when prompted. User will choose hard to guess passwords using a minimum of eight case-sensitive alpha/numeric and/or special characters, of which at least two are numeric. User must not attempt to circumvent any GOALS II security control mechanisms. User must use the virus protection mechanism(s) provided by FMS or their employing agency. User is aware that his/her assigned Logon ID and password serve as his/her electronic signature for all activity while active in the GOALS II User is aware of his/her responsibility for complying with the GOALS II policies and safeguards. Users must complete and document IT security awareness training as required by applicable government directives. 5

10 Card Processing Station – (3 of 3)
6 8 7 9 Show Slide #10: Card Processing Station – (3 of 3) Instructor’s Note: Instructor navigate the students through the steps for instruction. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal steps/answers. Issue Card with Zero Value Loaded Hot/Warm List: First time logging in for the day into CPS, you will get a warning saying you do not have a Hot/Warm List loaded into the database. Select “OK.” The Get Hot List/Warm List windows appears. Select Lists-Packages Folder Select OK The next window lists the updates that were imported. The next window shows when the Hot/Warm Lists were created, when the Device Names were imported, when the Database was last backed up, and if the DDS Queue Interface is enabled. Note: The Hot/Warm List allows the cashier to know if the customer owes any funds to FRBB, and if the customer is allowed to be issued an EagleCash Card.

11 Issue EagleCash Card (1 of 4)
Select Signature Method tab Select Sign using a certificate or smart card Click OK Show Slide #11: Issue EagleCash Card – (1 of 4) Instructor’s Note: Instructor navigate the students through the steps for instruction. Electronic Signature Issue EagleCash Card: Select Start – All Programs – “ApproveIt Desktop” – ApproveIt Configuration Select Signature Method tab – This tab is how the customer will sign the FMS 2887 Select Sign using a certificate or smart card – Preferred method of signature Another Signature Method is Sign using a real-time input device i.e. Computer mouse (Looks like when you use your credit card and you have to sign on the device) Click OK

12 Issue EagleCash Card (2 of 4)
Click the Read/Issue Card icon. Obtain a blank EC card from inventory and insert it, chip first, into the appropriate card reader (a blank electronic FMS Form 2887 displays). Show Slide #12: Issue EagleCash Card (2 of 4) Instructor’s Note: Instructor continue and navigate the students through the steps for instruction on issuing ECC. Card Processing Station Icon  Issue EagleCash Card: (Continue) Click the Read/Issue Card icon. Obtain a blank EC card from inventory and insert the EC card and customer’s CAC, chip first, into the appropriate card readers (a blank electronic FMS Form 2887 displays).

13 DD Form 2887 Show Slide #13: DD Form 2887
Instructor's Note: Explain to the students about the process of the DD 2887 verifying the financial institution data and its administration data from DJMS. Process DD Form 2887  Section I – Applicant Personal Information 1. Select EAGLECASH 2. Rate, Rank, Title – Put Contractor or Civilian; Military use Rank abbreviation 3. First Name – Government ID card 4. Middle Initial if applicable 5. Last Name – Government ID card 6. Pay Grade – Government ID card. Military pay grade and if a Contractor or Civilian use i.e. GS-xx or leave blank 7. Military Branch or Company Name 8. Full Social Security Number – This allows FRBB to submit any outstanding money amounts back to their employer or send unclaimed money to the Treasury trust fund receipt account “Unclaimed Moneys of Individuals Whose Whereabouts are Unknown” 9. Date of Birth – MMDDYYYY 10. Mother’s Maiden Name or Keyword – Used upon calling FRBB about the customers account

14 DD Form 2887 Show Slide #14: DD Form 2887
Instructor's Note: Explain to the students about the process of the DD 2887 verifying the financial institution data and its administration data from DJMS. Process DD Form 2887  Section I – Applicant Personal Information (Cont.) 11a-e. Military Duty Address or Work Address for Contractors – Need full address of the customers location of deployment. 12a-e. Residence/Permanent Address – Will be a permanent address but can be home of record. Will not be deployment address. 13. Work Telephone Number – If the finance office needs to contact the customer. 14. Cell Phone Number – If the finance office needs to contact the customer, if applicable overseas. 15. Address – None military . This is another method to contact a customer. Section II – Applicant Bank or Credit Union Information (Complete only if linking Treasury SVC account to an eligible U.S. bank or credit union account) 16a-d. Bank or Credit Union Name – Army, Airforce, and Navy EFT from MMPA (DJMS); other us voided check or bank statement 17. ABA Routing Number (9-digit number) - From MMPA (DJMS), other us voided check or bank statement (must contain customers name) 18. Account Number - From MMPA (DJMS), other us voided check or bank statement (must contain customers name) 19. Account Name – As it appears on the customers account. 20. Account Type: Checking or Savings – Mark the type of account. If it is a Savings account the account MUST be able to accept ACH transactions.

