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Russian Revolution.

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1 Russian Revolution

2 Russia Under the Czars 300 years czars held unlimited power
No constitution 80% of Russians were serfs Russia Under the Czars

3 Beginning of Unrest Alexander II: modernize and emancipate the serfs
Serfs still unhappy because they were not given land they had worked Nobles went bankrupt Beginning of Unrest

4 Revolutionary Movements
Alexander II: allowed regional assemblies, increase education, and freedom of speech Radical groups called for socialism and end czarist rule 1. Peasants 2. Factory workers 3. terrorism Revolutionary Movements

5 Alexander III ruled with an iron fist for 20 years-decreasing everything that Alex II did
Nicolas II son of Alex III: Brink of Revolution The last of the Czars

6 Moving Towards Revolution
Worked in cities, low pay, unsafe conditions, crowded housing Moving Towards Revolution

7 Owners (bourgeoisie) took advantage of working class (proletariat)
Workers must revolt and establish a socialist state Marxism

8 Classless society which people live cooperatively without a need for government

9 Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks-political party

10 Peasants, workers, and intelligentsia wanted a greater voice
Protesters killed on Bloody Sunday Russia defeated in its war wit Japan over Manchuria Revolution of 1905

11 Bolsheviks censored press, secret police, got Russia out of WWI
Reds(Communists) vs Whites(non Communist) 1922- Red Army won and created the USSR-Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Civil War

12 Gov’t took all private businesses, dictated production, peasants forced to provide food to the cities Peasants revolt-secret police arrest and execute anyone involved in revolution 300,000 were killed Red Terror

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