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homework assignment due Feb 23

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1 homework assignment due Feb 23
this will be graded this is required to be done by each project team working together as a team this will be continued and enhanced each week for the rest of the semester only one task - documentation to help organize and focus on your team project list all team members and their s list at least three potential projects biological question addressed computational approach

2 homework page 2 continued
be prepared to discuss your proposals in class make sure the computational part includes at least two (preferably all three) of the components I discussed automated batch processing accessing molecular biology databases parsing info retrieved from databases

3 homework page 3 continued proposed roles for each team member
must specify role and specific team member name everyone should be involved to some extent on all parts, but one person has main responsibility must include one or more software developers user manual design biological question to address set up milestones and check if they are met team manager to oversee whole thing test correctness of code, usability of interface, readibility of user manual

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