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Australian Cereal Rust Control Program Consultative Committee September 27th 2011 Fulbright Scholarship, Exotic rust threats Australian Cereal Rust Control.

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Presentation on theme: "Australian Cereal Rust Control Program Consultative Committee September 27th 2011 Fulbright Scholarship, Exotic rust threats Australian Cereal Rust Control."— Presentation transcript:

1 Australian Cereal Rust Control Program Consultative Committee September 27th Fulbright Scholarship, Exotic rust threats Australian Cereal Rust Control Program Robert Park GRDC Chair of Cereal Rust Research

2 Pathogenic variability in wheat rusts in Australia - 11 exotic incursions since 1915
Pathotype Year Likely origin 1. Stem rust 126-5,6,7,11 1925 ? 2. Stem rust 21-0 1954 Central Africa? 3. Stem rust 326-1,2,3,5,6 1969 Central Africa 4. Stem rust 194-1,2,3,5,6 5. Stripe rust 104 E137 A- 1979 France 6. Leaf rust 53-1,(6),(7),10,11 1981 7. Leaf rust 104-2,3,(6),(7),11 1984 8. Leaf rust 76-1,3,5,10,12 1996 9. Stripe rust 134 E16 A+ 2002 North America? 10. Leaf rust 11. Leaf rust 10-1,3,9,10,12 76-3,5,9,10 +Lr37 2004

3 Pathogenic variability in wheat rusts in Australia - 11 exotic incursions since 1915
Pathotype Year Likely origin 1. Stem rust 126-5,6,7,11 1925 ? 2. Stem rust 21-0 1954 Central Africa? 3. Stem rust 326-1,2,3,5,6 1969 Central Africa 4. Stem rust 194-1,2,3,5,6 5. Stripe rust 104 E137 A- 1979 France 6. Leaf rust 53-1,(6),(7),10,11 1981 7. Leaf rust 104-2,3,(6),(7),11 1984 8. Leaf rust 76-1,3,5,10,12 1996 9. Stripe rust 134 E16 A+ 2002 North America? 10. Leaf rust 11. Leaf rust 10-1,3,9,10,12 76-3,5,9,10 +Lr37 2004

4 Pathogenic variability in wheat rusts in Australia - 11 exotic incursions since 1915
The frequency of exotic incursions is increasing: Number of incursions Year

5 Intercontinental tracking of rust pathogens
-modelling wind trajectories, Dr Dave Hodson FAO [UN] “Rustmapper” 10 day prediction, November 4th In 1969, two stem rust races transported by high altitude winds to Australia from Central Africa

6 SSR fingerprinting of stem rust isolates from Pakistan, March 2009
Tracking wheat rust pathogens - microsatellite (SSR) markers - 80+ SSRs now available for stem rust (Puccinia graminis) - are being used to assess global diversity in P. graminis using historical collections - are also being used in diagnostics e.g. stem rust in Pakistan in 2009: ssr 16 Ug99 Pakistan 09 1 2 3 Australia ssr 13 Ug99 Pakistan 09 1 2 3 Australia Yields in Australian cereal crops are generally low & hence genetic resistance is the most effective and economical means of diseas control The ACRCP is a national program targeting control of cereal rust diseases by genetic resistance Why is a nationally coordinated approach needed? Rust diseases have caused significant losses to Australian cereal crops (some estimates are given) 1 ex Local White 2 ex Attila 7 3 ex Seri 82 SSR fingerprinting of stem rust isolates from Pakistan, March 2009 1 2 3

7 Fulbright Scholarship Program
Established in 1946 by Senator J. William Fulbright and US Government in cooperation with foreign governments Aim - to promote mutual understanding through international education & cultural exchange Australian-American Fulbright Commission established in 1949 Yields in Australian cereal crops are generally low & hence genetic resistance is the most effective and economical means of diseas control The ACRCP is a national program targeting control of cereal rust diseases by genetic resistance Why is a nationally coordinated approach needed? Rust diseases have caused significant losses to Australian cereal crops (some estimates are given)

