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Brîff 7 Munud - Cefnogi rhieni plant ifanc y camfanteisiwyd arnynt yn rhywiol Supporting parents of sexually exploited young people - 7 Minute Briefing.

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Presentation on theme: "Brîff 7 Munud - Cefnogi rhieni plant ifanc y camfanteisiwyd arnynt yn rhywiol Supporting parents of sexually exploited young people - 7 Minute Briefing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brîff 7 Munud - Cefnogi rhieni plant ifanc y camfanteisiwyd arnynt yn rhywiol Supporting parents of sexually exploited young people - 7 Minute Briefing

2 1. Cefndir Background Mae amddiffyn plant wedi canolbwyntio'n draddodiadol ar gamdriniaeth ac esgeulustod o fewn y teulu. O ddiwedd y 1990au, dechreuodd nifer o leisiau, yn enwedig o fewn sefydliadau gwirfoddol, adnabod camfanteisio’n rhywiol ar bobl ifanc y tu allan i'r teulu, ac i eirioli fod hyn yn cael ei gymryd o ddifrif fel pryder am amddiffyn plant, ac am wasanaethau sy'n gweithio gyda phlant a theuluoedd Child protection has traditionally focused on abuse and neglect within the family. From the late 1990s a number of voices, particularly within voluntary organisations, began to identify the sexual exploitation of young people outside the family and to advocate for this to be taken seriously as a concern for child protection, and for services working with children and families

3 2. Cefndir Background Er bod Camfanteisio’n Rhywiol ar Blant bellach yn cael ei dderbyn fel pryder diogelu mawr, gall anghydfod godi rhwng safbwynt y gwasanaethau statudol ac anghenion teuluoedd pan gamfanteisir yn rhywiol ar berson ifanc. Mae tri phrif reswm dros hyn: 1) Datblygwyd dulliau o ddiogelu yn bennaf gyda phlant iau mewn golwg, ac mae anghenion pobl ifanc yn eu harddegau - a rhieni pobl ifanc yn eu harddegau - yn wahanol Although CSE is now accepted as a major safeguarding concern, there can be a mismatch between the perspective of statutory services and the needs of families when a young person is sexually exploited. There are three main reasons for this: 1) Approaches to safeguarding have largely been developed with younger children in mind, and the needs of teenagers – and parents of teenagers – are different

4 3. Cefndir Background 2. Mae ymatebion i ddiogelu plant wedi datblygu ar y sail bod y rhan fwyaf o gamdriniaeth yn digwydd o fewn y teulu, ac mae hyn wedi arwain at 'sefyllfa ddiofyn' wrth ystyried rhieni yn fwy fel rhan o'r broblem nag fel partneriaid sy’n amddiffyn eu plant 3. Mae datblygu gwasanaethau arbenigol Camfanteisio’n Rhywiol ar Blant wedi tueddu i ganolbwyntio ar y person ifanc fel unigolyn yn hytrach na datblygu dull teuluol. O ganlyniad, mae rhieni pobl ifanc y camfanteisiwyd arnynt yn rhywiol wedi tueddu i gael eu hanwybyddu gan wasanaethau, neu eu bod yn cael eu hystyried ar fai yn rhannol o leiaf 2. Responses to safeguarding children have developed on the basis that most abuse occurs within the family, and this has led to a ‘default position’ of seeing parents more as part of the problem than as partners in protecting their children 3. The development of specialist CSE services has tended to focus on the young person as an individual rather than developing a family-based approach. As a consequence, parents of sexually exploited young people have tended to be overlooked by services or seen as at least partially to blame

5 4. Negeseuon Allweddol 4. Key Messages
Pan gamfanteisir yn rhywiol ar blentyn, neu os oes pryderon difrifol ynghylch Camfanteisio’n Rhywiol ar Blant, bydd llawer o rieni yn dod ar draws gwasanaethau a systemau am y tro cyntaf - a lle mae rhieni wedi cael cyswllt blaenorol â gwasanaethau, mae'r ffocws yn debygol o fod yn eithaf gwahanol. Yr hyn y mae rhieni ei eisiau yn y sefyllfa hon yw perthynas barchus, onest gyda gweithwyr proffesiynol sydd â rhywfaint o werthfawrogiad o'r hyn maen nhw'n ei brofi. When their child is sexually exploited, or there are serious concerns about CSE, many parents will be encountering services and systems for the first time – and where parents have had previous contact with services, the focus is likely to have been quite different. What parents want in this situation are respectful, honest relationships with professionals who have some appreciation of what they are experiencing.

