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The beginning and the ongoing gospel

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1 The beginning and the ongoing gospel
Livingston United Methodist Church 2nd Sunday of Eastertide

2 The beginning Who is Jesus? What did Jesus accomplish?
Do we understand it? Do we believe it? Now what? Points back to gospel of John In the beginning was the Word

3 (1) Who is Jesus? What church proclaims Jesus was physical + human
Fully God and fully human We do not hear + see + touch Jesus Trust us. We experienced this. Rely upon this. Tradition = Wisdom of experience Regarding the Word of Life

4 (2) Work of Christ So you may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and the Son Jesus Christ Purpose of gospel = koinonia Fellowship or communion Same communion that binds Father + Son + Holy Spirit We share in that same life

5 “The Trinity” by Andrei Rublev (Russian, 15th century)

6 (2) What Jesus accomplishes
So we have communion with God + one another So that your (or our) joy will be complete Joy = deeper than happiness Satisfaction of the kingdom of God No longer separated from God because of sin Christ gave his life to heal broken relationship Joy + communion = True goal of human existence

7 (3) The ongoing gospel Work of Christ continues to shape life of Christian church This is the message. God is light. In him there is no darkness. Okay… If we say we have communion with him and walk in darkness we do not practice the truth

8 Two truths in tension (1) Reality of sin (2) Christ demands perfection
Cannot deny or avoid (2) Christ demands perfection Be perfect (or complete) as your heavenly Father is perfect. John Wesley and Christian perfection (?!?) Zeno’s paradox Always reaching yet (never?) arriving Process of becoming saints never ends

9 Saved and always being saved
If we confess our sins He is faithful and just And will forgive and cleanse Examination and confession Daily + weekly spiritual discipline Monthly Regular part of life + worship of Christian church


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