15 DD Form 2887 Show Slide #15: DD Form 2887
Instructor's Note: Explain to the students about the process of the DD 2887 verifying the financial institution data and its administration data from DJMS. Process DD Form 2887  Section III – Statements of Understanding Debt Collection/Waiver of Prior Due Process: In consideration of receiving a Treasury SVC, I hereby knowingly and voluntarily consent to the immediate collection from my U.S. Government pay (military or civilian), without prior notice or prior opportunity for a hearing or review, of any amounts that may become due and owing as a result of my use of the Treasury SVC. This means the government may deduct amounts owed from my pay as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 5514, 37 U.S.C. 1007, and other applicable laws. If I am employed by a contractor or I am no longer receiving U.S. Government military or civilian pay and amounts remain or become due or owing, I understand that the government will initiate debt collection procedures in accordance with the Federal Claims Collections Standards (31 CFR ) and Chapters 28-32, Volume 5, DoD R, DoD Financial Management Regulation. Expired, Lost, Stolen, or Damaged Card: When my Treasury SVC expires, any value remaining may be forwarded to my bank or credit union account specified above. If the account has been closed or if any value remaining on the Treasury SVC cannot be forwarded to the account for any other reason, I understand that the funds may be transferred to an account in the U.S. Treasury in accordance with 31 U.S.C or elsewhere in accordance with applicable law and that I retain the right to claim such funds. If my Treasury SVC is lost, stolen, or damaged, I may be charged a fee for a replacement card. Additional Terms and Conditions: By using the Treasury SVC, I agree to accept the terms and conditions for use of the Treasury SVC established by the issuer of the card. This form may be imaged and kept on file electronically by the U.S. Department of the Treasury and/or its Financial or Fiscal Agent. The electronic image shall be considered the legal equivalent of the original. Section IV – Authorization to make SVC Transfers Electronically To and From my Bank or Credit Union Account 21. Signature – Customers Electronic signature 22. Date Signed – MMDDYYYY Section V – For Office Use Only 23. Issued By – Finance Unit and Location. DA may want the Cashier name to be put on the form. 24. Card Number – Use the last seven digits on the back bottom of the EagleCash Card.

16 Issue EagleCash Card (3 of 4)
Click the [X] to close screen of DD 2887, choose [Yes] to save form. Select the appropriate Expiration Date. Choose [Issue]. The Enter 4-digit PIN box is displayed. Instruct the cardholder to enter and confirm a new, 4-digit PIN. Click [OK]. Once complete select Issue 7 months 9 months 123456 Show Slide #16: Issue EagleCash Card (3 of 4) Instructor’s Note: Instructor continue and navigate the students through the steps for instruction on issuing ECC. Expiration Date & PIN Issue EagleCash Card: (Continue) Click the [X] (at the top right corner) to close screen of DD 2887, choose [Yes] to save form. When form is saved the Issue Card screen appears Note: Reminder, if you save the FMS 2887 using any other method, it will not save to CPS and transmit automatically to FRBB. Select the appropriate Expiration Date. Choose [Issue]. Select expiration date from screen: Active (7 months) Reserve (9 months) Other (Determined by the finance office command not to exceed 12 months). The Enter 4-digit PIN box is displayed. Instruct the cardholder to enter and confirm a new, 4-digit PIN. Click [OK]. This PIN is used to access the EagleCash Card at a kiosk and with a Point of Sales device with a cashier or vendor PIN should be a non-trivial, 4-digit number, i.e. NOT 1234, 1111, 2222, 3333, etc

17 Issue EagleCash Card (4 of 4)
The Update Card box is then displayed once issuance is complete. Confirm zero balance. Choose [Cancel]. The Card Processing Station box is displayed. Remove the card from the card reader and give to customer. The Card Processing Station box closes.  $350.00 Show Slide #17: Issue EagleCash Card (4 of 4) Instructor’s Note: Instructor continue and navigate the students through the steps for instruction on issuing ECC. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal steps/answers. "Issue"- Card Activated with Zero Balance Issue EagleCash Card: (Continue) Select “Issue” “Card Activating” shown on screen. The information collected for the cardholder is automatically added onto the chip and into the database. The Update Card box is then displayed once issuance is complete. Confirm zero balance on the EC card Choose [Cancel]. The Card Processing Station box is displayed. Remove the card from the card reader and give to customer. The Card Processing Station box closes. Print the customer's name on top of the signature stripe on the back of the card and have the customer do the following actions: Sign their name on the second signature stripe on back of card. Verify zero value in the balance reader. The FO can update banking information, reset PIN, and load money after issuance of the EC Card. Note: It is recommended that you remove and re-insert the new ECC, after it is activated, to ensure the card works.

