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French Revolution Setting the Stage:

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1 French Revolution Setting the Stage: France was one of the most powerful countries in the world during this time period (1780’s). France was ruled by King Louis XVI and had been ruled be a monarchy for centuries.

2 The king was a tyrant that oppressed the people and threw them in jail for disagreeing with them.
The third estate was being taxed way too much. People were starving because they were so poor. People were being attacked because there wasn’t adequate protection.

3 France’s Financial Crisis
France as a country was prosperous, but it was running a debt because of the cost of maintaining the royal family at Versailles. Marie Antoinette King Louis XVI Marie Antoinette spent 100,000 livres a year on clothing, the average peasant made 500 livres a year. By 1789, the government used 50% of its budget to pay off debt, 13% of the budget went to pay for the royal family and its household staff of 15,000 people. King Louis XVI needed money, but from where.

4 Reasons For Financial Crisis
War Debt (American Revolution & 7 Years King and Queen spending too much Bad weather causing a shortage of food Large % of money going to pay off loans

5 The Old Regime 1st and 2nd did not pay taxes
1% pop. Owned 10% of land, Roman Catholic clergy, collected 10% tax (tithe) The Old Regime 1st Estate 1st and 2nd did not pay taxes 2% of pop. Owned 35% of land Collected feudal dues, taxes and rent from the peasants. 2nd Estate Nobleman, Military leaders, government officials 3rd Estate 97% of population, paid all taxes Doctors, lawyers, merchants, middle class, known as the bourgeoisie Laborers who lived in cities with families, low wages Peasants- Owned 40% of land, but very poor. Paid taxes, feudal dues and tithes. Also had to do gov. work without pay.


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