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冀教版 八年级上册 Lesson 38 Hobbies Are Fun!.

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1 冀教版 八年级上册 Lesson 38 Hobbies Are Fun!

2 Happy is the man who is living by his hobby.
c Sayings All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Happy is the man who is living by his hobby. If you have time after work for your hobby, you are lucky. But if work itself is a hobby for you, you are the luckiest. Do you know any similar sayings in Chinese?

3 Ractive hobbies

4 Rcreative hobbies

5 Hobbies are an important part in our life.
Hobbies are not only fun but also can help us develop some skills.

6 Listen to the passage and finish the following exercises.
1. What is the old saying in this lesson? 2.Circle the hobby that is NOT mentioned in the lesson. A happy child has a hobby. cooking card games acting gardening collecting painting eggs

7 Task-based Reading 1. It is late to learn something new when we are old. ( ) 2. What is the key sentence in Para.2? 3. Is collecting postcards an outdoor activity? 4. People usually take up ____________ when they are young. 5. A hobby can help build your confidence and make your life more colourful. (Translate)

8 There are many different types of hobbies.
Task-based Reading 1. It is late to learn something new when we are old. ( ) 2. What is the key sentence in Para.2? 3. Is collecting postcards an outdoor activity? F It’s never too late to learn something new. There are many different types of hobbies. No. Geography, travelling, skiing and some other such activities are outdoor activities.

9 Task-based Reading 4. People usually take up _______________________ when they are young. their first hobby Lang Lang loves playing the piano. He began to play it at the age of 3. Now he is a world famous pianist.

10 爱好可以帮助你建立自信心并且使你的生活多姿多彩。
Task-based Reading 5. A hobby can help build your confidence and make your life more colourful. (Translate) 爱好可以帮助你建立自信心并且使你的生活多姿多彩。 David always thinks he can do anything well because he is a man with great confidence.

11 Read the lesson again and organize the hobbies into the following groups. Each pair adds one more hobby to each group that is not mentioned in the lesson. stamp collection Collections Hobbies Outdoor Activities Games &Arts others Pair work

12 Hip-hop time

13 Practice with the words and phrases.
confidence first hobby take up not only…but also I’d like you to meet Chinese hip hop dancer Wu Ying, age 73. In 2003, Wu Ying watched the first Chinese National Hip Hop Dance Competition on TV. She fell in love with the music, the energy and the fashion. So she ________hip-hop in classes at her local gym. Hip-hop became Wu Ying’s __________ She even found four more women interested in learning the moves. They called themselves The Hip Hop Grannies and practiced hours a day. Now they’ve grown to over 30 members (the youngest is 51 and the oldest 73!)and have performed all over China. Wu Ying said, “________young people, _______the old like hip-hop. It builds our __________ and makes us feel we are young again.” took up first hobby. Not only but also confidence

14 Extensive Reading Questions: 1. What’s the writer’s favorite hobby?
Everybody has different hobbies that they like to do for fun or just to relax. There are many kinds of activities like football, basketball, swimming, or baseball. For me, volleyball is my favorite hobby because it's part of my life and I cannot live without it Since I was a little girl I played volleyball in the school team and also with my friends in the neighborhood. My mother told me that I liked kicking the ball around and had so much fun with it when I was only about two years old. Since then, playing volleyball is my favorite sport and it is my hobby in my spare time. Playing volleyball helps me to relax and have confidence when I have stress and frustration(压力和挫折).When I play volleyball I feel healthier and stronger, and I can meet new people from the neighbor, too. I not only like playing volleyball but also enjoy watching volleyball on TV. When I go to the beach, my family and friends get together to play and we have a lot of fun. Volleyball is a part of my life and it means a lot to me. Now I am trying to get in a team. It is so much fun to play with the ball. I love volleyball so much. Questions: 1. What’s the writer’s favorite hobby? 2. What can the writer get from the hobby?

15 Pair work Talk about a hobby
Task 1: A: What’s your hobby? B: … A: What can you learn from this hobby? A: How can it help you? Task 2: A: Would you like to say something about your hobby? B: Yes. My hobby is… A: What skills can you get from it? B: … A: How can it help you in the future? Pair work

16 Create a poster that describes your hobby.
*What is your hobby? *What can you get from your hobby? *What skills can you gain? *How can it help you now and in the future? Take up swimming. Swimming is not only good for my health, but also can help me to keep good shape.

17 Homework Write down the dialogue you made in the class.
Better your poster that you made in the class and share your joy you get from your hobby.

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