18 LSA #2 Check on Learning True / False: Q1. The first time a new user logs in when issued a card with zero value, to proceed; they must read and agree to the Rules of Behavior. A1. True Q2. Information collected for the cardholder is, automatically added onto the chip and into the database. A2. True Q3. FO can update banking information, reset PIN, or load money to card. A3. True Show Slide #18: LSA #2 Check on Learning Instructor's Note: Ask the following question and facilitate discussion on answer given. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal answers. True / False Q1. The first time a new user logs into the Card Processing Station, to proceed; they must read and agree to the Rules of Behavior. A1. True. Q2. Information collected for the cardholder is, automatically added onto the chip and into the database. A2. True Q3. FO can update banking information, reset PIN, or load money to card. A3. True

19 LSA #2 Hands On Training Show Slide #19: LSA #2 Hands On Training
Practical Exercise: EagleCash Stored Value Card (SVC) Practical Exercise #1. Method of Instruction: Practical Exercise Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 01 hr. / 30 min. Media: Printed Reference Materials, Handouts Special Instructions: Ensure Students have access to ECC SVC PE #1 and all related material to complete the exercise. Objectives: This practical exercise (PE) is designed to reinforce your knowledge on issuing a zero dollar value card. Instructor’s Material: Each primary instructor should possess a lesson plan, slide deck, course handouts, and practical exercise with answer key, and lesson created notes. Student’s Material: Students should possess course handouts, practical exercises titled ECC SVC PE #1, handouts and standard classroom supplies.  Materials Needed: ECC SVC PE #1 Computer/Laptop with EagleCash Program loaded POS Terminal EagleCash SVC DD Form 2887 Calculator *Pen Or Pencil *Blank Paper Note: (* Student responsibility) Procedures/Instructions: Do not write in the practical exercise booklet. This is a group activity exercise where communication with other students is required. Read each question and scenarios carefully and write the best correct answer. All questions have one correct answer. You will complete this PE immediately following LSA 2 Check on Learning questions. You will have one complete periods (50 minutes (00 hrs. / 50 min.) for completion of the PE, with additional time (30 minutes (00 hrs. / 30 min.) for the review. Be prepared to go over the answers with discussions pertaining to each answer given. General Information: This comprehensive exercise consists of four situations and you must correctly: issue card. Do not forget to have the customer fill out documents that pertain to that situation. Instructional Lead-in: You will work in groups of two. One Soldier will be the cashier and the other Soldier will be the customer for all four situations. Once all four transactions are completed; the cashier and customer will switch roles and perform the exercise again Once completed with each situation, the cashier will take the EagleCash SVC along with all documents used or printed to your instructor for them to verify balances on the card and to ensure you are filling out/printing the proper documents when needed. Feedback: An AAR will be conducted after the PE; along with a students end of course critique will be conducted at the end of the course. At the expiration of the prescribed time, skillfully direct the students to share their assessments while encouraging their peers to leverage their own experiences and assessments to ask open-ended questions of each other to create a valuing learning experience. Instructor’s Note: If you experience difficulties, ask the Instructors or Assistant Instructors for immediate assistance or help. Requirements: Research each reference question and record answers after each question. Complete this practical exercise to the best of your ability. After everyone has completed this exercise, the instructor will critique it with the class. Correct any wrong responses at that time. Students will need to answer all questions and prepared to be called on to give their explanations to the class. The class advisor will critique this practical exercise. Be sure to correct your notes and any wrong answers you may have. Motivator: The concrete experience serves as a trigger of past experience, knowledge, and it is also a focusing mechanism for the lesson that follows to support the teaching of new content. The collective intent is to force the student to connect to the lesson and is the precursor to intuitive thinking of experiential learning model. Briefly discuss any bridge between the motivator/concrete experience and part of the lesson just covered to help the students understand the importance of the EagleCash Stored Value Card (SVC). Evaluation: To obtain a "Go" for this PE, you must correctly issue a zero dollar value EagleCash card. Practical Exercise Answer Key: Solutions for EagleCash Stored Value Card (SVC) Practical Exercise #1 Situation #1: Answer #1: Key Chain Reader should read $0 balance / Should have turned in the DD2887 filled out by the customer Situation #2: Answer #2: Key Chain Reader should read $125 balance Situation #3: Answer #3: Keychain Reader should read $100 balance / POS Terminal receipt of $25.00 / Printed Receipt Situation #4: Answer #4: Key Chain Reader should read $0 balance / POS Terminal Receipt of $ / Printed Receipt

