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Einstein Model of Solid

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1 Einstein Model of Solid
Lecture 12a Einstein Model of Solid Model of crystal The partition function Low and high temperature limits Thermodynamic functions Problems

2 Real crystal - atoms connected by springs
Total potential energy of a crystal of N atoms at T = 0 c - coordination number r0 - equilibrium separation between atoms u(r0) = u0 = energy of all bonds between a single atom and its neighbors At T > 0 there are also vibrations

3 Einstein Model - atoms connected by springs to fixed points
Approximation - each atoms moves as the rest of the atoms are fixed There is only a single frequency and 3N vibrational modes (3 per each atom) Where is the quantized vibrational energy of ith vibrational mode

4 Partition function Partition function - distinguishable oscillators (sites)

5 Partition function limiting values
Low T high T

6 Free energy, energy and entropy

7 Heat capacity and chemical potential
prove For solid G is about the same as F since PV is small by comparison with E, thus the chemical potential is

8 Problem - obtain low and high temperature limit of heat capacity

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