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Unity of the Church’s Worship

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1 Unity of the Church’s Worship
Acts 2:42-47

2 What is Worship? The main Hebrew word:
Shacah – to bow down in obedient reverence The main Greek Word: Proskuneo – to bow down and kiss the hand of The Old English: Derived from the word worth-ship. Meaning to denote worthiness to the one receiving the honor or devotion.

3 What is Involved in Worship?
The Object Involved: Man is not the object. (Revelation 22:8,9) God must be the object of worship. (John 4:24) The Information: Teachings of man are not the information (Acts 17:23; Colossians 2:23) Truth must be the information. (John 4:24)

4 What is Involved in Worship?
The Right Attitude: Must the attitude be one of habit? (Matthew 15:8,9) Do we have the attitude of the spirit? (John 4:24) The Actions: Leviticus 10:1, 2

5 The Unity of the Church’s Worship
Does Unity in Worship have a Bearing? Definitely YES! “All who believed were together…” (Acts 2:44) “Now the full number of those who believed together…” (Acts 4:32) Remember 1 Corinthians 11:17-32

6 The Unity of the Church’s Worship
Brother vs. Brother: What should you do? Matthew 5:22-23 “Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness...” (Psalms 29:2)

7 What happened to Worship, page 12
Just a Thought… “I am of the opinion that we should not be concerned about working for God until we have learned the meaning and delight of worshipping Him.” A. W. Tozer What happened to Worship, page 12

8 What is Involved in Worship?
The Object Involved: Man is not the object. (Revelation 22:8,9) God must be the object of worship. (John 4:24) The Information: Teachings of man are not the information (Acts 17:23; Colossians 2:23) Truth must be the information. (John 4:24)

9 What is Involved in Worship?
Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart and a humble mind. (1 Peter 3:8)

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