20 LSA #2 Summary Show Slide #20: LSA #2 Summary
Instructor's Note: During this part of this lesson, we learned to perform card issuance procedures with zero value loaded in the Card Processing Station activating the EC Card. Confirming zero balance, having the customer verify zero value, have customer sign for receipt of the card completing all steps in order. We also conducted a PE to reinforce your knowledge on issuing a zero dollar value card.

21 Exchange Transactions – Loading Value (1 of 2)
6. All programs start from the EC folder. 7. Double-click on the “Card Processing Station” icon from the EC Screen. Show Slide #21: Loading Value – Card Processing Station (1 of 2) Learning Step Activity #3. Perform card issuance procedures (ECAS Card) Method of Instruction: DSL – Discussion (small or large group) Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 00 hrs. / 40 mins. Media: PowerPoint Presentation, Printed Reference Material, Handout Instructor's Note: Transition into LSA #3 lesson on performing card issuance procedures. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal steps/answers. Instructor’s Note: Instructor navigate the students through the steps for instruction loading value. Exchange Transactions Loading Value: All programs start from the EC folder. Double-click on the “Card Processing Station” icon from the EC Screen. The Card Processing Station box is displayed. Insert ECC into card reader Note: Verify the ECC with ID card before doing any transactions with ECC. 8. The Card Processing Station box displays. Insert ECC into card reader

22 Exchange Transactions – Loading Value (2 of 2)
Once “Update Card” screen appears, Click in the “Revalue Amount” field and enter amount of funds cardholder wishes to add. Select the appropriate “Tender Type” from drop down menu, in this case “Cash”. Click “Revalue” to load money onto card. EagleCash “Transaction Summary” window appears. Select “OK” and remove card from reader when prompted. Show Slide #22: Loading Value – Card Processing Station (2 of 2) Instructor’s Note: Instructor continue and navigate the students through the steps for instruction loading value. Exchange Transactions Loading Value: Once “Update Card” screen appears, Click in the “Revalue Amount” field and enter amount of funds cardholder wishes to add. Select the appropriate “Tender Type” from drop down menu, in this case “Cash”. Verify money amount is correct. Click “Revalue” to load money onto card EagleCash “Transaction Summary” window appears. Verify money amount is correct. Select “OK” and remove card from reader when prompted. Note: Ensure the cashier receives the funds from the customer before giving ECC and ID back and have the customer sign DD form 2664. 22

23 Exchange Transactions – ECC Sale (1 of 2)
Always compare the name on the customer’s ID card with the name on the ECC when performing SVC transactions. Ensure name matches ID card. 1 2b Show Slide #23: Exchange Transactions – ECC Sale (1 of 2) Learning Step Activity #3. Performed currency exchange transactions Method of Instruction: DSL – Discussion (Small or Large Group) Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 00 hrs. / 30 mins. Media: PowerPoint Presentation, Printed Reference Material, Handout Instructor's Note: Transition into LSA #3 lesson and navigate the students in performing currency exchange transactions. Exchange Transactions – ECC Sale: Request ID card from the cardholder when requesting to use funds from the EC card (Sale). Ensure name on ECC matches ID card. Insert the ECC into the point of sale device, faced up with the chip inserted first. The available balance is briefly displayed, followed by a “Sale Amount.” Type in the amount of the sale (dollars and cents, the decimal is automatically included), then press enter. The message “TOTAL CORRECT?” is displayed, choose “YES” or “NO.” If amount is incorrect, touch “NO” and type in the correct amount of sale and select enter. 3 2a

24 Exchange Transactions – ECC Sale (2 of 2)
6 4 Show Slide #24: Exchange Transactions – ECC Sale (2 of 2) Instructor’s Note: Instructor continue and navigate the students through the steps for instruction on performing currency exchange transactions. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal steps/answers. Exchange Transactions – ECC Sale: (Continue) The following messages are displayed in turn: PLEASE WAIT PROCESSING NOW APPROVED AVAIL BAL (Remaining balance on card) PLEASE REMOVE CARD (the terminal will beep) A receipt is then printed. Click “OK” and remove card from reader when prompted. Remove the card, and the receipt, have customer sign DD Return the EC card, receipt, and money to customer after completing the transaction in DDS. Note: The POS device does not interface with DDS. You must manually enter transaction into DDS. 5