8 Fulbright Scholarship Program
Established in 1946 by Senator J. William Fulbright and US Government in cooperation with foreign governments Aim - to promote mutual understanding through international education & cultural exchange Australian-American Fulbright Commission established in 1949 Fulbright Senior Scholarships - available to Australians who are: Scholars of established reputation working in an academic institution who intend to teach or undertake research. Practising professionals who have established reputations in their fields. Senior members of academically-based professions who are currently engaged in the private practice of their profession. Yields in Australian cereal crops are generally low & hence genetic resistance is the most effective and economical means of diseas control The ACRCP is a national program targeting control of cereal rust diseases by genetic resistance Why is a nationally coordinated approach needed? Rust diseases have caused significant losses to Australian cereal crops (some estimates are given)

9 Fulbright Scholarship Program
Yields in Australian cereal crops are generally low & hence genetic resistance is the most effective and economical means of diseas control The ACRCP is a national program targeting control of cereal rust diseases by genetic resistance Why is a nationally coordinated approach needed? Rust diseases have caused significant losses to Australian cereal crops (some estimates are given)

10 USDA Cereal Disease Laboratory (formerly Cereal Rust Laboratory)
Yields in Australian cereal crops are generally low & hence genetic resistance is the most effective and economical means of diseas control The ACRCP is a national program targeting control of cereal rust diseases by genetic resistance Why is a nationally coordinated approach needed? Rust diseases have caused significant losses to Australian cereal crops (some estimates are given) USDA Cereal Disease Laboratory (formerly Cereal Rust Laboratory) University of Minnesota St Paul Minnesota

11 Australian summer vs. U.S (mid west) winter?
08 January 2011 21 January 2011 [coldest day in 2 years, min temp -260C] Yields in Australian cereal crops are generally low & hence genetic resistance is the most effective and economical means of diseas control The ACRCP is a national program targeting control of cereal rust diseases by genetic resistance Why is a nationally coordinated approach needed? Rust diseases have caused significant losses to Australian cereal crops (some estimates are given)

12 University of Minnesota
Yields in Australian cereal crops are generally low & hence genetic resistance is the most effective and economical means of diseas control The ACRCP is a national program targeting control of cereal rust diseases by genetic resistance Why is a nationally coordinated approach needed? Rust diseases have caused significant losses to Australian cereal crops (some estimates are given) University of Minnesota St Paul Minnesota

13 Yields in Australian cereal crops are generally low & hence genetic resistance is the most effective and economical means of diseas control The ACRCP is a national program targeting control of cereal rust diseases by genetic resistance Why is a nationally coordinated approach needed? Rust diseases have caused significant losses to Australian cereal crops (some estimates are given)

14 14

15 Park rust work at USDA CDL
- Seedling tests of Australian wheats and barleys and other germpasm to: - Stem rust pathotypes: TTKSK, TTKST, TTTSK [Ug99 and variants] TRTTF, JRCQC [durum virulent, Sr9e and Sr13] TTTT, 15B [North American] - Leaf rust pathotypes [incl. two that are more virulent on durum] - Seedling tests of Australian oats and other germplasm to: - US pathotypes of crown rust [incl. Pc91 virulent pathotype] Yields in Australian cereal crops are generally low & hence genetic resistance is the most effective and economical means of diseas control The ACRCP is a national program targeting control of cereal rust diseases by genetic resistance Why is a nationally coordinated approach needed? Rust diseases have caused significant losses to Australian cereal crops (some estimates are given)

16 Stem rust pathotype nomenclature North American system
Differential Code 1 2 3 4 B L C H D F G J K M N P Q R S T Set 1 Sr5, Sr21, Sr9e, Sr7b Set 2 Sr11, Sr6, Sr8a, Sr9g Set 3 Sr36, Sr9b, Sr30, Sr17 Set 4 Sr9a, Sr9d, Sr10, SrTmp Set 5 Sr24, Sr31, Sr38, SrMcN

17 Stem rust pathotype nomenclature North American system
Sr5 Sr21 Sr9e Sr7b 3+ [High] 33+ [High] 4 [High] Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 T K S H Sr11 Sr6 Sr8a Sr9g 33+ [High] 4 [High] 34 [High] Sr36 Sr9b Sr30 Sr17 0; [Low] 33+ [High] 34 [High] Sr9a Sr9d Sr10 SrTmp 34 [High] ;1 [Low] Sr24 Sr31 Sr38 SrMcN ;1 [Low] 33+ [High] ;2- [Low] 4 [High]

