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Great Depression and New Deal

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1 Great Depression and New Deal
Ch. 12 & 13 Great Depression and New Deal

2 Causes of Great Depression
Economic weaknesses masked by prosperity and optimism Overproduction Farmers suffer b/c of high output and low prices Consumers can’t buy all products being made Uneven distribution of wealth Top 1% of population make as much as bottom %42 Under consumption Rich don’t buy enough to offset uneven distribution Buying on credit  debt Risky stock speculation

3 Great Depression Begins
Stock Market Crash – 10/29/29 (part of business cycle) Doesn’t directly cause Depression, but leads to events that hasten the beginning of Depression Businesses close and layoff workers Unemployment rises Bank runs  bank failures People panic and take $ out of banks Worldwide depression Trade decreases – Hawley-Smoot Tariff hinders trade American loans and economy supported world economy, when loans stop, other countries suffer

4 Hardships of Great Depression
Mass unemployment – 25% 1932 Mass poverty Lose homes  Hoovervilles Dust Bowl/losing farms  (Okies) Overfarming and drought

5 Hoover’s Response Hoover believes govt. should not interfere
Volunteerism - People and businesses working together for the common good RFC – provide govt. $ to businesses and banks Believed that $ would trickle down to consumers (trickle-down economics), didn’t work Bonus Army marches on Washington Hoover blamed for problems, not doing enough

6 Franklin D. Roosevelt Wins 1932 Election
Provides sense of optimism and hope Has polio, public is unaware Eleanor Roosevelt acts as his “eyes and ears” by travelling the country Used fireside chats to inform and reassure public

7 New Deal Provides Relief, Recovery, Reform “1st 100 Days”
Put people to work, restore confidence, provide economic reform Pump Priming – Boosting the economy

8 New Deal Programs FDIC – Insures $ in banks
TVA – Provide electricity, flood control, jobs CCC – Provide jobs in the outdoors AAA – End overproduction, raise crop prices NRA – Regulate business and industry, set minimum wages and maximum prices PWA – Build bridges, dams, power plants WPA – Built highways, conserved soil and water, jobs SEC – Regulate stock market Social Security – Helps elderly, disabled, unemployed

9 Opposition to New Deal Conservatives say New Deal does too much
Liberals say New Deal doesn’t do enough Some opposed to concept of Welfare State Supreme Court strike down some New Deal programs as unconstitutional  court packing

10 New Deal and Labor FDR believes increasing the living standard of industrial workers was key to improving the economy Wagner Act – Recognizes right of workers to join unions and collectively bargain over wages, hours, conditions Fair Labor Standards Act – Establishes minimum wage and maximum hour work week

11 Impact of New Deal Does not end Great Depression
Role of government expands More involved in economy, establishes a welfare state Changes role of president, influences later presidents Provides sense of hope and a safety net Some programs still around today New role for govt.

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