25 LSA #3 Check on Learning True / False: Q1. Ensure name on ECC matches ID card. A1. True. Q2. Insert the ECC face up with the chip inserted first into device. A2. True Q3. Type in amount of the sale in the POS using dollars and cents, to include decimals. A3. False (decimal are automatically included) Show Slide #25: LSA #3 Check on Learning Instructor's Note: Ask the following question and facilitate discussion on answer given. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal answers. True / False Q1. Ensure name on ECC matches ID card. A1. True. Q2. Insert the ECC face up with the chip inserted first into device. A2. True Q3. Type in amount of the sale in the POS using dollars and cents, to include decimals. A3. False (decimal are automatically included)

26 LSA #3 Summary Show Slide #26: LSA #3 Summary
Instructor's Note: During this part of this lesson, we learned to perform currency exchange transactions when requesting to use funds from the EC card (Sale) completing the transaction manually in DDS.

27 End-of-Day Processes EagleCash end-of-day process consists of the following steps: Print POS Detail Report and Collect Sales from POS to transfer to CPS (Cashier) Zip and transmit all files to FRBB (Cashier & DA) Print Card Processing Station Reports; Load and Issuance Reports Show Slide #27: End-of-Day Processing Learning Step Activity #4. Prepared end-of-day reports Method of Instruction: DSL – Discussion (small or large group) Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 01 hr. / 30 mins. Media: PowerPoint Presentation, Printed Reference Material, Handout Instructor's Note: Transition into LSA #4 lesson on conducting End-of-Day processing. End-of-Day Processes: EagleCash end-of-day process consists of the following steps: Print POS Detail Report and Collect Sales from POS to CPS (Cashier) ZIP and transmit all files to FRBB (Cashier & DA) Print Card Processing Station Reports; Load and Issuance Reports

28 End-of-Day Processes - Transfer Sales Transactions to CPS (1 of 2)
2b 1b 1a 3 Show Slide #28: End-of-Day Processes - Transfer Sales Transactions to CPS (1 of 2) Instructor’s Note: Instructor continue and navigate the students through the steps for End-of-Day processing instruction pertaining to transfer sales transactions to CPS. End-of-Day Processes Transfer Sales Transactions: On the Point Of Sale (POS) terminal screen, select “Reports” and then “Detail” for a detailed report. The Detail Report always the Cashier to balance all exchanges with DDS and with DD 2664 before Batching out the POS. Open and log into CPS. Select the “Collect Transactions” icon. The “Collect Transactions” window will appear. Click OK 4

29 End-of-Day Processes - Transfer Sales Transactions to CPS (2 of 2)
6 7 5 Show Slide #29: End-of-Day Processes - Transfer Sales Transactions to CPS (2 of 2) Instructor’s Note: Instructor continue and navigate the students through the steps for End-of-Day processing instruction pertaining to transfer sales transactions to CPS. End-of-Day Processes Transfer Sales Transactions: (Continue) On the EC POS terminal press BATCH, “Enter Password” prompt appears, key the password “0000” on the POS and press enter. On the Collect Transactions box, Click “OK.” The POS terminal transactions are transferred to the Card Processing Station under Icons – Delivery Summary – Transactions Pending. Once the POS transactions are transferred to CPS, CPS will send the terminal the latest HotList. When the process is complete, A detail report and a settlement report will print from the ECC POS terminal confirming the transfer. The ECC POS terminal will display the message “Process Completed.” 8

30 End-of-Day Processes – ZIP Transaction to Create TR File (1 of 2)
Show Slide #30: End-of-Day Processes – ZIP Transaction to Create TR File (1 of 2) Instructor’s Note: Instructor navigate the students through the steps for End-of-Day processing instruction pertaining Zip transaction for creating TR file. End-of-Day Processes Zip Transactions: Select Zip utility icon from the CPS tool bar. Select “OK” on “Zip Transaction Files” window and the transactions will be saved to the “Lists-Packages Folder.” When zip process is complete, the zip information will display on the screen. Click “OK” The file is now ready to be placed on EC-site. 3