18 Stem rust pathotype nomenclature North American system
Differential Code 1 2 3 4 B L C H D F G J K M N P Q R S T Set 1 Sr5, Sr21, Sr9e, Sr7b Set 2 Sr11, Sr6, Sr8a, Sr9g Set 3 Sr36, Sr9b, Sr30, Sr17 Set 4 Sr9a, Sr9d, Sr10, SrTmp Set 5 Sr24, Sr31, Sr38, SrMcN

19 Stem rust pathotype nomenclature North American system
Sr5 Sr21 Sr9e Sr7b 3+ [High] 33+ [High] 4 [High] Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 T K S H Sr11 Sr6 Sr8a Sr9g 33+ [High] 4 [High] 34 [High] Sr36 Sr9b Sr30 Sr17 0; [Low] 33+ [High] 34 [High] Sr9a Sr9d Sr10 SrTmp 34 [High] ;1 [Low] Sr24 Sr31 Sr38 SrMcN ;1 [Low] 33+ [High] ;2- [Low] 4 [High]

20 Stem rust pathotype nomenclature North American system
Sr5 Sr21 Sr9e Sr7b 3+ [High] 33+ [High] 4 [High] Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 T K S H Sr11 Sr6 Sr8a Sr9g 33+ [High] 4 [High] 34 [High] Sr36 Sr9b Sr30 Sr17 0; [Low] 33+ [High] 34 [High] Sr9a Sr9d Sr10 SrTmp 34 [High] ;1 [Low] Sr24 Sr31 Sr38 SrMcN ;1 [Low] 33+ [High] ;2- [Low] 4 [High]

21 Stem rust pathotype nomenclature North American system
Sr5 Sr21 Sr9e Sr7b 3+ [High] 33+ [High] 4 [High] Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 T K S H Sr11 Sr6 Sr8a Sr9g 33+ [High] 4 [High] 34 [High] Sr36 Sr9b Sr30 Sr17 0; [Low] 33+ [High] 34 [High] Sr9a Sr9d Sr10 SrTmp 34 [High] ;1 [Low] Sr24 Sr31 Sr38 SrMcN ;1 [Low] 33+ [High] ;2- [Low] 4 [High]

22 Stem rust pathotype nomenclature North American system
Differential Code 1 2 3 4 B L C H D F G J K M N P Q R S T Set 1 Sr5, Sr21, Sr9e, Sr7b Set 2 Sr11, Sr6, Sr8a, Sr9g Set 3 Sr36, Sr9b, Sr30, Sr17 Set 4 Sr9a, Sr9d, Sr10, SrTmp Set 5 Sr24, Sr31, Sr38, SrMcN

23 Stem rust pathotype nomenclature North American system
Sr5 Sr21 Sr9e Sr7b 3+ [High] 33+ [High] 4 [High] Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 T K S H Sr11 Sr6 Sr8a Sr9g 33+ [High] 4 [High] 34 [High] Sr36 Sr9b Sr30 Sr17 0; [Low] 33+ [High] 34 [High] Sr9a Sr9d Sr10 SrTmp 34 [High] ;1 [Low] Sr24 Sr31 Sr38 SrMcN ;1 [Low] 33+ [High] ;2- [Low] 4 [High]

24 Stem rust pathotype nomenclature North American system
Sr5 Sr21 Sr9e Sr7b 3+ [High] 33+ [High] 4 [High] Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 T K S H Sr11 Sr6 Sr8a Sr9g 33+ [High] 4 [High] 34 [High] Sr36 Sr9b Sr30 Sr17 0; [Low] 33+ [High] 34 [High] Sr9a Sr9d Sr10 SrTmp 34 [High] ;1 [Low] Sr24 Sr31 Sr38 SrMcN ;1 [Low] 33+ [High] ;2- [Low] 4 [High]

25 Stem rust pathotype nomenclature North American system
Differential Code 1 2 3 4 B L C H D F G J K M N P Q R S T Set 1 Sr5, Sr21, Sr9e, Sr7b Set 2 Sr11, Sr6, Sr8a, Sr9g Set 3 Sr36, Sr9b, Sr30, Sr17 Set 4 Sr9a, Sr9d, Sr10, SrTmp Set 5 Sr24, Sr31, Sr38, SrMcN

26 Stem rust pathotype nomenclature North American system
Sr5 Sr21 Sr9e Sr7b 3+ [High] 33+ [High] 4 [High] Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 T K S H Sr11 Sr6 Sr8a Sr9g 33+ [High] 4 [High] 34 [High] Sr36 Sr9b Sr30 Sr17 0; [Low] 33+ [High] 34 [High] Sr9a Sr9d Sr10 SrTmp 34 [High] ;1 [Low] Sr24 Sr31 Sr38 SrMcN ;1 [Low] 33+ [High] ;2- [Low] 4 [High]

