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Chapter 7: Cell Structure & Function

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1 Chapter 7: Cell Structure & Function

2 1. Exploring the cell Use light or electron microscopes to magnify image Light Microscope & Stains Light passes thru specimen 2 lenses to form image 1st: objective lens (ex: scanning); enlarges image 2nd: ocular lens-eye piece (10x);magnifies further Magnifies up to 1000x Yeast using light microscope

3 Fluorescence Microscopy
Stains & Dyes Used to see cells more clearly Show compounds or structures w/in cell Fluorescence Microscopy Variation to stain, gives off light of a certain color Attach to specific molecules & visible with fluorescence scope

4 B. Electron Microscopes Observe specimens less than 1millionth meter
Use beams of e- focused by magnetic fields Higher resolution than light Uses vacuum w/chem to preserve sample; (nonliving) Transmission (TEM) Explore struct of large protein molecules Appears flat/2D b/c e- pass thru thin samples White blood cell w/TEM Mitochondria s/TEM

5 2. Scanning (SEM) Pencil-like beam of e- Scan over surface of specimen
Shows 3D b/c it goes on surface & doesn’t cut thin slices Spider using SEM Avian Flu Virus w/SEM Blood Cells w/SEM


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