31 End-of-Day Processes – ZIP Transaction to Create TR File (2 of 2)
5 6 Show Slide #31: End-of-Day Processes – ZIP Transaction to Create TR File (2 of 2) Instructor’s Note: Instructor continue and navigate the students through the steps for End-of-Day processing instruction pertaining Zip transaction for creating TR file. End-of-Day Processes Zip Transactions: (Continue) Open the EC folder on the laptop and Select the “Lists-Packages” icon. Select the appropriate folder, of current YYYYMM. Select the TR file with current YYMMDD and place it in the office shared drive and copy it to the FRBB site. 7

32 End-of-Day Processes – Load Transaction Detail Report
1 3 Show Slide #32: End-of-Day Processes – Load Transaction Detail Report Instructor’s Note: Instructor navigate the students through the steps for instruction on End-of-Day processing instruction pertaining to loading transaction detail report. End-of-Day Processes Load Transaction Detail Report: From the CPS program window, select the “Reports” menu, highlight “Load Transaction Detail” and select “All Types”. When “Load Transaction Detail Report” box appears, enter the appropriate dates needed (should be current day’s business), and click “OK” The Load Transaction Detail Report will appear and should be printed and/or exported for use in balancing and to provide to the DA. Close the window upon completion. Instructor’s Note: Have students open both the DD-1081 and DD-2664 to show and explain how these forms should be utilized for disbursing actions to verify and validate End-of Day processes. Statement of Agent Officer’s Account Daily Agent Accountability Summary 2

33 End-of-Day Processes – Issuance Report
1 3 Show Slide #33: End-of-Day Processes – Issuance Report Instructor’s Note: Instructor navigate the students through the steps for instruction on End-of-Day processing instruction pertaining to loading transaction detail report. End-of-Day Processes Issuance Report: From the CPS program window, select the “Reports” menu, select “Issuance”. When “Issuance Report” box appears, enter the appropriate dates needed (should be current day’s business), and click “OK” The Issuance Report will appear and should be printed and/or exported for the DA/DM use in card management. Close the window upon completion. PE Instructor’s Notes: After LSA #4 check on learning, administer practical exercise #2. 2

34 LSA #4 Check on Learning True / False: Q1. Printing POS reports and uploading transactions are part of the End-of-Day process. A1. True. Q2. The Blue Card icon Collects Transactions. A2. False (Daily) Q3. On the Point Of Sale (POS) terminal screen, select “Reports” and then “Detail” for a detailed report. A3. True Show Slide #34: LSA #4 Check on Learning Instructor's Note: Ask the following question and facilitate discussion on answer given. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal answers. True / False Q1. Printing POS reports and uploading transactions are part of the End-of-Day process. A1. True. Q2. The Blue Card icon Collects Transactions. A2. False (The Calculator) Q3. On the Point Of Sale (POS) terminal screen, select “Reports” and then “Detail” for a detailed report. A3. True

35 LA #4 Hands On Training Show Slide #35: LSA #4 Hands On Training
Practical Exercise: EagleCash Stored Value Card (SVC) Practical Exercise #2. Method of Instruction: Practical Exercise Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 00 hrs. / 40 min. Media: Printed Reference Materials, Handouts Special Instructions: Ensure Students have access to ECC SVC PE #2 and all related material to complete the exercise. Objectives: This practical exercise (PE) is designed to reinforce your knowledge on the end-of-day processes. Instructor’s Material: Each primary instructor should possess a lesson plan, slide deck, course handouts, and practical exercise with answer key, and lesson created notes. Student’s Material: Students should possess course handouts, practical exercises titled ECC SVC PE #2, handouts and standard classroom supplies.  Materials Needed: ECC SVC PE #2 Computer/Laptop with EagleCash Program loaded POS Terminal Calculator *Pen Or Pencil *Blank Paper Note: (* Student responsibility) Procedures/Instructions: Do not write in the practical exercise booklet. This is an individual activity exercise where communication with other students is not required. Read each question and scenarios carefully and write the best correct answer. All questions have one correct answer. You will complete this PE immediately following LSA 4 Check on Learning questions. You will have 25 minutes (00 hrs. / 25 min.) for completion of the PE, with additional time (20 minutes (00 hrs. / 20 min.) for the review. Be prepared to go over the answers with discussions pertaining to each answer given. General Information: This comprehensive exercise consists of three documents received for the End-of-Day report. Instructional Lead-in: You will work as individuals for this part of the PE. Ensure your name, SSN, class number and date are on the printed documents. Once completed with each situation, take the EagleCash SVC along with all documents used or printed to your instructor for them to verify balances on the card and to ensure you are filling out/printing the proper documents when needed. Feedback: An AAR will be conducted after the PE; along with a students end of course critique will be conducted at the end of the course. At the expiration of the prescribed time, skillfully direct the students to share their assessments while encouraging their peers to leverage their own experiences and assessments to ask open-ended questions of each other to create a valuing learning experience. Instructor’s Note: If you experience difficulties, ask the Instructors or Assistant Instructors for immediate assistance or help. Requirements: Research each reference question and record answers after each question. Complete this practical exercise to the best of your ability. After everyone has completed this exercise, the instructor will critique it with the class. Correct any wrong responses at that time. Students will need to answer all questions and prepared to be called on to give their explanations to the class. The class advisor will critique this practical exercise. Be sure to correct your notes and any wrong answers you may have. Motivator: The concrete experience serves as a trigger of past experience, knowledge, and it is also a focusing mechanism for the lesson that follows to support the teaching of new content. The collective intent is to force the student to connect to the lesson and is the precursor to intuitive thinking of experiential learning model. Briefly discuss any bridge between the motivator/concrete experience and part of the lesson just covered to help the students understand the importance of the EagleCash Stored Value Card (SVC) and the end-of day processes. Evaluation: To obtain a "Go" for this PE, you must correctly print three documents for the End-of-Day reports. Practical Exercise Answer Key: Solutions for EagleCash Stored Value Card (SVC) Practical Exercise #2 Note: Instructor should receive the following documents from students. Reports/transactions needed: #1: POS Terminal Printout #2: Load Transaction Detail Report – All Types #3: Issuance Report