27 Stem rust pathotype nomenclature North American system
Sr5 Sr21 Sr9e Sr7b 3+ [High] 33+ [High] 4 [High] Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 T K S Sr11 Sr6 Sr8a Sr9g 33+ [High] 4 [High] 34 [High] Sr36 Sr9b Sr30 Sr17 0; [Low] 33+ [High] 34 [High] Sr9a Sr9d Sr10 SrTmp 34 [High] ;1 [Low] Sr24 Sr31 Sr38 SrMcN ;1 [Low] 33+ [High] 3+ [High] 4 [High]

28 Stem rust pathotype nomenclature North American system
Sr5 Sr21 Sr9e Sr7b 3+ [High] 33+ [High] 4 [High] Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 T K S Sr11 Sr6 Sr8a Sr9g 33+ [High] 4 [High] 34 [High] Sr36 Sr9b Sr30 Sr17 0; [Low] 33+ [High] 34 [High] Sr9a Sr9d Sr10 SrTmp 34 [High] ;1 [Low] Sr24 Sr31 Sr38 SrMcN ;1 [Low] 33+ [High] 3+ [High] 4 [High]

29 Park stem rust work at USDA CDL
Sr gene Race AKA 5 6 8a 9b 9e 9g 11 13 17 24 30 31 36 38 1A.1R # virulences TTKSK Ug99 TTKST Ug99+Sr24 12 TTTSK Ug99+Sr36 TRTTF JRCQC TTTTF 10 TPMKC 15B 34-1,2,7+Sr38 98-1,2,3,5,6 7 Kenya Yemen Ethiopia U.S.A Australia Yields in Australian cereal crops are generally low & hence genetic resistance is the most effective and economical means of diseas control The ACRCP is a national program targeting control of cereal rust diseases by genetic resistance Why is a nationally coordinated approach needed? Rust diseases have caused significant losses to Australian cereal crops (some estimates are given)

30 Park stem rust work at USDA CDL
Sr gene Race AKA 5 6 8a 9b 9e 9g 11 13 17 24 30 31 36 38 1A.1R # virulences TTKSK Ug99 TTKST Ug99+Sr24 12 TTTSK Ug99+Sr36 TRTTF JRCQC TTTTF 10 TPMKC 15B 34-1,2,7+Sr38 98-1,2,3,5,6 7 Yields in Australian cereal crops are generally low & hence genetic resistance is the most effective and economical means of diseas control The ACRCP is a national program targeting control of cereal rust diseases by genetic resistance Why is a nationally coordinated approach needed? Rust diseases have caused significant losses to Australian cereal crops (some estimates are given)

31 Park stem rust work at USDA CDL
Sr gene Race AKA 5 6 8a 9b 9e 9g 11 13 17 24 30 31 36 38 1A.1R # virulences TTKSK Ug99 TTKST Ug99+Sr24 12 TTTSK Ug99+Sr36 TRTTF JRCQC TTTTF 10 TPMKC 15B 34-1,2,7+Sr38 98-1,2,3,5,6 7 Yields in Australian cereal crops are generally low & hence genetic resistance is the most effective and economical means of diseas control The ACRCP is a national program targeting control of cereal rust diseases by genetic resistance Why is a nationally coordinated approach needed? Rust diseases have caused significant losses to Australian cereal crops (some estimates are given)

32 Park stem rust work at USDA CDL
Sr gene Race AKA 5 6 8a 9b 9e 9g 11 13 17 24 30 31 36 38 1A.1R # virulences TTKSK Ug99 TTKST Ug99+Sr24 12 TTTSK Ug99+Sr36 TRTTF JRCQC TTTTF 10 TPMKC 15B 34-1,2,7+Sr38 98-1,2,3,5,6 7 Yields in Australian cereal crops are generally low & hence genetic resistance is the most effective and economical means of diseas control The ACRCP is a national program targeting control of cereal rust diseases by genetic resistance Why is a nationally coordinated approach needed? Rust diseases have caused significant losses to Australian cereal crops (some estimates are given)

