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Russia, China, India and Southwest Asia

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Presentation on theme: "Russia, China, India and Southwest Asia"— Presentation transcript:

1 Russia, China, India and Southwest Asia
The Interwar Years

2 Warm Up 2/22 Who are these men? Why are they important?
Hint: We are beginning a unit on Russia, China, and India

3 Agenda 2/22 Warm Up New Unit Introduction Russian Revolution Notes
Individual Work/Grade Checks Announcements: Test make-ups Wed. during tutorial WWI tests will not be included in R4 grades

4 The Russian Revolution Peace, Land, & Bread

5 Czar Alexander III ( ) Oblivious to nation’s problems and needs; avoided diplomatic duties & political involvement; believed in power of tradition and authority--> “autocracy, orthodoxy, & nationality” Instituted a program of fear to control opposition: created network of spies, censored the press, outlawed all languages but Russian, persecuted ethnic minorities, & executed a wave of pogroms: organized violence against Jews Result: a nation of instability & discontent

6 Czar Nicholas II ( ) Kept same programs/policies as Alexander III – wants to preserve czarist rule and traditions Resistant to changing conditions of the times Russia lags in industrialization and tries to catch up Nicholas’ minister, Sergey Witte, leads effort of Trans-Siberian Railway done in 1904 Revolutionary movement begins to grow among working class (proletariat) as rapid industrialization affects working conditions

7 The Peasants Peasants wanted land reform

8 The intelligentsia Liberals (intellectuals) wanted democracy, a constitution, & rights

9 The Proletariat Working class wants better working conditions

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