36 LSA #4 Summary Show Slide #36: LSA #4 Summary
Instructor's Note: During the final part of this lesson, we learned to conduct EagleCash end-of-day process. We covered the receiving of Hotlist via from FRBB, printing the POS report and uploading transactions. We went over calculating and collecting funds loaded on the FO computer from the transaction detail report. Finish with transmitting all Zip files to FRBB. We also conducted a PE to reinforce your knowledge on end-of-day processes.

37 TLO Hands On Training Show Slide #37: TLO Hands On Training
Practical Exercise: EagleCash Stored Value Card (SVC) and Paper Check Conversion (PCC) Comprehensive PE. Method of Instruction: Practical Exercise Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 01 hr. / 30 min. Media: Printed Reference Materials, Handouts Special Instructions: Ensure Students have access to ECC SVC Comp PE and all related material to complete the exercise. Objectives: This practical exercise (PE) is designed to reinforce your knowledge on scanning paper checks, ensuring that they are positioned correctly on the screen, closing the batch, loading value to an already existing card, cashing out the card, and performing the end-of-day processes. Instructor’s Material: Each primary instructor should possess a lesson plan, slide deck, course handouts, and practical exercise with answer key, and lesson created notes. Student’s Material: Students should possess course handouts, practical exercises titled ECC SVC Comp PE, handouts and standard classroom supplies.  Materials Needed: ECC SVC Comp PE Computer/Laptop with EagleCash Program loaded POS Terminal EagleCash SVC Check Reader (EC7000i) and 1 check Calculator *Pen Or Pencil *Blank Paper Note: (* Student responsibility) Procedures/Instructions: Do not write in the practical exercise booklet. This is a group activity exercise where communication with other students is required. Read each question and scenarios carefully and write the best correct answer. All questions have one correct answer. You will complete this PE immediately following LSA 4 Check on Learning questions and Summary. You will have one complete periods (50 minutes (00 hrs. / 50 min.) for completion of the PE, with additional time (30 minutes (00 hrs. / 30 min.) for the review. Be prepared to go over the answers with discussions pertaining to each answer given. General Information: This comprehensive exercise consists of five situations where you must correctly add value to existing card and unload funds. Do not forget to have the customer fill out any documents that pertain to the situation. Instructional Lead-in: You will work in groups of two. One Soldier will be the cashier and the other Soldier will be the customer for all five situations. Once all of the transactions (5) are completed; the cashier and customer will switch roles and perform the exercise again Once completed with each situation, the cashier will take the EagleCash SVC along with any documents used or printed to your instructor for them to verify balances on the card and to ensure you are filling out/printing the proper documents. After completing steps above, you will close the batch if a check was used and perform the end-of-day processes for EagleCash SVC. Feedback: An AAR will be conducted after the PE; along with a students end of course critique will be conducted at the end of the course. At the expiration of the prescribed time, skillfully direct the students to share their assessments while encouraging their peers to leverage their own experiences and assessments to ask open-ended questions of each other to create a valuing learning experience. Instructor’s Note: If you experience difficulties, ask the Instructors or Assistant Instructors for immediate assistance or help. Requirements: Research each reference question and record answers after each question. Complete this practical exercise to the best of your ability. After everyone has completed this exercise, the instructor will critique it with the class. Correct any wrong responses at that time. Students will need to answer all questions and prepared to be called on to give their explanations to the class. The class advisor will critique this practical exercise. Be sure to correct your notes and any wrong answers you may have. Motivator: The concrete experience serves as a trigger of past experience, knowledge, and it is also a focusing mechanism for the lesson that follows to support the teaching of new content. The collective intent is to force the student to connect to the lesson and is the precursor to intuitive thinking of experiential learning model. Briefly discuss any bridge between the motivator/concrete experience and part of the lesson just covered to help the students understand the importance of the EagleCash Stored Value Card (SVC) and Paper Check Conversion (PCC) Evaluation: To obtain a "Go" for this PE, you must correctly add value to existing card and unload funds. If applicable, have the customer fill out all documents that pertain to that situation. Practical Exercise Answer Key: Solutions for EagleCash Stored Value Card (SVC) and Paper Check Conversion (PCC) Comprehensive PE Situation #1: Answer #1: Key Chain Reader balance will be $50.00 Situation #2: Answer #2: Key Chain Reader balance will be $20.00 / POS terminal Receipt of $30.00 / Printed Receipt Situation #3: Answer #3: Key Chain Reader balance will be $120.00 Situation #4: Answer #4: Key Chain Reader balance will be $45.00 / POS Terminal Receipt of $75.00 / Printed Receipt Situation #5: Answer #5: Key Chain Reader should read $0 balance / POS Terminal Receipt of $45.00 / Printed Receipt End of Day Processes: Note: Student will have two reports: POS Terminal Report Load Transaction Detail Report – All Types