33 Park stem rust work at USDA CDL
Sr gene Race AKA 5 6 8a 9b 9e 9g 11 13 17 24 30 31 36 38 1A.1R # virulences TTKSK Ug99 TTKST Ug99+Sr24 12 TTTSK Ug99+Sr36 TRTTF JRCQC TTTTF 10 TPMKC 15B 34-1,2,7+Sr38 98-1,2,3,5,6 7 Yields in Australian cereal crops are generally low & hence genetic resistance is the most effective and economical means of diseas control The ACRCP is a national program targeting control of cereal rust diseases by genetic resistance Why is a nationally coordinated approach needed? Rust diseases have caused significant losses to Australian cereal crops (some estimates are given)

34 Park stem rust work at USDA CDL
Sr gene Race AKA 5 6 8a 9b 9e 9g 11 13 17 24 30 31 36 38 1A.1R # virulences TTKSK Ug99 TTKST Ug99+Sr24 12 TTTSK Ug99+Sr36 TRTTF JRCQC TTTTF 10 TPMKC 15B 34-1,2,7+Sr38 98-1,2,3,5,6 7 Yields in Australian cereal crops are generally low & hence genetic resistance is the most effective and economical means of diseas control The ACRCP is a national program targeting control of cereal rust diseases by genetic resistance Why is a nationally coordinated approach needed? Rust diseases have caused significant losses to Australian cereal crops (some estimates are given)


36 Kenya Ethiopia South Africa Zimbabwe Uganda Kenya Ethiopia Sudan Yemen
“PTKSF” – HYPOTHETICAL ANCESTOR? Kenya Ethiopia +Sr31 +Sr21 South Africa Zimbabwe PTKSK TTKSF +Sr21 +Sr24 Uganda Kenya Ethiopia Sudan Yemen Iran +Sr24 PTKST TTKSK TTKSP Kenya South Africa +Sr36 +Sr24 South Africa TTKST TTTSK Kenya

37 Known distribution of the “Ug99” lineage [courtesy Dr Dave Hodson FAO]

38 BL3 Facility, University of Minnesota

39 Sr15 genotypes infected with pt. TTKST (Kenya)
Sappo Sicco Maris Halberd Timmo Rossini Thew Norka 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

40 Sr21 and Sr45 genotypes infected with pts. TTKST & TTTSK
Einkorn [Sr21] LMPG +Sr21 [Sr21] Thornbill [Sr45] 1 2 3 TTKST (Ug99 +Sr24) TTTSK (Ug99 +Sr36)

41 Diamondbrid-Janz mapping population, Ug99
Ug99 Ug99+Sr24  Cultivar Gene(s)  TTKSK TTKST Diamondbrid Sr2, Sr9g, Sr11 33+ 3+ Janz Sr24 12-C 22+ Tested DH population with: 1. TTKSK (“Ug99”) - expected a single gene segregation - 88R : 33S [=2 genes] 2. TTKST (“Ug99 +Sr24”) - expected a single geme segregation - 85R : 36S [=2 genes]

42 Diamondbrid-Janz mapping population, Ug99
Ug99 Ug99+Sr24  Cultivar Gene(s)  TTKSK TTKST Diamondbrid Sr2, Sr9g, Sr11 33+ 3+ Janz Sr24 12-C 22+ Tested DH population with: 1. TTKSK (“Ug99”) - expected a single gene segregation - 88R : 33S [=2 genes] 2. TTKST (“Ug99 +Sr24”) - expected a single geme segregation - 85R : 36S [=2 genes]

43 Diamondbrid-Janz mapping population, Ug99
Ug99 Ug99+Sr24  Cultivar Gene(s)  TTKSK TTKST Diamondbrid Sr2, Sr9g, Sr11 33+ 3+ Janz Sr24 12-C 22+ Tested DH population with: 1. TTKSK (“Ug99”) - expected a single gene segregation - 88R : 33S [=2 genes] 2. TTKST (“Ug99 +Sr24”) - expected a single geme segregation - 85R : 36S [=2 genes]

44 Diamondbrid-Janz mapping population, Ug99
Pathotype TTKST (Ug99 +Sr24) Diamondbrid Janz DJ 565 DJ 578 DJ 551 DJ 557 DJ 569 DJ 560 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

