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Learning from evaluations

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Presentation on theme: "Learning from evaluations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning from evaluations
Jacques Toulemonde Shaping the future of the ESF Brussels /06 /2010

2 Learning from evaluations
Study on the Return on Human Capital Investment DG Employment October June 2010 Research synthesis Impact analyses in four countries Meta-evaluation

3 Main knowledge gaps Relating costs and impact
Findings Main knowledge gaps Relating costs and impact Investing in ‘at-risk’ sectors, firms, and people Specific impact Per training approach (quality) Per publics (women, younger, elder, vulnerable) Impact over the business cycle Substitution effect and skill mismatch

4 Lessons about impact analysis
Findings Lessons about impact analysis Impact indicators lie Data collection matters Analysing impact takes years Impact estimates do not speak by themselves Broader studies, fewer lessons

5 Lessons about learning
Findings Lessons about learning Four success stories of impact analyses Credible methods Relevant findings … but limited learning Supply push Insufficient explanation Problematic timeliness

6 What does prevent us to learn?
Findings What does prevent us to learn? Limited political ownership Lack of explanatory studies Lack of selectivity Poor dissemination strategy Learning process trapped in the programming cycle

7 Make learning mandatory
Proposals Make learning mandatory Rolling evaluation plans Including impact analyses targeted at knowledge gaps Annual follow up report Including quality assessed lessons Knowledge syntheses In all evaluations Before any financial decision Learning: a conditionality

8 Towards knowledge communities
Proposals Towards knowledge communities Incentives for Bridging knowledge gaps Clustering evaluations across programmes Participating in knowledge communities Guidance for Sound impact analysis techniques Effective dissemination approaches Mutual learning about Making evaluation used by policy-makers

9 Thank you for your attention

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