38 TLO Check On Learning “Critical Thinking”
How else could you use this information? How might you use this information in the future? Show Slide #38: TLO Check On Learning “Critical Thinking” Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal questions to answer. This phase is student-centered and instructor facilitated. Allow the students to decide how they will use the information. The definitive goal is for the students to think critically and creatively about how to use the information garnered from the lesson plan in the future. As the instructor you can direct the students to brainstorm in small groups or you can ask open ended questions such as: How might you use this information in the future? How else could you use this information? How can you apply the premise of caring about preparing in the future a Stored Value Card for another Soldier? Instructor’s Note: The above listed questions are only examples. As the instructor, you are free to ask varied questions. However, ensure the questions are open-ended and serve to ensure the students see the relevance of the generalized new information presented and future usage. How can you apply the premise of caring about another Soldier’s pay in the future?

39 TLO Summary Action: Prepare a Stored Value Card
Conditions: As a new FM Soldier in a classroom environment, with access to a computer/laptop with the EagleCash program loaded, blank EagleCash Card (ECC), DD Form 2887 (Application for the DoD Stored Value Card (SVC) Programs), Point of Sale (POS) Terminal, all applicable regulations, policies, forms, systems, and standard office supplies. Standard: Process a completed DD Form 2887, issue and add funds to an ECC, perform currency exchange transactions, and prepare end-of-day reports. With at least 75% accuracy, Students must demonstrate proficiency during the following learning activities: Process DD Form 2887 Perform card issuance procedures (ECAS Card) Performed currency exchange transactions Prepared end of day reports Show Slide #39: TLO Summary Action: Prepare a Stored Value Card Conditions: As a new FM Soldier in a classroom environment, with access to a computer/laptop with the EagleCash program loaded, blank EagleCash Card (ECC), DD Form 2887 (Application for the DoD Stored Value Card (SVC) Programs), Point of Sale (POS) Terminal, all applicable regulations, policies, forms, systems, and standard office supplies. Standard: Process a completed DD Form 2887, issue and add funds to an ECC, perform currency exchange transactions, and prepare end-of-day reports. With at least 75% accuracy, Students must demonstrate proficiency during the following learning activities: Process DD Form 2887 Perform card issuance procedures (ECAS Card) Performed currency exchange transactions Prepared end of day reports “Or” Instructor’s Notes: During this lesson, we discussed the activation and association of the DD 2887 application for Department of Defense (DoD) Stored Value Card (SVC) ECC card. We went over the process on how to sign into the Card Processing Station (CPS) and how to issue, load value, and conduct exchange transactions for the ECC. We also covered how to conduct End of Day procedures for ECC business. We also conducted three PEs to tests your ability taught throughout the lesson. Instructors at this time, have one student from each group to explain the most important take away to them from this lesson. Facilitate a discussion on each answer.

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