45 Sr24 carrying cultivars, Ug99
Ug99 +Sr24  Cultivar TTKSK TTKST Anlace 12+C 3+ Krickauff 2- 33+ Annuello ;1= 22+ Lang 0; Clearfield Jnz 12- 2-C Mira ;12-C 3 Cunningham Mitre Dakota 22- Naparoo 12+ Datatine Petrie 12-C EGA Bullaring 2++3 QAL2000 EGA Jitarning QALBis EGA Wentworth Sunsoft 98 22-C GBA Sapphire Tasman Giles Worrakatta Guardian Yenda 2+2++3 Janz

46 Sr24 carrying cultivars, Ug99
Ug99 +Sr24  Cultivar TTKSK TTKST Anlace 12+C 3+ Krickauff 2- 33+ Annuello ;1= 22+ Lang 0; Clearfield Jnz 12- 2-C Mira ;12-C 3 Cunningham Mitre Dakota 22- Naparoo 12+ Datatine Petrie 12-C EGA Bullaring 2++3 QAL2000 EGA Jitarning QALBis EGA Wentworth Sunsoft 98 22-C GBA Sapphire Tasman Giles Worrakatta Guardian Yenda 2+2++3 Janz

47 Sr24 carrying cultivars, Ug99
Ug99 +Sr24  Cultivar TTKSK TTKST Anlace 12+C 3+ Krickauff 2- 33+ Annuello ;1= 22+ Lang 0; Clearfield Jnz 12- 2-C Mira ;12-C 3 Cunningham Mitre Dakota 22- Naparoo 12+ Datatine Petrie 12-C EGA Bullaring 2++3 QAL2000 EGA Jitarning QALBis EGA Wentworth Sunsoft 98 22-C GBA Sapphire Tasman Giles Worrakatta Guardian Yenda 2+2++3 Janz

48 Sr24 carrying cultivars, Ug99 +Sr24 (TTKST)
1 2 3 4 5 6 Agent Janz Mitre Cunningham EGA Jitarning Krichauff

49 Other cultivars that appear likely to carry SrWeb
Ug99 +Sr24 Cultivar Gene(s) TTKST Bolac Sr6 Sr8a Sr17 Sr30 2- Cadoux Sr6 2+2++ Condor Sr5 Sr8a Sr12 22+ EGA 2248 Sr5+ Goldmark Sr2 Sr30 Kukri Sr2 Sr8a Sr9g Sr30 2+2++3 Oxley ;12-C Paterson Sr8a Sr9g Sr12 12- Rosella Sr5 Sr7b Sr8a Sr12 Sr30 22- Triller Sr31 Waagan Sr8a

50 Durum wheats 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TRTTF [Yemen] Arrivato Caparoi Jandaroi
Kamilaroi [Sr13] Kronos Tamaroi Wollaroi Yallaroi [Sr9e] 4 3+ 2 2+3 3 33+ JRCQC [Ethiopia]

51 Key wheat rust pioneers
M. Newton T. Johnson 1897–1979 E. C. Stakman N. E. Borlaug W.L. Waterhouse I.A. Watson

52 Aggressiveness in wheat rusts
-experiences from Australia - Four clear cases in which an introduced rust genotype has increased rapidly, and undergone a continental sweep by displacing existing genotypes: Stripe rust race 134 [2002] Leaf rust race 104 [1984] Stem rust race 21 [1954] Stem rust race 126 [1925] - In each case, the “new” race did not have virulence attributes that conferred a fitness advantage (i.e. virulence for resistance genes) - Evidence available strongly supports the hypothesis that each new genotype was more aggressive

53 Aggressiveness in wheat rusts
-experiences from Australia - Four clear cases in which an introduced rust genotype has increased rapidly, and undergone a continental sweep by displacing existing genotypes: Stripe rust race 134 [2002] Leaf rust race 104 [1984] Stem rust race 21 [1954] Stem rust race 126 [1925] - In each case, the “new” race did not have virulence attributes that conferred a fitness advantage (i.e. virulence for resistance genes) - Evidence available strongly supports the hypothesis that each new genotype was more aggressive

54 Aggressiveness in wheat rusts
-experiences from Australia - Four clear cases in which an introduced rust genotype has increased rapidly, and undergone a continental sweep by displacing existing genotypes: Stripe rust race 134 [2002] Leaf rust race 104 [1984] Stem rust race 21 [1954] Stem rust race 126 [1925] - In each case, the “new” race did not have virulence attributes that conferred a fitness advantage (i.e. virulence for resistance genes) - Evidence available strongly supports the hypothesis that each new genotype was more aggressive