6 5. Negeseuon Allweddol 5. Key Messages
Mae rhieni eisiau cynyddu eu dealltwriaeth a'u hyder wrth ddiogelu eu plentyn, yn hytrach na chael eu beio neu eu stigmateiddio. Maent yn gwerthfawrogi cefnogaeth sy'n eu galluogi i fyfyrio ar eu profiadau eu hunain a rhannu'r rhain gyda rhieni eraill. Efallai na fydd rhieni sy'n methu arwyddion cynnar o Gamfanteisio’n Rhywiol ar Blant yn sylweddoli bod angen cefnogaeth arnynt nes bod y sefyllfa'n dod yn ddifrifol iawn, tra bod angen cymryd y rhai sy'n ceisio tynnu sylw at bryderon cynnar o Gamfanteisio’n Rhywiol ar Blant o ddifrif; felly mae angen i gefnogaeth fod ar gael i rieni pryd bynnag y byddant fwyaf ei hangen. Parents want to increase their understanding and confidence in safeguarding their child, rather than to be blamed or stigmatised. They value support that enables them to reflect on their own experiences and share these with other parents. Parents who miss the early signs of CSE may not realise that they need support until the situation becomes very serious, whilst those who attempt to ‘flag’ early concerns about CSE need to be taken seriously; support therefore needs to be available to parents whenever they most need it.

7 6. Negeseuon Allweddol 6. Key Messages
Mae'n debygol y bydd angen cefnogaeth ar rieni ar draws pedwar maes: Eu perthynas â'u plentyn, ac yn arbennig i ddeall datblygiad pobl ifanc yn eu harddegau, beth sy'n gwneud eu plentyn yn ddiamddiffyn, sut mae troseddwyr yn magu perthynas amhriodol a rheolaeth, eu rôl fel rhieni, a sut y gall rhianta helpu. Eu hanghenion emosiynol eu hunain, gan gynnwys delio â thrawma camfanteisio’n rhywiol ar blant, Delio â systemau, gan gynnwys deall sut mae systemau heddlu, cyfreithiol a diogelu plant yn gweithio, a chael rhywun sy'n gallu eirioli ar ran rieni. Adeiladu eu gwytnwch, gan gynnwys nodi ffynonellau cefnogi yn y teulu a'r gymuned ehangach, a chael mynediad at y gefnogaeth broffesiynol a gan gymheiriaid y maent eu hangen. Parents are likely to need support across four areas: Their relationship with their child, and particularly understanding teenage development, what makes their child vulnerable, how perpetrators groom and control, their role as parents, and how parenting can help. Their own emotional needs, including dealing with the trauma of CSE, Dealing with systems, including understanding how police, legal and child protection systems work, and having someone who can advocate for parents. Building their resilience, including identifying sources of support in the wider family and community, and accessing the professional and peer support they require.

8 7. Goblygiadau Arfer 7. Implications for Practice
Dyma sy’n allweddol ymhlith y rhain: • gweld rhieni fel partneriaid mewn diogelu • cymryd ymagwedd teulu cyfan, gan gynnwys tadau yn ogystal â mamau, a mynd i'r afael â phroblemau gyda pherthynas oedolyn- plentyn ac oedolyn-oedolyn • cadw ffocws ar ganlyniadau, yn enwedig diogelwch a lles plant a phobl ifanc • gwneud mynediad i gefnogaeth mor hawdd â phosib • cynllunio cefnogaeth sy'n hyblyg ac yn mynd i'r afael ag anghenion teuluoedd a aseswyd • defnyddio persbectif sy'n seiliedig ar gryfderau sy'n cydnabod ac yn gwerthfawrogi'r ffactorau gwydnwch ym mywydau teuluoedd • cydlynu cefnogaeth ar draws asiantaethau er mwyn osgoi dyblygu a nodi bylchau yn y ddarpariaeth. Key amongst these are: • seeing parents as partners in safeguarding • taking a whole family approach, involving fathers as well as mothers, and addressing issues with adult-child and adult-adult relationships • keeping a focus on outcomes, particularly the safety and wellbeing of children and young people • making access to support as easy as possible • planning support that is flexible and addresses the assessed needs of families • applying a strengths-based perspective which recognises and values the resilience factors in families’ lives • joining up support across agencies to avoid duplication and identify gaps in provision.

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