55 Pathogen aggressiveness and resistance
1. Major gene resistance, eg Yr1 109 E141 A- Yr1 Susceptible + Yr1 108 E141 A- Yr1 Susceptible Pathotype:

56 110 E143 A+ Pathogen aggressiveness and resistance
2. Minor gene resistance, eg cv. Bowerbird Bowerbird Susceptible 110 E143 A+ Bowerbird has uncharacterised APR to stripe rust Prior to 2002, it was considered MR-MS It was rendered S by the new aggressive race Why????: - pathogen aggressiveness [erosion of minor gene resistance]? - minor gene virulence? - aggressiveness + virulence? Images courtesy of Dr Colin Wellings

57 134 E16 A+ 110 E143 A+ Pathogen aggressiveness and resistance
2. Minor gene resistance, eg cv. Bowerbird Bowerbird Susceptible 110 E143 A+ Susceptible Bowerbird 134 E16 A+ Bowerbird has uncharacterised APR to stripe rust Prior to 2002, it was considered MR-MS It was rendered S by the new aggressive race Why????: - pathogen aggressiveness [erosion of minor gene resistance]? - minor gene virulence? - aggressiveness + virulence? Images courtesy of Dr Colin Wellings

58 134 E16 A+ 110 E143 A+ Pathogen aggressiveness and resistance
2. Minor gene resistance, eg cv. Bowerbird Bowerbird Susceptible 110 E143 A+ Susceptible Bowerbird 134 E16 A+ Bowerbird has uncharacterised APR to stripe rust Prior to 2002, it was considered MR-MS It was rendered S by the new aggressive race Why????: - pathogen aggressiveness [erosion of minor gene resistance]? - minor gene virulence? - aggressiveness + virulence? Images courtesy of Dr Colin Wellings

59 134 E16 A+ 110 E143 A+ Pathogen aggressiveness and resistance
2. Minor gene resistance, eg cv. Bowerbird Bowerbird Susceptible 110 E143 A+ Susceptible Bowerbird 134 E16 A+ Bowerbird has uncharacterised APR to stripe rust Prior to 2002, it was considered MR-MS It was rendered S by the new aggressive race Why????: - pathogen aggressiveness [erosion of minor gene resistance]? - minor gene virulence? - aggressiveness + virulence? Images courtesy of Dr Colin Wellings

60 134 E16 A+ 110 E143 A+ Pathogen aggressiveness and resistance
2. Minor gene resistance, eg cv. Bowerbird Bowerbird Susceptible 110 E143 A+ Susceptible Bowerbird 134 E16 A+ Bowerbird has uncharacterised APR to stripe rust Prior to 2002, it was considered MR-MS It was rendered S by the new aggressive race Why????: - pathogen aggressiveness [erosion of minor gene resistance]? - minor gene virulence? - aggressiveness + virulence? Images courtesy of Dr Colin Wellings

61 134 E16 A+ 110 E143 A+ Pathogen aggressiveness and resistance
2. Minor gene resistance, eg cv. Bowerbird Bowerbird Susceptible 110 E143 A+ Susceptible Bowerbird 134 E16 A+ Bowerbird has uncharacterised APR to stripe rust Prior to 2002, it was considered MR-MS It was rendered S by the new aggressive race Why????: - pathogen aggressiveness [erosion of minor gene resistance]? - minor gene virulence? - aggressiveness + virulence? Images courtesy of Dr Colin Wellings

62 Pathogen aggressiveness and resistance
2. Minor gene resistance, eg cv. Tobruk triticale increased stripe rusting in triticale cv. Tobruk in 2009 Images courtesy of Dr Colin Wellings

63 Pathogen aggressiveness and resistance
2. Minor gene resistance, eg cv. Tobruk triticale increased stripe rusting in triticale cv. Tobruk in 2009 due to virulence for an uncharacterised minor gene + YrTobruk Images courtesy of Dr Colin Wellings

64 Concluding remarks separating the effects of virulence and aggressiveness, while significant for resistance breeding, is not always straightforward caution is needed in communicating the concepts of virulence and agressiveness in the agricultural community Australian breeders were successful in dealing with three incursions of aggressive rust isolates (two stem rust, one leaf rust), and despite some setbacks, continue to make good progress in relation to the most recent stripe rust incursion

65 © University of Sydney

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